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2012 London Olympics


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On another note, with the swimming now all wrapped up I can confirm that this has been our worst Olympics in the pool (medal tally wise) since Barcelona 1992 where we ended the meet with 1 Gold, 3 Silver and 5 Bronze, we even did better in Moscow 1980 with 2 Gold and 5 Bronze. Here's a list of how we've gone at every Olympics from a disaster of 1976 Montreal to how we're faring so far, not to good really!


Monreal 1976 0 1 4 (in the pool 1 Bronze)

Moscow 1980 2 2 5 (in the pool 2 Gold, 5 Bronze)

Los Angeles 1984 4 8 12 (in the pool 1 Gold, 5 Silver, 6 Bronze)

Seoul 1988 3 6 5 (in the pool 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze)

Barcelona 1992 7 9 11 (in the pool 1 Gold, 3 Silver, 5 Bronze)

Atlanta 1996 10 9 23 (in the pool 2 Gold, 4 Silver, 6 Bronze)

Sydney 2000 16 25 17 (in the pool 5 Gold, 10 Silver, 4 Bronze)

Athens 2004 17 16 16 (in the pool, 7 Gold, 5 Silver, 3 Bronze)

Bejing 2008 14 15 17 (in the pool 6 Gold, 6 Silver, 8 Bronze)

London 2012 (current) 1 12 7 (in the pool 1 Gold, 6 Silver, 3 Bronze)

Now after the disaster of Montreal, it prompted Australia to bring in the AIS to get us back up to World standard. Now if (and it's a big if) we don't win another gold for the rest of the Games what will the fall out be?

Will more funding be given? Will there be some type of an overhaul of the AIS if we continue to finish below countries like New Zealand, Cuba, South Africa and North Korea on the medal tally, just to name a few.


Edit: Specified pool.

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Now after the disaster of Montreal, it prompted Australia to bring in the AIS to get us back up to World standard. Now if (and it's a big if) we don't win another gold for the rest of the Games what will the fall out be?

Will more funding be given? Will there be some type of an overhaul of the AIS if we continue to finish below countries like New Zealand, Cuba, South Africa and North Korea on the medal tally, just to name a few.



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Don't know if a sport where people beat the living snot out of eachother without any protective equipment/clothing really fits in with what the Olympics are all about??? :huh:

Not sure the fighters could come up quickly enough after fights aswell.

Totally agree about the boxing though.

Problems throughout with corrupt officials and bogus bouts have destroyed the sport.

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Now after the disaster of Montreal, it prompted Australia to bring in the AIS to get us back up to World standard. Now if (and it's a big if) we don't win another gold for the rest of the Games what will the fall out be?

Will more funding be given? Will there be some type of an overhaul of the AIS if we continue to finish below countries like New Zealand, Cuba, South Africa and North Korea on the medal tally, just to name a few.

Not altogether surprised with how things have gone in the pool . We need to get used to not doing as well ( save for the odd freak swimmer - Thorpe , Gould etc ) . Many other Countries have caught up with us and it's often 'Funding' related . Though Susie O'Neill did say that our swimmers don't train hard enough . We may do well to hold our ground . Ditto for Cycling and Rowing . We just can't expect to stand out in those sports again . (or any sport really) . Unless of course we throw truckloads more money into funding .

Our best chance might be to try and 'Medal' in as many sports as possible . Which is what we've started doing (since Atlanta?) The 'Gold' isn't happening this time around but we could end up with close to 35 - 40 medals . Funding might be increased but it won't be a quantum leap unless we do something similar to what Great Britain have done and bring in a 'Lottery' type system . Interestingly , the Brits brought in their 'Lottery' based funding in January of 1997 .

There are reasons and excuses why we're not getting Gold but in terms of 'Total' medals we're still doing very well . Many nations now have excellent funding and it's a lot more competitive . China will only continue to get better and better . By the way , the Russians are sitting at 3 - 15 - 10 , Japan 2 - 10 - 12 , Canada 1 - 3 - 6 and Spain 0 - 2 - 1 so we're not alone :) . Those pesky Kazakhstani's are sitting on 5 - 0 - 0 !

