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What questions are you going to ask at the AGM?


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Guest José Mourinho
correction: from a wannabe real estate pov

who ever believed real estate agents?

Who cares? It's really about the value of the land, not the legitimacy of its categorisation.

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correction: from a wannabe real estate pov

who ever believed real estate agents?

Great guys.

Honest pros.


east bentleigh inner city - give me a break wyl :wacko:

it is DC. Compared to all the suburbs growing out west. It is close to the city.

Been on the western ring road lately?

Who cares? It's really about the value of the land, not the legitimacy of its categorisation.

How much it is costing us is pretty important to I would have thought, even more so if we are restricted in when we can sell.

How much it is costing us is pretty important to I would have thought, even more so if we are restricted in when we can sell.

i think we had quite a long thread on this about a year ago. i can't remember all the fine print

i think we had quite a long thread on this about a year ago. i can't remember all the fine print

The soil contamination since we inked the deal with the Stete School is still repairable , eventually.

No need to worry.

no its not. its about distance to the cbd.

My office is in Centre Road Bentleigh near Thomas Street and if I travel to the city I drive to Gardenvale and get the train from there; it takes about 15 minutes on the train and 5 to 6 minutes to Garnedvale. If you go by train from Bentleigh it takes a hell of a lot longer though.

Driving in to the city is not an option, takes too long.

We bought the building our office is in, in 2003 and it's more than doubled in value since then; it is getting expensive there now.


I see Romsey as the perfect place for a social club and training facility. Of course , even though I'd put in a good word, those of Biffen's ilk would not get in. ( You'd be unlikely too DC)

A respectable type like Stuie would certainly make the cut.

I see Romsey as the perfect place for a social club and training facility. Of course , even though I'd put in a good word, those of Biffen's ilk would not get in. ( You'd be unlikely too DC)

A respectable type like Stuie would certainly make the cut.

I see you have recovered quite a bit since the morning Bbo.

obviously it has started to wear off.

I have been worried about you all day.

i think we had quite a long thread on this about a year ago. i can't remember all the fine print

Thanks, I missed that one. Will look it up.

You say that our club is well run and quote the debt levels at other clubs to justify your argument....and misqote the MFC level of debt. Is our club well run from a financial point of view when the Club has to go the members each year to chip in $500K to $1M to balance the books? The Board chipped in $130K in 2012 as part of the Heroes campagn. (you could look at that as an admission of failure by the Board and CS in running the Club) Where is the business model to provide the profits and cash flows to fund the FD and grow the Club?

My query with CS is not whether he has done a good job but could the Club do better? Is there a better candidate out there?

You're kidding me right???

Carlton get monies from their prominate members as do all clubs....Carlton have Jenny Pratt who bankrolls the club and still can't make a profit....Visey has bankrolled Judd's extra payments.....Richmond just held a debt demolition as we did to nearly get out of their debt.....If you look back CS took Freo out of the dark ages(finance wise).The MFC has a business plan (which will probably be put at the AGM)........I am not a business man and I profess to not knowing the finer details of said business,but I do know that the club has done pretty well in this financial climate to come out even or with a small profit for the year from hell...

Is there someone better???....I am sure there is but at what cost...how much are you willing for the club to spend???/

I see Romsey as the perfect place for a social club and training facility. Of course , even though I'd put in a good word, those of Biffen's ilk would not get in. ( You'd be unlikely too DC)

A respectable type like Stuie would certainly make the cut.

they got a sheltered work shop for biffo, bbo?

can you buy bananas in romsey?

what currency is legal tender (apart from rabbit skins)?

I don't want to go into that DC. Let's just say it's a place where dead foxes are hung on fences. That is a matter I've had some local council issues with. Banana buying is a suspicious activity.

You're kidding me right???

Carlton get monies from their prominate members as do all clubs....Carlton have Jenny Pratt who bankrolls the club and still can't make a profit....Visey has bankrolled Judd's extra payments.....Richmond just held a debt demolition as we did to nearly get out of their debt.....If you look back CS took Freo out of the dark ages(finance wise).The MFC has a business plan (which will probably be put at the AGM)........I am not a business man and I profess to not knowing the finer details of said business,but I do know that the club has done pretty well in this financial climate to come out even or with a small profit for the year from hell...

Is there someone better???....I am sure there is but at what cost...how much are you willing for the club to spend???/

Its worth noting that we are now in this so called FD 'arms race' where supporters are going to be asked to chip in extra year on year. It's got nothing to do with balancing the books. We are millions behind the big membership clubs every year and as you note THEY are going to their members for extra money as well!

Its worth noting that we are now in this so called FD 'arms race' where supporters are going to be asked to chip in extra year on year. It's got nothing to do with balancing the books. We are millions behind the big membership clubs every year and as you note THEY are going to their members for extra money as well!

I went to a MFC lunch a few years ago and was told that there were plenty of people with money who would put their hand in their pocket but not whilst the current board, at the time, was in place. It was only when Jimmy came on board that it did. It's my belief that it will continue unless the current Board start to blow it or don't achieve any success.

I don't want to go into that DC. Let's just say it's a place where dead foxes are hung on fences. That is a matter I've had some local council issues with. Banana buying is a suspicious activity.

I frequently attempt to buy land up there using glass beads, mirrors blankets and rifles.

The natives are onto it, despite their primitive appearance .

One day I will go up there( just after harvest) and trick them while they are intoxicated on their rough country alcohol.

I have done the geological reports and I am positive there is uranium there.

If not , perhaps we could dump spent fuel there.

The potential is huge and the locals are divided .

Apart from a thriving poetry scene, they are screaming out for development.

I see Romsey as the perfect place for a social club and training facility. Of course , even though I'd put in a good word, those of Biffen's ilk would not get in. ( You'd be unlikely too DC)

A respectable type like Stuie would certainly make the cut.

Stuie has got enough on his plate without trying to develop a potential industrial Mecca like Romsey.

The sense of entitlement you provincial types have is staggering .

Those mining resources are for all of us to share , not just for foodies to crap on about goats cheese and herb farms.


they do serve a necessary purpose

And charge like a wounded bull for doing nothing but spin.

Most overpaid and and destructive middle men in the world.

Destructive? Yes because they are the major cause of inflation.

Apologies for getting off thread but I just had to do it.


My question is whether the club has made provision in next year's budget for income derived from the proceeds of defamation actions against members of the media and other individuals and, if so, how much is it expecting to receive (to the nearest $100k)?

And charge like a wounded bull for doing nothing but spin.

Most overpaid and and destructive middle men in the world.

Destructive? Yes because they are the major cause of inflation.

Apologies for getting off thread but I just had to do it.

stamp duty gives them good competition in the overpaid, destructive, inflation stakes


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