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Tom Scully in September ...

Grandson of a gun

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Well, it's patently obvious that you have also spent little or no time in Sydney yourself TD. Having lived in Melbourne for half of my life and Sydney for the other half, although I still prefer Melbourne, there are places up here that are unmatched by anywhere in Melbourne. It's a shame that this ridiculously unwarranted Sydney/Melbourne rivalry still exists in the minds of a few.

You talking about Sydney or NSW hardtack? Sydney is a hole but the have some incredible places on the coast out of Sydney.

I spend about half a day in Sydney every so often and get out as quick as I can, I will usually pay more to get a earlier flight if I finish my business early. It is a huge place now and so difficult and time consuming to get around; one of my clients a large Transport Operator told me it takes his trucks 2 hours to get from one side to the other.

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Summary - if he chooses to stay at Melbourne (which I hope and am confident he will) - then in my humble opinion he needs a new manager, and badly.

I'm pretty sure he's changed managers since making the decision last year not to look at contracts until the season is over. Still with the same management team, but a different manager.

I think he'll stay.

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You can believe what you want to believe that's your prerogative.

I'm not sure if he will be there or not, I was merely commenting on the fact that there is an offer; there seems to be one of $5m over 5 years and that's all. There was no denial or confirmation, one way or the other, so in light of that I doubt he'd be sharing it with someone that posts on Demonland, particularly when the person in question is quick to jump on here and announce it.

RobbieF, you had a crack at the start of the year on another site and looked like a [censored] and now trying it again....

I'm a normal guy who happens to speak to the person in question on occassion and like to share those things with people on here that are probably as mad about melbourne as me. It allows stuff from the horse mouth rather than your wild theories.

Just to make you happu/look like a fool, I had dinner with Tom with a group of people last Wednesday including some posters on this site (there was an invite postered on this site as well). During the night I asked him when will we get a decision and he said "I'm sitting with my manager tomorrow morning to go through the finer details and look at the contracts as a whole" later he said "I've read that many untrue story about myself its wild they aren;t even close with the figures they keep mentioning"

No much in it but at least it gets guys off their high horse when they say he should go he;s not worth 600K when thats not what he has been offered. I do not know what the offers from GWS or MFC that is Tom's private business and I wouldn't every expect to know.

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I think many of us here are a little frustrated that there’s absolutely nothing we can practically do to help resolve the Scully situation. The endless drivel that this thread has tossed up is completely understandable. We love our club. We want a flag. The endless speculation is tiring and emotional. Scully leaving will impact on our chances to get a flag and give opposition supporters yet another reason to stick the boot in.

Having said all that, I’ve decided that there is in fact something we can do to help. Clearly Tommy is pretty busy right now making the biggest decision of his life. Judging by the calibre of his representation (Alastair Lynch) he doesn’t have anyone in his corner capable of stringing a half decent sentence together that alone forming a coherent press release or speech. I’ve decided to help out our boy. What follows is a speech I’m willing to donate, free of charge to young Tom when he’s good and ready to confront the inevitable media throng and declared his long term commitment to the mighty Dees:

It gives me great pleasure to announce that I have just signed a 5 year contract to remain at the Melbourne Football Club.

2011 has been an eye-opening and indeed frustrating year for both myself and the club. Struggling with injuries, missing games, losing a respected coach and missing out on finals footy have combined to make this one of the most challenging times of my short life and indeed career as a footballer. Dealing with the lead-up to this announcement or should I say dealing with the fallout created by a media pack that feasted on any hint of footballing controversy was confronting, confusing and at times beyond belief. I was and remain disappointed that my word was questioned so easily by so many. The facts surrounding the negotiation of this contract are simple. My management team at Velocity Sports advised that I hold off on negotiations with the club until the end of the 2011 season. The thinking that drove that decision obviously involved the introduction of a new franchise and the uncertainty regarding the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Little would be gained from prematurely signing a new contract. I have done exactly as I said I would do when I addressed this issue at a press conference earlier this year. I followed the process endorsed by my own captain, Brad Green two years ago, my fellow number 1 draftee Jack Watts last year and team-mate Colin Sylvia this year. The only difference I can see regarding the contract negotiations that have led us to this point today and those of my three team-mates are that the media, many of whom stand before me today, chose to report not on fact or direct quotes provided by myself or my management team but instead on the gossip and innuendo that has become the bread and butter of an increasing number of journalists who owe their livelihood to the game they purport to love and support. Hiding behind unnamed and clearly unreliable sources is far too easy and convenient when reputations are destroyed in the process and the emotions of supporters are taken on a rollercoaster ride. I sincerely hope that some of the senior journalists who’ve dined out on this story for more than six months and heaped undue pressure and focus on a second year player re-assess their approach to reporting and re-consider the faith they placed in their supposed sources.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my incredible family, the amazing administration team at the MFC and my loyal and generous team-mates for their support throughout this difficult time. In particular, I’d like to thank the legion of Melbourne fans who have been patient and unwavering in their support. I hope you understand that I felt it necessary to both follow the recommendations of my management team and most importantly make it clear to the footballing public and the media who have relentlessly followed this contract negotiation process that footballer’s like myself deserve to be taken at their word. I understand that a view may exist that this whole process may have contributed to our poor year on the field and may have proven a distraction. If this is indeed the case, I apologise. I am confident, however, that everyone associated with the Melbourne Football Club respects my approach. We as a club have decided that ultimate success will only come when we are impeccably prepared, brutally honest with each other and refuse to veer off the course we set. In a strange way, I hope that some positives will come from the ugliness of the last six months. I hope that my team-mates and this club’s supporters will see that I’ve applied these principles to this contract negotiation. A plan was set in place. I was honest and transparent throughout the entire process and I never wavered from the agreed approach.

