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Checked with Len about what Bob?


Sexual activity.

Ha ha ha ! And I'm not being sarcastic !


Enlighten me Bob. What's a former Melbourne best & fairest from 1949 got to do with possible sexual activity between you and the former Melbourne number 32?

Len Dockett was a FORMER NUMBER 32 for Melbourne. Got it now? Off to bed with a bex and hottie!


Alleged sexual activity.

What on Tatooine are you talking about?


Ahhhh you were being humerus. Still, nothing can be proven given Len's passed and taken any secrets with him!


Ahhhh you were being humerus. Still, nothing can be proven given Len's passed and taken any secrets with him!

Very true Yoda. You have to take my word for it now. Umm? Maybe Barrie Vagg could throw some light on the matter. He's a former Number 32 too! Enough of our flippant jocularity, I think we are boring the others on this forum and getting well away from the original post. I have enjoyed your witty style. Cheers.

BTW, the humerus is the upper bone in our arm. No real 'arm done however. You are not bad considering English is not your preferred tongue.


Can't believe I found one but yes this is a Yoda facepalm ...




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