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Jim Stynes update from Age


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There's nothing that can really be said that does justice to this bloke and what he's going through.

Prayers every night that he beats it. Love to Jim and his family.


Good to hear that he is coming back after a bad spell, he will never give up either.

The muesli sounds nice, but for 17 bucks i think i will need to pass


Haven't been able to listen to it yet, but here is the link to his interview with Neil Mitchell this morning:


Broke down watching this. Especially the last line "I know what I'm going to miss out on".

Does not deserve this. I hope a miracle occurs.


Broke down watching this. Especially the last line "I know what I'm going to miss out on".

Does not deserve this. I hope a miracle occurs.

Life plays no favours.....Just gotta live to the Max while you can

Nobody gets favours in the Big Picture....it's Random selection, and maybe bloodlines to a degree.


Absolutley love the man, he is inspiring and I hope something miraculous occurs for him and his family. All the best to you Jim keep fighting the fight!


If only I could avoid worrying about chasing money while simultaneously chowing down on express-posted $17 muesli! Kidding.

It's interesting how often you hear people who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness talk about how that experience has helped them find out what's really important. I wonder why humans have a tendency to only really start living their lives once they've been tagged with a use-by date.


If only I could avoid worrying about chasing money while simultaneously chowing down on express-posted $17 muesli! Kidding.

It's interesting how often you hear people who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness talk about how that experience has helped them find out what's really important. I wonder why humans have a tendency to only really start living their lives once they've been tagged with a use-by date.

It makes sense when you think about it though....That big scary moment puts stuff into perspective....Like as a kid, when you find out that Santa infact is not real...Life does change...childhood evaporates.


Good to hear that he is coming back after a bad spell, he will never give up either.

The muesli sounds nice, but for 17 bucks i think i will need to pass

not cheap, but there are dearer out there on the market.

wish jim all the best. inspiring human being.


That big scary moment puts stuff into perspective....Like as a kid, when you find out that Santa infact is not real...Life does change...childhood evaporates.

funny. when I found out about mum & dad (a.k.a. S.Claus) , my childhood never evaporated, it still existed. just a slight different perspective on things. same with the easter bunny. still get presents and chocolate, still fun and that doesn't change.

interesting comment though "evaporates",


I remember last year him saying he wanted to get to christmas. Well Jim you are on your way to another christmas. Im just amazed by his toughness and its interesting to hear him say before his illness he and Sam used to fight a lot. I know couples fight but Jim has always come across as a peaceful calm man who would to me would never get angry at anything. Anyway hopefully this new drug just helps him a bit.

The muesli I think is targeted for people that are going through cancer or what a healthy alternative. I wouldnt buy it but I reckon if I had cancer id give anything a go.


Jesus mate, spoiler alert

i think we are all above age now on here...Terribly sorry if you have lived in silent ignorant darkness for decades!!!! HaHa


Fighting Irish.


It's amazing that something can both break your heart and inspire at the same time. He's an incredible man, and he certainly puts things in perspective. Every day is a gift to him.

Keep fighting, Jimmy.


We'll all eventually meet the same fate, but the thought of leaving young kids behind must be the hardest thing I would imagine...........almost like you were letting them down or somehow failing them by not being there.

He's a pretty amazing man Jim Stynes, and you can't help but admire his courage.


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