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Right behind you Neeldy!!


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well i just hope he is getting enough support because everyone is kicking him while he is down. he wouldnt be feeling great about things and probbaly doubting himself.

everyone in the media is taking pot shots and yes I know we are on the bottom but david king stuck the boots in last night and again on radio this morning. he has just got to stay true to what he is trying to do.

its ridiculous sacking him because it means a new person coming in with a new game plan and it will be naother year for them to learn it. We must back our man and show some faith in him.

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I really want to know who the hand-wringers are that are so adamant that we get rid of Neeld!

It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that the fault rests squarely at the feet of the players. After all, Neeld is telling them to tackle, it's the players that aren't doing it. Short of running onto the ground and tackling an opposition player, in the process getting himself banned from any and all future AFL matches, what more can he do?

It's truly baffling to me that the club has had to defend him, yet the players, once again, seem to get off scot free.

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How could it possibly be the coach?

The club and in particular this playing group have a habit of CHOOSING the easiest option, irrespective of who is at the helm.

How many exciting ‘come from behind’ wins have we had where the players have left everything they had out on the ground? Since 2000 no more than 3 come to mind – that’s12 years people and God knows we have had plenty of opportunity to come from behind.

Whether you like the coach or not, whether you like the CEO or not, as a player you’re employed to play. To play, as a minimum is to compete. This means to run hard both ways, to put your body between your mate and oncoming traffic, putting your head over the ball and to tackle with intent. It is the things you are willing to do when your team doesn’t have possession that shows true grit and character.

We are at rock bottom and it is easy to blame the coach. All the coach has done is identified within the group individuals that lack character and grit. My guess is that he has told them this just to see how they react. Their lack of reaction and care for each other, the jumper and in turn themselves only heightens the lack of will and desire. This largely is influenced by the senior players, it has to be.

Sport at the highest level is Ego driven and our senior players don’t like being told they don’t work hard enough. Their lack of receptiveness also goes a long way to reflect their lack of character.

Watch WC or Syd play, then sit high in the stands (level 4 Q41 next to the TAB, food and bar in the MCC members is highly recommended) and watch how stagnant we are.

The end of the season will be active, we have a ‘talented’ crop of youngsters who are being led astray and influenced by our more experienced players. If these experienced players aren’t moved on (along with Brian Royal) we as a team have no chance and as a club may not survive.

By Neelding the axe we force the youngsters to create their own identity and give them opportunity to change the perceptions of the club. What would be more rewarding than dragging a club that hasn’t had the ultimate success since 64 over the line in a GF? To do that we need buy in, for buy in we need to change the culture.

In the wise words of Yazz, ‘THE ONLY WAY IS UP’.

PS: I read this morning that a Demonland poster flew in from O/S to simply watch the games this week. What commitment!! Give that man a jumper and throw him in the guts this week!

Lace Out.

One other thing though, when we talk about players not trying it's true they don't appear to be doing as much as other sides ie not giving 100%.

I think many of the players have become comfortable with their level of effort and have convinced themselves they are trying.

The problem is they need 120% of effort to go from trying to doing.

From what I've seen this year only 6 players come to mind for sustained extra effort - Clark, Jones, Mackenzie, Nicholson, Magner, Couch and Bate.

There have been signs occasionally from other players, (the co-captains are trying to get to 120% but I'll cut them a bit of slack due to age and injury).

Unfortunately, the skill level and or speed of some of these players is not ideal but you can see the effort being put in.

I know I'll cop some flak for Bate but I don't think he has been handled all that well and is well known for needing time to work into a season.

I remember Jones was criticized for trying to do to much in his early days he still plays like that but has worked so hard on his game that he is a lot more successful at it these days.

Sam Blease is another I've heard this said about, I'd say that's a good sign.

So what about the rest? How do you get the extra out of them. Well that would be the coaching and conditioning staff's job wouldn't it?

The players need to buy into it and they need to look at the effort of some of the players I've mentioned.

A lot of negatives have been written about the Elite Teams program but I would think something similar would be in order about now.

So what can we do? Supporters need to support, debate is healthy but it's a flawed system and requires opposing views with often the loudest and most emotional side winning.