Many in the Aussie media will 'Go to town' on the team but these types won't look at the big picture . They rarely do . Some in the media are reactionaries trying to 'Sell' news . Perhaps we should be sitting on 4 or 5 Gold but our Athletes have tried their best .

'Lashing out' is going to happen but in a lot of cases it will be shortsighted . We'll get more 'Gold' at these Olympics but I'm a born 'Mozz' so I won't specify which events they will happen in :)We should have more Gold but .......our current level of funding may be inadequate (on the World stage). Having 20 medals (at this stage) is not to be sneezed at - and there's still a ways to go .

China's future is interesting . They are excelling at so many sports . A juggernaut that shows no sign of slowing down . They won 5 Gold medals in Seoul and 20 years later won 51 Gold in Beijing !

Edited by Macca
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Not altogether surprised with how things have gone in the pool . We need to get used to not doing as well ( save for the odd freak swimmer - Thorpe , Gould etc ) . Many other Countries have caught up with us and it's often 'Funding' related . Though Susie O'Neill did say that our swimmers don't train hard enough . We may do well to hold our ground . Ditto for Cycling and Rowing . We just can't expect to stand out in those sports again . (or any sport really) . Unless of course we throw truckloads more money into funding .

Our best chance might be to try and 'Medal' in as many sports as possible . Which is what we've started doing (since Atlanta?) The 'Gold' isn't happening this time around but we could end up with close to 35 - 40 medals . Funding might be increased but it won't be a quantum leap unless we do something similar to what Great Britain have done and bring in a 'Lottery' type system . Interestingly , the Brits brought in their 'Lottery' based funding in January of 1997 .

There are reasons and excuses why we're not getting Gold but in terms of 'Total' medals we're still doing very well . Many nations now have excellent funding and it's a lot more competitive . China will only continue to get better and better . By the way , the Russians are sitting at 3 - 15 - 10 , Japan 2 - 10 - 12 , Canada 1 - 3 - 6 and Spain 0 - 2 - 1 so we're not alone :) . Those pesky Kazakhstani's are sitting on 5 - 0 - 0 !

Many in the Aussie media will 'Go to town' on the team but these types won't look at the big picture . They rarely do . Some in the media are reactionaries trying to 'Sell' news . Perhaps we should be sitting on 4 or 5 Gold but our Athletes have tried their best .

'Lashing out' is going to happen but in a lot of cases it will be shortsighted . We'll get more 'Gold' at these Olympics but I'm a born 'Mozz' so I won't specify which events they will happen in :)We should have more Gold but .......our current level of funding may be inadequate (on the World stage). Having 20 medals (at this stage) is not to be sneezed at - and there's still a ways to go .

China's future is interesting . They are excelling at so many sports . A juggernaut that shows no sign of slowing down . They won 5 Gold medals in Seoul and 20 years later won 51 Gold in Beijing !

Well thought out and measured response.

You're right. total medal tally wise we're doing ok, it's just a question of why our results aren't as evenly spread across the three medals when a lot of other countries are going at about 50% gold.

Wouldn't be suprised if there's a review after the games depending on how the rest of the games go to see what it is other countries are doing that we aren't.

In a couple of big Women's Basketball games tonight, let's hope Russia can down France to give the Opals a chance of topping their group with a win over Canada and then avoid any potential clash with the USA until the final at latest.

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Well thought out and measured response.

You're right. total medal tally wise we're doing ok, it's just a question of why our results aren't as evenly spread across the three medals when a lot of other countries are going at about 50% gold.

Wouldn't be suprised if there's a review after the games depending on how the rest of the games go to see what it is other countries are doing that we aren't.

In a couple of big Women's Basketball games tonight, let's hope Russia can down France to give the Opals a chance of topping their group with a win over Canada and then avoid any potential clash with the USA until the final at latest.

Hey TD , do you know how they decide the winner of the group if Russia , France and Australia all end up with the same W/L ratio ?