I am massively excited about the future prospects of this group and this club. Our future is now and I am rapt to be a part of it. The opportunity to be a ‘one club player’, continue to wear one of those most famous numbers on one of the most famous jerseys in footy and play a role in ending this premiership drought is the type of challenge I dreamt of as a young kid. I can guarantee the supporters of this great club and my equally committed team-mates that I am completely dedicated to achieving the ultimate success and helping this proud club re-claim it’s status as a competition powerhouse.

Please feel free to add your own suggestions. It might make you feel a little better – even if is just for a couple of days . . .

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Ease up, I'm from Moe, it's reputation is unwarranted!

Sorry mate, spent 15 years of my life living in Frankston and know what it's like when your home town cops a unwarranted spray. Was just looking for a town well known. Moe seems to cop a lot of the wripple effect from Morwell from what I hear.

Well, it's patently obvious that you have also spent little or no time in Sydney yourself TD. Having lived in Melbourne for half of my life and Sydney for the other half, although I still prefer Melbourne, there are places up here that are unmatched by anywhere in Melbourne. It's a shame that this ridiculously unwarranted Sydney/Melbourne rivalry still exists in the minds of a few.

Well I spent the first 11 years of my life living there mate and was thrilled when the family moved. Spent a weekend in Sydney for the first time since back in 2005 and had forgotten how much I dislike the place. No competition between the two cities and surrounding suburbs IMO.

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I think many of us here are a little frustrated that there’s absolutely nothing we can practically do to help resolve the Scully situation. The endless drivel that this thread has tossed up is completely understandable. We love our club. We want a flag. The endless speculation is tiring and emotional. Scully leaving will impact on our chances to get a flag and give opposition supporters yet another reason to stick the boot in.

Having said all that, I’ve decided that there is in fact something we can do to help. Clearly Tommy is pretty busy right now making the biggest decision of his life. Judging by the calibre of his representation (Alastair Lynch) he doesn’t have anyone in his corner capable of stringing a half decent sentence together that alone forming a coherent press release or speech. I’ve decided to help out our boy. What follows is a speech I’m willing to donate, free of charge to young Tom when he’s good and ready to confront the inevitable media throng and declared his long term commitment to the mighty Dees:

It gives me great pleasure to announce that I have just signed a 5 year contract to remain at the Melbourne Football Club.

2011 has been an eye-opening and indeed frustrating year for both myself and the club. Struggling with injuries, missing games, losing a respected coach and missing out on finals footy have combined to make this one of the most challenging times of my short life and indeed career as a footballer. Dealing with the lead-up to this announcement or should I say dealing with the fallout created by a media pack that feasted on any hint of footballing controversy was confronting, confusing and at times beyond belief. I was and remain disappointed that my word was questioned so easily by so many. The facts surrounding the negotiation of this contract are simple. My management team at Velocity Sports advised that I hold off on negotiations with the club until the end of the 2011 season. The thinking that drove that decision obviously involved the introduction of a new franchise and the uncertainty regarding the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Little would be gained from prematurely signing a new contract. I have done exactly as I said I would do when I addressed this issue at a press conference earlier this year. I followed the process endorsed by my own captain, Brad Green two years ago, my fellow number 1 draftee Jack Watts last year and team-mate Colin Sylvia this year. The only difference I can see regarding the contract negotiations that have led us to this point today and those of my three team-mates are that the media, many of whom stand before me today, chose to report not on fact or direct quotes provided by myself or my management team but instead on the gossip and innuendo that has become the bread and butter of an increasing number of journalists who owe their livelihood to the game they purport to love and support. Hiding behind unnamed and clearly unreliable sources is far too easy and convenient when reputations are destroyed in the process and the emotions of supporters are taken on a rollercoaster ride. I sincerely hope that some of the senior journalists who’ve dined out on this story for more than six months and heaped undue pressure and focus on a second year player re-assess their approach to reporting and re-consider the faith they placed in their supposed sources.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my incredible family, the amazing administration team at the MFC and my loyal and generous team-mates for their support throughout this difficult time. In particular, I’d like to thank the legion of Melbourne fans who have been patient and unwavering in their support. I hope you understand that I felt it necessary to both follow the recommendations of my management team and most importantly make it clear to the footballing public and the media who have relentlessly followed this contract negotiation process that footballer’s like myself deserve to be taken at their word. I understand that a view may exist that this whole process may have contributed to our poor year on the field and may have proven a distraction. If this is indeed the case, I apologise. I am confident, however, that everyone associated with the Melbourne Football Club respects my approach. We as a club have decided that ultimate success will only come when we are impeccably prepared, brutally honest with each other and refuse to veer off the course we set. In a strange way, I hope that some positives will come from the ugliness of the last six months. I hope that my team-mates and this club’s supporters will see that I’ve applied these principles to this contract negotiation. A plan was set in place. I was honest and transparent throughout the entire process and I never wavered from the agreed approach.

