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MFC Media Appearances on "Black Sunday"


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"I don't have hatred for the board but I hate with a passion their decision to re appoint Schwab after the Geelong debacle and then compound their error by giving him a further 3 years. They are just rubbing our noses in it, they have locked in their position behind a failed CEO and can't see that they may be wrong. The scoreboard doesn't lie".

And that was the action of a board who panicked and a board which did not understand what a strong board does and I believe now that they are being shown how it should operate, if they did what some posters want and stand down who going to show the next board what is required? what I hope for that out of this mess the board will become stronger and have learnt how to show strength when it is needed and how to act, if they have learnt from past mistakes then that is a great thing if not then we will continue to never be a force.

It's ok to show strength but they are backing the wrong horse. Show strength and support the coach if they think he is the right man for the job, show strength and move him on asap if he is not.

...but don't show strength and back someone who has proven to be a failure in his overall role as CEO of the club.

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It's ok to show strength but they are backing the wrong horse. Show strength and support the coach if they think he is the right man for the job, show strength and move him on asap if he is not.

...but don't show strength and back someone who has proven to be a failure in his overall role as CEO of the club.

Apart from apparently meddling the FD a couple of years ago, for which he got a big slap, he has from where I sit been a success in the role.

CEOs should not be seen or heard, which is what he has done since the slap (and pulling his head in).

Very few CEOs from any club make the papers, except for contract negotiations (eg Newboard & Franklin), etc.

Edited by Mono
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The club needs 2 or 3 really strong non MFC football people to quietly join the board at season's end.Then over the next 2 to 3 years bring about the change from the top down. The FD is stacked with good people, including the playing group. I don't see them as our current problem.

This can't happen with a knee jerk response by sacking our CEO and our President. The right people need to be found and installed with as little fuss as possible. The AFL will need to help us with that.

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The club needs 2 or 3 really strong non MFC football people to quietly join the board at season's end.Then over the next 2 to 3 years bring about the change from the top down. The FD is stacked with good people, including the playing group. I don't see them as our current problem.

This can't happen with a knee jerk response by sacking our CEO and our President. The right people need to be found and installed with as little fuss as possible. The AFL will need to help us with that.

We can't afford to do things quietly over 2-3 years Roost. The supporters will be gone. I understand what you are saying but we need solid action or the joint will die.
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In terms of overriding the President and CEO;

The President, unless resigning, can only be overthrown by the members.

Instead of whinging, get a petition together (try and get 100+ members to sign it), take it to the club, and challenge for Presidency. We will see the true colours of these opinionated Demonland members then.

it is commercial/company law.

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It's ok to show strength but they are backing the wrong horse. Show strength and support the coach if they think he is the right man for the job, show strength and move him on asap if he is not.

...but don't show strength and back someone who has proven to be a failure in his overall role as CEO of the club.

In your opinion, your right in your opinion and i'm not wrong in mine, lets see how this plays out.

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We can't afford to do things quietly over 2-3 years Roost. The supporters will be gone. I understand what you are saying but we need solid action or the joint will die.

You're dramatising like most on this forum at the moment. We're safe at least until the tv rights expire so stop worrying. Rash actions will only sink us further into the mire. We need a bit of help from AFL house and a couple of first rate non MFC board members.

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Words are cheap, and so is our brand right now.

Could they just stop talking in every media outlet, and get on with trying to fix this horrible car-crash of a mess we find ourselves in?

All this media chatter does is appease the simple minded, and makes the rest of us more annoyed at the lack of answers and direction.

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You're dramatising like most on this forum at the moment. We're safe at least until the tv rights expire so stop worrying. Rash actions will only sink us further into the mire. We need a bit of help from AFL house and a couple of first rate non MFC board members.

Who, on the board do you consider to be MFC board members?

As far as I know, Howcroft, Hayes and Grimshaw are not soldered-on demon supporters (ie blinkered, passionate, etc).

Do you mean non ex-MFC players? If so, the only one on the board who is, is Greg Healy - football director.