We have been set on a path for the next 3 years, it may take an extra effort from supporters to buy in and go the distance.

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  • 10 months later...

I've been vocal in my support for Mark Neeld and the defensive styles he was bringing to the club because we didn't play contested accountable football under Bailey, but I am bemused by the preparedness on this thread to seemingly absolve Neeld from any accountability with our current plight. I was critical of Bailey and I reckon I'd be pretty hypocritical if I wasn't at least raising an eyebrow at what Neeld is dishing up.

Last year we beat Adelaide by 96 points at the MCG. Adelaide supporters knew that the time for their coach was up. Some supporters would have thought that their list was average, just like some Melbourne supporters reckon we've drafted terribly and our list is average. We've made mistakes in the draft, but the list is far better than what we're seeing. Fifteen of the Adelaide players that were embarrassed by Melbourne last year played in the side that just thrashed Carlton. They're now considered premiership contenders. Taylor Walker didn't play because he was suspended. Is their list really that average ? Was it average last year when many of their supporters thought it was ? Why has the club gelled so quickly under Brenton Sanderson while ours appears the opposite ? Fourteen Melbourne players that played in Paul Roos' worst defeat as coach took to the field on the weekend. Fourteen Sydney players that were embarrassed by Melbourne two years ago also took to the field. The Swans were actually weaker this time around because they didn't have Goodes or Mumford. There was a 174 point turnaround. So, are these players playing for the coach ? We had 51 tackles compared to 82 even though we were chasing tail all day. Was there a modicum of effort from Melbourne players ? Players have lost all trust in their teammates to win contests and because of this they're losing their structures. Is this solely the players fault, or the coach's too ?

Nothing has changed from 186, which suggests that it certainly isn't all of the coach's fault. Whatever the underlying problem is clearly hasn't been addressed and I suspect that the approach of the new coach hasn't helped.

When did we beat Adelaide last year? My recollection was that we only beat Essendon last year [apart from the newcomers, the Giants and the Suns, who both weren't there the year we 'tanked'], and we will be hard-pressed to beat them again next week even with massive changes. In effect, Neeld got us one win last year [against the teams that were there in 2007] and although we nearly beat Richmond they are a different outfit this year as well. Notwithstanding the previous comments, I have some faith in Neeld, Craig and Misson and let us hope that last weekend was an aberration and that Watts and co will be too embarassed and have too much pride to allow a repaet next Saturday! As BH stated it is not all the coaches fault by any means!

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When did we beat Adelaide last year? My recollection was that we only beat Essendon last year [apart from the newcomers, the Giants and the Suns, who both weren't there the year we 'tanked'], and we will be hard-pressed to beat them again next week even with massive changes. In effect, Neeld got us one win last year [against the teams that were there in 2007] and although we nearly beat Richmond they are a different outfit this year as well. Notwithstanding the previous comments, I have some faith in Neeld, Craig and Misson and let us hope that last weekend was an aberration and that Watts and co will be too embarassed and have too much pride to allow a repaet next Saturday! As BH stated it is not all the coaches fault by any means!

It's a post from last year.
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My apologies. The rest of my observations stand however; it was not a good year last year [even though there were no repeats of 186].

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In fact I was impressed [without reading the dates] that some members were gracious enough to come out in support of Neeld while everybody else was kicking him whilst he was down!

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Hope you get to read this Neeldy.

Coaching is a real tough job, dealing with media, supporters and co. The MFC unfortunatley is a mess. We as passtionate supporters/members are completley fed up with CRAP this club has dished up since 1964 in particular since 2008. All of us are sick of being bagged for supporting this club because for too long it has accepted mediocore performances. Not too mention some players seem to be enjoying this Nightclub scene a bit too much and not working hard enough on the field.

Since your appointment i and sure many other passionate supporters have being taken by your no nonsense/ hardline approach on footy. As you know most of these players havent being worked that hard in the past.

People cant expect you to put this side into the finals especially if certain players arent sticking to structures or working hard enough. This year is going to be real tough on everyone particularly yourself. We all hate it.

So this season will be a right off with plenty of pain on the field and off. But it is also a time to really evaluate who desperatley is dedicated to succeeding and who is not. If there are certain players who arent complying move them on. We have no space for passengers.

