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The team going into the future

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I have been looking through our list, with all this talk of high draft picks, and

kids who were poor draft choices and old players that need to be moved on I have

been trying to work oiut who stays and who goes, who was a mistake and who is too early to tell.

this is for so far this year, opinions on players may change as the year progresses

firstly, Players who I'd axe

Bate, Matthew -just too slow

Dunn, Lynden -just hasn't developed

Green, Brad -past his best

Macdonald, Joel -was only ever a stopgap measure

Bail, Rohan -mistake in draft

Bennell, Jamie -mistake in draft

Davey, Aaron -past his best

Players who's time is possible up.

Morton, Cale -just hasn't developed the way we thought he would

Petterd, Ricky -not sure what happened with him, was potentially our best forward a couple of years ago, but seems to have fallen in a hole

Jetta, Neville -may be a little harsh but just not quite good enough at the moment

Jurrah, Liam -Jurrah is only here due to possibility of not playing again, (either by not fitting in with Neelds gameplan or outside circumstances)

Players that are too early to tell

Spencer, Jake -wish he would stop getting injured so we could see what he is like

Blease, Sam -played 6 games for us? and takes time to recover from a badly broken leg

Cook, Lucas -yet to debut

Davis, Troy -yet to debut

Fitzpatrick, Jake -played one game

Gawn, Max -another like spencer, 2nd tallest in afl, but has injury woes

Strauss, James -looked good until he broke his leg, wait and see how he recovers

Taggert, Rory -yet to debut (have heard good things about him)

Tynan, Josh -played one game

Couch, Thomas - yet to debut (rookie) looks as he could be good

Evans, Michael -played 4 games but still on rookie list

Lawrence, Kelvin -yet to debut (rookie)

Nicholson, Daniel -played 9 games but still on rookie list

Sheahan, Jai -yet to debut (rookie)

Williams, Leigh -yet to debut (rookie)

and finally, Players to keep.

Magner, James -have high hopes, but he is still a rookie

Bartram, Clint -top defender

Clark, Mitchell -think he was worth it, but will decide later

Frawley, James -all oz defender need i say more

Garland, Colin -keeping faith in him atm

Grimes, Jack -if his body holds up

Gysberts, Jordan -going to be a superstar

Howe, Jeremy -going to be a superstar

Jamar, Mark -keeping faith in him atm

Jones, Nathan -our most important player

Martin, Stefan -Keeping faith in him atm

McDonald, Tom -will be a great player

McKenzie, Jordie -going to be a superstar

Moloney, Brent -need him back now

Rivers, Jared -key for defence

Sellar, James -cant think what to say

Sylvia, Colin -need him back soon

Tapscott, Luke -very important to our team

Trengove, Jack -hard to axe your captain

Watts, Jack -still only 20 ffs, will be a superstar

so doing that, makes me feel the side is not all that bad. there is a bit of dead wood, but that is not too bad, it loets us replace them with the type of player we are desperate for.

As we all know we need a couple of great skills and fast hands players and a couple of high skills and quick legs players although, there may be a couple of those in the too early to tell section.

Edited by red and blue forever
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I have been looking through our list, with all this talk of high draft picks, and

kids who were poor draft choices and old players that need to be moved on I have

been trying to work oiut who stays and who goes, who was a mistake and who is too early to tell.

this is for so far this year, opinions on players may change as the year progresses

firstly, Players who I'd axe

Bate, Matthew -just too slow

Dunn, Lynden -just hasn't developed

Green, Brad -past his best

Macdonald, Joel -was only ever a stopgap measure

Bail, Rohan -mistake in draft

Bennell, Jamie -mistake in draft

Davey, Aaron -past his best

Players who's time is possible up.

Morton, Cale -just hasn't developed the way we thought he would

Petterd, Ricky -not sure what happened with him, was potentially our best forward a couple of years ago, but seems to have fallen in a hole

Jetta, Neville -may be a little harsh but just not quite good enough at the moment

Jurrah, Liam -Jurrah is only here due to possibility of not playing again, (either by not fitting in with Neelds gameplan or outside circumstances)

Players that are too early to tell

Spencer, Jake -wish he would stop getting injured so we could see what he is like

Blease, Sam -played 6 games for us? and takes time to recover from a badly broken leg

Cook, Lucas -yet to debut

Davis, Troy -yet to debut

Fitzpatrick, Jake -played one game

Gawn, Max -another like spencer, 2nd tallest in afl, but has injury woes

Strauss, James -looked good until he broke his leg, wait and see how he recovers

Taggert, Rory -yet to debut (have heard good things about him)

Tynan, Josh -yet to debut

Couch, Thomas - yet to debut (rookie) looks as he could be good

Evans, Michael -played 4 games but still on rookie list

Lawrence, Kelvin -yet to debut (rookie)

Nicholson, Daniel -played 9 games but still on rookie list

Sheahan, Jai -yet to debut (rookie)

Williams, Leigh -yet to debut (rookie)

and finally, Players to keep.