Perhaps you mean in an admin/FD role? There are currently no ex MFC players in such roles.

So what the hell do you mean?

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Happy to appear simple-minded, but I'd be pretty shat if they didn't come out with this onslaught of interviews right now. Especially Schwab, it was about time.

Why? He is the CEO - he is in charge of the "business". Not the football side of things.

McLardy is the one who should be speaking for the club - and he has been......forcefully.

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Why? He is the CEO - he is in charge of the "business". Not the football side of things.

McLardy is the one who should be speaking for the club - and he has been......forcefully.

He is responsible for ensuring the club has the facilities to develop players, he sets the brand and the direction of the football club. His direction impacts the culture of the football club.

The entire club is under fire from top to bottom and there was a responsibility to either come out and defend it or explain how it's gone so horribly wrong.

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Happy to appear simple-minded, but I'd be pretty shat if they didn't come out with this onslaught of interviews right now. Especially Schwab, it was about time.

And what did you learn that you didn't already know?

Schwab is a smooth talker, he can spin dog sh*t and make it seem like gold. We know that, but it explains nothing about why we are playing the way we are, or what we plan to do about it, or indeed why he has anything to do with the footy department. He has zero footy coaching credentials, so he should not be involved. Period.

One interview, by our president, would have been sufficient. Multiple interviews by multiple people talking the same old boring cliches is a waste of time.

I'd like to hear from this club when something substantial happens, or heaven forbids, we win a goddamn game.

This club has given us nothing for two years now. Our coach is lost for answers, while the others are spinning the company line, as you would expect, and doing nothing to ease our minds in the process.

Talk less, and get on with stopping this club from dying a slow and painful death. Prove to us that you made the right choice and you can manage this club successfully.

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Who, on the board do you consider to be MFC board members?

As far as I know, Howcroft, Hayes and Grimshaw are not soldered-on demon supporters (ie blinkered, passionate, etc).

Do you mean non ex-MFC players? If so, the only one on the board who is, is Greg Healy - football director.

Perhaps you mean in an admin/FD role? There are currently no ex MFC players in such roles.

So what the hell do you mean?

I think you know what I mean.

I mean people who are affiliated with strong, successful sporting organisations who the club and the AFL can coax to come and fix up our mess

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And what did you learn that you didn't already know?

Schwab is a smooth talker, he can spin dog sh*t and make it seem like gold. We know that, but it explains nothing about why we are playing the way we are, or what we plan to do about it, or indeed why he has anything to do with the footy department. He has zero footy coaching credentials, so he should not be involved. Period.

One interview, by our president, would have been sufficient. Multiple interviews by multiple people talking the same old boring cliches is a waste of time.

I'd like to hear from this club when something substantial happens, or heaven forbids, we win a goddamn game.

This club has given us nothing for two years now. Our coach is lost for answers, while the others are spinning the company line, as you would expect, and doing nothing to ease our minds in the process.

Talk less, and get on with stopping this club from dying a slow and painful death. Prove to us that you made the right choice and you can manage this club successfully.

That's your take on it and I see where you're coming from, but I'd prefer to hear something from the club and don't think that a 5 minute interview dramatically impacts on their ability to get the job done. Besides, doing interviews means the media stories are filled with the club's positive 'spin' rather than every commentator, past player and his dog ragging on us. The media's going to get a story from somewhere and I'd rather it come from us.

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The club needs 2 or 3 really strong non MFC football people to quietly join the board at season's end.Then over the next 2 to 3 years bring about the change from the top down. The FD is stacked with good people, including the playing group. I don't see them as our current problem.

This can't happen with a knee jerk response by sacking our CEO and our President. The right people need to be found and installed with as little fuss as possible. The AFL will need to help us with that.

I don't have a problem with our board members, from all accounts (public and private), they are a good group of successful people. I completely agree with the little fuss aspect, if we are to continue like this for the bulk of the season I believe that there will be a 'ticket' of sorts and I hope we do a handover of President to someone who can have some attraction from a football or commercial standpoint (either a 'Kernahan' or 'Eddie'), while keeping the Board members who wish to stay.