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Dunking competition.

Ha ha !

Tonight's team involvements for the Aussies...

Sun 5th 11.30pm . Women's Basketball . Australia / Canada

Mon 6th 1.00am . Women's Water Polo . QF . Australia / China

Mon 6th 4.00am . Men's Hockey . Australia / Great Britain

For all other 'Aussies in Action' tonight ...


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Hey TD , do you know how they decide the winner of the group if Russia , France and Australia all end up with the same W/L ratio ?

They're ranked on their cumulative score difference.

Check it out here.

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They're ranked on their cumulative score difference.

Check it out here.

Thanks for that JJ . France defeated Russia tonight (65 - 54) to win the group . I'm continuing my policy of 'No predictions' so you guys and gals can figure out the rest of it :)

Just a reminder that the Opals vs Canada match is on from 11.20pm tonight .

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Opals win and finish 2nd in their group . We'll play either Turkey or China in the QF's .

The Boomers are through to the QF's . It's just a matter of what place we finish in our group . In our final group game we are matched up against Russia - game time 6pm tonight (AEST)...


Edit : In Women's Water Polo , the 'Stingers' win in a penalty shoot-out . The Chinese played a great game but we're through to the Semi-finals .

That was one tense game ! Fabulous contest . Goal for goal .

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Men's hockey team have hit a bit of a stumbling block. After dominating our first two matches, we've given up good leads in our last two to only manage draws. 2-0 up against Argentina ended 2-2 and 3-0 up against Great Brittan ended up 3-3.

Still leading our group but now must either draw or win against Pakistan in the final group match to get safe passage through to the semi finals and Pakistan are a good hockey team and will be no pushovers.

I reckon Rick Charlesworth will be furious with the last two results.

Our women's team are in a similar position with their match at 6:00am tomorrow morning (our time) against Argentina. If Germany manage to beat New Zealand in an earlier game then a win or draw will see them through to the semi finals, but if New Zealand win or draw with Germany then Australia must beat Argentina to get through, who again are a very good team.

Edit: Spelling

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Men's hockey team have hit a bit of a stumbling block. After dominating our first two matches, we've given up good leads in our last two to only manage draws. 2-0 up against Argentina ended 2-2 and 3-0 up against Great Brittan ended up 3-3.

Still leading our group but now must either draw or win against Pakistan in the final group match to get safe passage through to the semi finals and Pakistan are a good hockey team and will be no pushovers.

I reckon Rick Charlesworth will be furious with the last two results.

Our women's team are in a similar position with their match at 6:00am tomorrow morning (our time) against Argentina. If Germany manage to beat New Zealand in an earlier game then a win or draw will see them through to the semi finals, but if New Zealand win or draw with Germany then Australia must beat Argentina to get through, who again are a very good team.

Edit: Spelling

Ric would be furious giving up a 3-0 lead over GB. I still think we'll beat Pakistan and go on to win Gold. I still think they're holding a few aces up the sleeve for our short corner set plays. They'll save them for the semi finals/ final.

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Aussie team involvements tonight...

6.00pm . Men's Basketball . Australia / Russia (we've already qualified for the QF's . We can't move from 4th due to the 'Head to head' results)

Here are the standings... http://www.london201.../men/index.html

6.30pm . Men's Volleyball . Australia / Poland (we need to win and hope that GB defeat Argentina by sufficient margin for us to advance to the QF's or placings may be decided on 'head to head' ??)

Standings... http://www.london201.../men/index.html

8.20pm . Men's Water Polo . Australia / Greece (Win and we advance to the QF's)

Standings ... http://www.london201.../men/index.html

6.15am . Women's Hockey . Australia / Argentina (Win and we're through to the Semi's otherwise we'll need other results to go our way)

Standings ... http://www.london201...omen/index.html

We're represented in medal events in Sailing (11.00pm) , Shooting (1.00am) , Cycling (from 1.00am) and also in the Track & Field (from 4.00am) . For everything else...