Magner, James -have high hopes, but he is still a rookie

Bartram, Clint -top defender

Clark, Mitchell -think he was worth it, but will decide later

Frawley, James -all oz defender need i say more

Garland, Colin -keeping faith in him atm

Grimes, Jack -if his body holds up

Gysberts, Jordan -going to be a superstar

Howe, Jeremy -going to be a superstar

Jamar, Mark -keeping faith in him atm

Jones, Nathan -our most important player

Martin, Stefan -Keeping faith in him atm

McDonald, Tom -will be a great player

McKenzie, Jordie -going to be a superstar

Moloney, Brent -need him back now

Rivers, Jared -key for defence

Sellar, James -cant think what to say

Sylvia, Colin -need him back soon

Tapscott, Luke -very important to our team

Trengove, Jack -hard to axe your captain

Watts, Jack -still only 20 ffs, will be a superstar

so doing that, makes me feel the side is not all that bad. there is a bit of dead wood, but that is not too bad, it loets us replace them with the type of player we are desperate for.

As we all know we need a couple of great skills and fast hands players and a couple of high skills and quick legs players although, there may be a couple of those in the too early to tell section.

So according to you 11 player will have to go this year. So we start 2013 with 11 new players???

Come on. No club will delist 11 players.

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obviously we would not do that, was just suggesting the ones who i think are dead wood, some may come good i am not sure, but at this stage do you think any of those 11 are must keep players, would any of them get a game for hawthorn, collingwood, carlton west coast?

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By "going to be a superstar"" do you mean like a bona fide absolute A+ Brownlow medal winner superstar?

If so then I would argue strongly that none of Gysberts, Howe and particularly McKenzie will be superstars.

Superstars are players like Ablett, Bartel, Pendlebury etc.

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By "going to be a superstar"" do you mean like a bona fide absolute A+ Brownlow medal winner superstar?

If so then I would argue strongly that none of Gysberts, Howe and particularly McKenzie will be superstars.

Superstars are players like Ablett, Bartel, Pendlebury etc.

ok, adjust that to going to be one of our best players then

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obviously we would not do that, was just suggesting the ones who i think are dead wood, some may come good i am not sure, but at this stage do you think any of those 11 are must keep players, would any of them get a game for hawthorn, collingwood, carlton west coast?

It is far to soon to comment on a lot of our younger players and players who have had interupted pre seasons, I can only think of 5 players who I believe should go, the rest have a year to prove that they can play the game at the highest level. This is an arguement for the end of the year.
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It is far to soon to comment on a lot of our younger players and players who have had interupted pre seasons, I can only think of 5 players who I believe should go, the rest have a year to prove that they can play the game at the highest level. This is an arguement for the end of the year.

who are your 5?

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You would keep Jake Spencer over Rohan Bail and Jamie Bennell? Really?

I don't care how tall or strong the guy is... Spencer dropped the ball walking in for goal. My mum wouldn't even do that.

Career = over.

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You would keep Jake Spencer over Rohan Bail and Jamie Bennell? Really?

I don't care how tall or strong the guy is... Spencer dropped the ball walking in for goal. My mum wouldn't even do that.

Career = over.

1st game for 18 months. Has skills for a big man
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If Bail is delisted at season's end I will be very disappointed. I think he has the goods and just needs to deliver on a consistent basis.

Same goes for Petterd. And as much **** as I'm going to get for saying it, Morton. They're all still quite young players, and a change in coach could create a major change in attitudes and output. Give them all at least one more season and see what they can do.

I will save all comments on Jurrah until after his court date.

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If Bail is delisted at season's end I will be very disappointed. I think he has the goods and just needs to deliver on a consistent basis.