This will have to coincide with a complete moving past at the Admin level of what happened in 2011 (remember this is if 2013 continues the way it has) and the removal of Schwab - I hope we negotiated an opt-out clause for this event.

Coaching is a tad different in that caretaker coaches are more amenable to a club's stability (but more costly).

Getting an experienced Coach in October will be tough. Mark Williams?

I really hope we can pull a rabbit out of a hat and salvage this season.

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Just stayed on to listen to the after comments and Walls and Rohan Connolly are calling for the AFL to step in and place the Club under administration!

Good. More of this type of heat will be applied in the coming weeks.

Phase one of The Revolution has begun.

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Apart from apparently meddling the FD a couple of years ago, for which he got a big slap, he has from where I sit been a success in the role.

CEOs should not be seen or heard, which is what he has done since the slap (and pulling his head in).

Very few CEOs from any club make the papers, except for contract negotiations (eg Newboard & Franklin), etc.

A huge success, I'm so happy you are happy with the way the club is going.

By the way Newbold is the President of the Hawthorn FC, Stuart Fox is the CEO (came up under Brian Cook at Geelong, not a bad mentor who with Greg Swan and Gary Pert do make the papers when there is an issue they need to address)

In your opinion, your right in your opinion and i'm not wrong in mine, lets see how this plays out.

No it's only an opinion, of course I think I'm right it's why I'm expressing it. Your opinion is not wrong, it's just an opinion. I just hope I get the chance to prove my opinion otherwise, in my opinion I think we are screwed.


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The club needs 2 or 3 really strong non MFC football people to quietly join the board at season's end.Then over the next 2 to 3 years bring about the change from the top down. The FD is stacked with good people, including the playing group. I don't see them as our current problem.

This can't happen with a knee jerk response by sacking our CEO and our President. The right people need to be found and installed with as little fuss as possible. The AFL will need to help us with that.

Honestly I think this is the coolest and best response to this. Stability is key here and least the vision of a united club. To sack people and spill the board would only serve to fracture the club and undo the work of Jimmy.

And people should never forget that while it was Jimmy that was the catalyst for change at the club. Schwab, Don and the current board were all the prime movers behind the scenes to see it realised.

Of all the media talk from the club, Mitch for me is the key. Of course he's not going to go on and slag the coach and the board, but he's dead right in that when you're facing a 100+ defeat the players are truly the only ones responsible for preventing it.

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History has shown that as soon as a Board /Chairman /CEO says a coach is safe that means his time is fast running out.

The only reason these people say that is because he is in a very poor position.

Otherwise why is there a need to give their support?

Another big loss next weekend and a loss the week after to GWS and he will be gone IMO

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History has shown that as soon as a Board /Chairman /CEO says a coach is safe that means his time is fast running out.

The only reason these people say that is because he is in a very poor position.

Otherwise why is there a need to give their support?

Another big loss next weekend and a loss the week after to GWS and he will be gone IMO

What a delicate balance McLardy is trying to ride: 'we are all in this together, we need unity, but the admin is not to blame and is doing fine.'

Rohan Connolly can GAGF when he says we need to be run by the AFL - but he is right when he says that you win and fail as a collective.

If it comes to that OD then McLardy has to promise to step aside (allowing some time for a football person or commericial personality to pop up), and the Admin has to cleaned out as much as possible.

We are failing abysmally and we are doing that as a club.

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What a delicate balance McLardy is trying to ride: 'we are all in this together, we need unity, but the admin is not to blame and is doing fine.'

Rohan Connolly can GAGF when he says we need to be run by the AFL - but he is right when he says that you win and fail as a collective.

If it comes to that OD then McLardy has to promise to step aside (allowing some time for a football person or commericial personality to pop up), and the Admin has to cleaned out as much as possible.

We are failing abysmally and we are doing that as a club.

The MFC need outside people to come in and sort it out objectively.

Treat all inside as equal. No favourites.

We need this to happen now.

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