Oh , and Usain Bolt was rather impressive last night :blink:

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Thanks for the daily schedules, Macca. Better than the official website.

Any chance we could get some live sailing tonight? Compulsory viewing given that we're almost guaranteed gold. The way we're going though, Slingsby will be eaten by a giant squid and finish with silver. Also compulsory viewing.

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Thanks for the daily schedules, Macca. Better than the official website.

Any chance we could get some live sailing tonight? Compulsory viewing given that we're almost guaranteed gold. The way we're going though, Slingsby will be eaten by a giant squid and finish with silver. Also compulsory viewing.

Ha ha ! I must say , those sorta thoughts have crossed my mind as well ! It's amazing how we can think the worst at times .

I couldn't help but notice yesterday that 68% of Herald/Sun readers (14,500 out of 21,000 or thereabouts) predicted that we'll win 3 Golds or less . What a miserable bunch of pessimists we can sometimes be :)

Judging future sporting results on past sporting results always makes me laugh . Especially considering we're talking about completely different sports . It's as if Magnussen losing by less than an inch can somehow effect Slingsby in the Laser class yachting . It will be all James' fault in some people's mind !

Tom sails at 11pm tonight (AEST) . Hopefully Ch9 show it . I'm lucky enough to have Foxtel but people tell me that Ch9 have done a fairly good job . True ?

Having said all that , Slingsby might get attacked by a huge school of Silver Fish .

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Anyone catch the end of the Boomers match? Epic finish!

Mills drains a three with 0.2secs left on the clock to turn a 1 point deficit into a 2 point win.

However this doesn't mean we dodge the USA in the quarter finals. Our loss to Brazil and Russia's win over Spain have really cost us there. But a great effort still.

Meanwhile New Zealand and Germany played out a draw in the women's hockey, meaning the Hockeyroos now have to beat Argentina to get through to the Semi Finals. A draw would see us miss out on goal difference.

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Anyone catch the end of the Boomers match? Epic finish!

Mills drains a three with 0.2secs left on the clock to turn a 1 point deficit into a 2 point win.

Totally epic. That was awesome.


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Anyone catch the end of the Boomers match? Epic finish!

Mills drains a three with 0.2secs left on the clock to turn a 1 point deficit into a 2 point win.

However this doesn't mean we dodge the USA in the quarter finals. Our loss to Brazil and Russia's win over Spain have really cost us there. But a great effort still.

Meanwhile New Zealand and Germany played out a draw in the women's hockey, meaning the Hockeyroos now have to beat Argentina to get through to the Semi Finals. A draw would see us miss out on goal difference.

Spot on 'TD' . All these team sports seem to have different rules for final placements in groups . And trying to find the precise answers is tricky .

Volleyroos win by knocking off the group leaders (Poland) . We need the Brits to knock off Argentina to advance to the QF's . C'mon Great Britain !

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Totally epic. That was awesome.


Quick with those clips JJ ! Great win by the Boomers .

Sharks on now and the Hockeyroos go at 6.15am tomorrow morning .

So far .........2 from 2 in team sports tonight !

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Quick with those clips JJ ! Great win by the Boomers .

Now we need the Sharks and Hockeyroos to get up ! 2 from 2 in team sports tonight (so far)

Spot on 'TD' . All these team sports seem to have different rules for final placements in groups . And trying to find the precise answers is tricky .

Volleyroos win by knocking off the group leaders (Poland) . We need the Brits to knock off Argentina to advance to the QF's . C'mon Great Britain !

Certainly a good omen for the evening leading into the Sharks and Hockeyroos matches.

It does feel somewhat wrong backing in Great Britain though. Still it's for the greater good!

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Thanks to Macca for the schedules. Why check the guides, when you can check here !! Awesome.

Usain Bolt coming to Australia in September. Possible guest AFL Grand Final day ?? If you recall on EMT earlier in the year McGuire asked him if if wanted to play a game for the Melbourne Stars. Looks as though he is going to spend a bit of time here in Melbourne.

Amazing run. 9.63 secs O.R !

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