Same goes for Petterd. And as much **** as I'm going to get for saying it, Morton. They're all still quite young players, and a change in coach could create a major change in attitudes and output. Give them all at least one more season and see what they can do.

I will save all comments on Jurrah until after his court date.

Court date will be at years end. The one in may will be for him to plead G/NG If NG then will be adjourned to later in the year so all witnesses can be call for both sides. LJ will play before this court case. He will have to attend in person as the charge carries a gaol term if proven. The one in May is by video link. Edited by Bossdog
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If Bail is delisted at season's end I will be very disappointed. I think he has the goods and just needs to deliver on a consistent basis.

Same goes for Petterd. And as much **** as I'm going to get for saying it, Morton. They're all still quite young players, and a change in coach could create a major change in attitudes and output. Give them all at least one more season and see what they can do.

I will save all comments on Jurrah until after his court date.

really hope you are right, was a big fan of both as of last year and excited by their potential, tis why I say it is only possible their tiem is up, and I hope they prove me wrong and cone good (who knows how well morton will go when he puts on some bulk over the next few years

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I don't know if I have tried one of these before.

Impossible to cull eleven players in one year, but with the activated compo picks we could make it six?

You can build a team around:

Frawley, Trengove, Grimes, Tapscott, Howe, Clark & Watts.

Mentor them with experience from:

Jones, Moloney, Sylvia & Rivers.

Complement them with:

Bail, Gysberts, McKenzie & Magner.

Develop the next lot to come through:

McDonald, Gawn, Cook, Fitzpatrick, Blease, Sellar, Spencer, Strauss & Nicholson.

Encourage these to find meaningful support roles:

Bartram, Bate, Davey, Dunn, Garland, Jurrah, Martin, Petterd.

Wait and see on:

Taggert, Tynan, Davis, Couch & Evans.


Bennell, Green, Jamar, Jetta, Macdonald, Morton and the usual selection of rookie experiments. Some to delist, others for trade.

Replenish the stocks in the 2012 draft.

In 2013, those being encouraged to find a role or in the "wait and see" category will come under scrutiny.

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Court date will be at years end. The one in may will be for him to plead G/NG If NG then will be adjourned to later in the year so all witnesses can be call for both sides. LJ will play before this court case. He will have to attend in person as the charge carries a gaol term if proven. The one in May is by video link.

Fine then, I will comment. He is the type of player that comes around once in a lifetime. He has all the skills to be one of the best players in the AFL. We must keep him on our list unless he goes to jail.

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really hope you are right, was a big fan of both as of last year and excited by their potential, tis why I say it is only possible their tiem is up, and I hope they prove me wrong and cone good (who knows how well morton will go when he puts on some bulk over the next few years

I don't think Morton will ever put on much bulk. I've got the same frame as him and really struggle to do so, no matter how much time I spend at the gym. That doesn't mean that he can't get stronger though.

He came off a very promising first couple of seasons only to have injuries ruin 2 (allegedly solid) preseasons in a row. I'd like to see him play 15+ games this year to really give him a chance to prove his worth. His confidence will grow.

EDIT: Just a little FYI, from the OCD person that lives inside me: Tynan debuted in Round 1.

Edited by Good Times Grimes
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Fine then, I will comment. He is the type of player that comes around once in a lifetime. He has all the skills to be one of the best players in the AFL. We must keep him on our list unless he goes to jail.

I reckon we still keep him on our list. I don't think he will get gaol time as he has great opportunities to rehabilitate and not re offend and has a clean record but who knows. Still a keep for me
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I reckon we still keep him on our list. I don't think he will get gaol time as he has great opportunities to rehabilitate and not re offend and has a clean record but who knows. Still a keep for me

I think if he is convicted he will get jail time, but that is a discussion for another thread.

I would be very upset to see him go.

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So according to you 11 player will have to go this year. So we start 2013 with 11 new players???

Come on. No club will delist 11 players.

It can happen and needs to happen at the MFC. When Hardwick took over at Richmond I'm pretty sure he axed more than 11 players. Desperate times call for desperate measures. We need to ditch at least 11 players next season in order to be semi competitive.

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You would keep Jake Spencer over Rohan Bail and Jamie Bennell? Really?

I don't care how tall or strong the guy is... Spencer dropped the ball walking in for goal. My mum wouldn't even do that.

Career = over.

Please have a look at Dean Cox in a Derby game around 2001 missed a gimme goal from 10metres out, it happens harsh call on one howler

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