I am massively excited about the future prospects of this group and this club. Our future is now and I am rapt to be a part of it. The opportunity to be a ‘one club player’, continue to wear one of those most famous numbers on one of the most famous jerseys in footy and play a role in ending this premiership drought is the type of challenge I dreamt of as a young kid. I can guarantee the supporters of this great club and my equally committed team-mates that I am completely dedicated to achieving the ultimate success and helping this proud club re-claim it’s status as a competition powerhouse.

Please feel free to add your own suggestions. It might make you feel a little better – even if is just for a couple of days . . .

Send this to the Club just in case they haven't already seen it.

That is fantastic.

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I'm pretty sure he's changed managers since making the decision last year not to look at contracts until the season is over. Still with the same management team, but a different manager.

I think he'll stay.

he will not stay, he is already gone, there is no way known he is not going and I will be so friggin' glad when all this shyte is over and done with. I wish he would just tell it straight and go instead of f%$#ing with demon supporters hearts and heads.

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You talking about Sydney or NSW hardtack? Sydney is a hole but the have some incredible places on the coast out of Sydney.

I spend about half a day in Sydney every so often and get out as quick as I can, I will usually pay more to get a earlier flight if I finish my business early. It is a huge place now and so difficult and time consuming to get around; one of my clients a large Transport Operator told me it takes his trucks 2 hours to get from one side to the other.

Depends on which parts of Sydney you see RF. For example, I work in Gordon which is on the upper north shore and it is a beautiful area with lots of bush and parkland... love my lunchtime walks. There are other areas that are equally as nice with some spectacular views, nice tasteful houses and gardens and out of the mad rush.

The thing that Sydney lacks (but is finally improving in) are equivalents to Melbourne places like Ackland (sp?) Street, Brunswick Street, Lygon Street (although Leichhardt and Habberfield are getting there), Victoria, Sth Melbourne and Prahran Markets etc (I really miss Victoria Markets on a Saturday morning). For residential areas outside the CBD though, I would rate Sydney ahead of Melbourne.

Really, I could live quite happily in both places... but I suppose the advantage of living in Sydney is that when I visit Melbourne I tend to take a lot more advantage of what it offers, than if I was living there (in which case you tend to take a lot for granted).

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agree about Alastair Lynch too, what a [censored] he is, can't string 3 words together, his show on Fox on Tuesday is unwatchable because of that dipstick.

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Depends on which parts of Sydney you see RF. For example, I work in Gordon which is on the upper north shore and it is a beautiful area with lots of bush and parkland... love my lunchtime walks. There are other areas that are equally as nice with some spectacular views, nice tasteful houses and gardens and out of the mad rush.

The thing that Sydney lacks (but is finally improving in) are equivalents to Melbourne places like Ackland (sp?) Street, Brunswick Street, Lygon Street (although Leichhardt and Habberfield are getting there), Victoria, Sth Melbourne and Prahran Markets etc (I really miss Victoria Markets on a Saturday morning). For residential areas outside the CBD though, I would rate Sydney ahead of Melbourne.

Really, I could live quite happily in both places... but I suppose the advantage of living in Sydney is that when I visit Melbourne I tend to take a lot more advantage of what it offers, than if I was living there (in which case you tend to take a lot for granted).

living around the Harbour would be great but he will be living in the west which is slumsville, good luck to him

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Now I know Craig Hutchison is the least credible of the journos... but all over his twitter he talks about the 4 - scully, davis, palmer and ward. Probably 3 or 4 posts in a couple days about them and what do people think about them.

I know he isn't to be trusted, but wouldn't you think being a very good mate of our G.Lyon, if Scully was generally a chance to stay at Melbourne he would bite his tongue just for a few days and keep some credibility? Barrett also thinks Tom is a 98% chance of going (said on MMM today), and he is also a good mate of Lyon. I am not saying that his means he is definetly going, but surely if MFC were a serious chance, these guys wouldn't be putting their necks out?