Finally i trust yourself , Neil Craig, Cam Schwab and the entire recruiting staff to chase the best players in the trade/free agencey/ draft. If that means getting Travis Cloke or a midfielder from another club do it. Plus getting 3 or 4 of the best young midfielders in the land that are ready to work hard and play footy and the acquisition of Jack Viney. Make the most of the high picks we will more than likely be gaining.


To be honest - i reckon Neeld is the only one at the club with any idea how to move this club forward - unfortunately he has had to deal with too many idiots, football department, players and probably board members who have no idea. As long as we stick with him - he will sought this club out. Otherwise we will just continue on being [censored].
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Totally agree. Said much the same thing to Don McLardy at three quarter time at the game yesterday.

I also told him that I flew back from Hong Kong especially for yesterday's game. He seemed to like that, and he immediately acknowledged that it's not that easy for MFC supporters at the moment.

He also said that the club is very excited by Jack Viney. The compo picks that we got for Scully, coupled with what will obviously be a poor ladder finish this year, will land us a couple of very good players later this year.

Means absolutely zilch unless we get them right and they develop properly under some real leaders.

Thanks Don.

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To be honest - i reckon Neeld is the only one at the club with any idea how to move this club forward - unfortunately he has had to deal with too many idiots, football department, players and probably board members who have no idea. As long as we stick with him - he will sought this club out. Otherwise we will just continue on being [censored].

must agree with this.
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To be honest - i reckon Neeld is the only one at the club with any idea how to move this club forward - unfortunately he has had to deal with too many idiots, football department, players and probably board members who have no idea. As long as we stick with him - he will sought this club out. Otherwise we will just continue on being [censored].

Tend to agree for the most part. Given the poison chalice. Nothing has changed since 186. Would like to see him to coach without that baggage.

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Im a 24 year old tradesman and i have copped alot of flack from opposition supporters in my short life. I completley acknowledge that there are thousands of of passionate dees like myself that have seen many more tougher years than me.

But now we must band together as a club and keep big Jims dream well and truly alive. I am certain he is upstairs trying to help as much as he can. He always told his Reach kids to dream and go for it no matter how out there or hard it seemed GO FOR IT!!! and that is exactly what we are going to do.

Go get the cattle we need dees I BELIEVE we can do it do WHATEVER IT TAKES. LONG LIVE THE DEES!!

Well said, it is our club - we will have the final say, not some media hack or AFL commission.
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judging from Neelds reaction - even he wasn't expecting what he saw. I guess there is a big difference between training and a real match. I doubt they even came close to what neelds game plan was.

It's an interesting point & perhaps the players need to train in match simulation full body contact & compete against each other to improve until they get the message of how they are expected to play & compete even if injuries are incurred.

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All I do know from my 50 odd years on this planet....Do not sacrifice another coaches career.

MN is no fool ...he has fools above him who are not leading this club. These fools are bringing this club to its knees.

If I were MN I would jump first to save my career if this mess is not cleaned up in a hurry.

As for the playing group..well the club has sold us many many lies.

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For a club to be successfull and win the ultimate prize, it must be completely united behind the Coach. All the way from the President/CEO down to every assistant coach, player, bootstrapper, stats man and even the doorman!

I've heard this said before from Premiership players and coaches alike.

United we stand....but if the club is in any way divided and doesn't fully back the coach.... forget it.

Having said that, i'm not happy with the present board and its pi$$ weak "rolling over" on the AFL's tanking farce. So it wouldn't bother me if we were to replace the invisible man (CS), and the current President with someone who has some balls, stands up for the club and who doesn't cowtow to Vlad and the AFL on matters of injustice. Provided they back Neeld and honor the remainder of his contract/tenure, i'd be supportive of a new solid team coming in at years end.

But the coach stays and should get our full backing for the remainder of his term. That's not to say he shouldn't change things around if he needs to, including coaching assistants/game plans and personell/players as required. Happy for him to adapt and improve where he sees fit of course! Stand still in this cut throat comp for long and we'll be toast anyway i would think.

Edited by Rusty Nails
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