I am expecting to hear the bad news tommorow about 11ish

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Now I know Craig Hutchison is the least credible of the journos... but all over his twitter he talks about the 4 - scully, davis, palmer and ward. Probably 3 or 4 posts in a couple days about them and what do people think about them.

I know he isn't to be trusted, but wouldn't you think being a very good mate of our G.Lyon, if Scully was generally a chance to stay at Melbourne he would bite his tongue just for a few days and keep some credibility? Barrett also thinks Tom is a 98% chance of going (said on MMM today), and he is also a good mate of Lyon. I am not saying that his means he is definetly going, but surely if MFC were a serious chance, these guys wouldn't be putting their necks out?

I am expecting to hear the bad news tommorow about 11ish

Hutchy last year said Gary Ablett would stay at Geelong, literally a day before Ablett strutted out in his new Gold Coast polo!

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Nothing can be proven unfortunately. I'd like to have keycode to Adrian Anderson's filing cabinet so I could slip into AFL HQ and go retrieve it. But alas, I can't.

Someone has come out and said he knows how it went down ... David Schwarz. His tweet was strong and unequivocal. "Don't be so naive he got the offer last October".

From that cat-out-of-the-bag statement ... which no-one seems to want to acknowledge ... I extrapolate my theory and everything makes perfect sense.

It has to be accepted that one of them lied. I just don't think it was the Ox.

I think you're missing something here RR. There is a phenomenon observable in many locations where people interact, including this site and remarkably enough in the media, where people wishing to sound authoritative give their opinion in the form of a definitive statement. Things like "there is no way in hell that that horse can win," "it'll never fly," or indeed "he's gone." They do this so that people will assume that they have definitive information on the subject, whereas a statement such as "in my opinion he is gone" gives much more reason to doubt and admits the possibility of being wrong, despite being far more accurate.

In this case we have your quote "Don't be so naive he got the offer last October" which we see has been couched as a statement of fact. This comment has come from someone with no direct connection to the events. We have also been given comments from many people who are directly involved with the events in question, such as SOS in the newspapers today "We've basically done our pitch, so it's up to him now," and indeed Scully himself who has repeatedly told us that he has not made a deal and will decide once the season is over. Given the information provided by people in a position to know, I feel it is a very safe assumption that the Ox was making use of the above tactic and trying to make his opinion sound more like fact than was actually the case.

I don't know when the offer came and when Tom Scully first knew about it but look at it this way.

The journalists said he was a target - Correct

The journalists said the offer was $5m over 5 years - seemingly correct

The journalists said he had signed - ?

They got the first two right, allegedly so why not the last?

They may get some things wrong but they had that information months ago well before GWS announced they had put an offer to his management. Is that coincidental or in fact was there a leak at GWS or did hi management let the news out.

If there are those that think GWS only offered the contract and money because of all the publicity surrounding the matter and decided "hey what the hell let's float that one", they are naive.

We have had dreadful year watching our side get belted time and time again and this has just been the icing on the cake.

RF, I refer to the bolded section of your comment. If you actually look back almost a year you will find that the figure mentioned in relation to Scully going to GWS began as speculation by some media figures on who might be going and what they could be worth. People with experience in the industry are able to come up with quite accurate estimates on the sort of contract which could be offered with very little actual information. We then saw a rapid escalation as other media figures saw this speculation and latched on to it as a good story, running with the figures presented to them in the absence of any real information. As more journalists repeated these figures, they became enshrined as fact and over the last few months it has become accepted that they are in fact the terms being offered.

We now have a second hand report on Tom Scully's comments on this matter, stating that the figures are entirely inaccurate. Knowing the origin of the figures, I am inclined to believe this report, but it is entirely up to you and others whether you will do the same

he will not stay, he is already gone, there is no way known he is not going and I will be so friggin' glad when all this shyte is over and done with. I wish he would just tell it straight and go instead of f%$#ing with demon supporters hearts and heads.

Firstly, I'll thank you for so clearly illustrating my point in replying to RR above.

Secondly, I personally do not believe that he has signed anything as of today. All comments to which I have access from people who might know the situation agree on this fact. Obviously nobody can say whether he has already made up his mind or not since we don't have access to Tom's mind. I will say that I believe the delay works in our favour. If he had a specific reason for leaving the club (such as dissatisfaction with the board, the coaching, the sacking of Junior or any of the other rumours we've seen), then he would have walked already. Likewise, if the GWS offer was such that no rational person could refuse, he would have taken it already. The longer it drags out, the more it looks to me that he is undecided and unconvinced. If GWS can't convince him to leave us, then he will stay (yes, I have just stated an opinion as fact).

I hold out hope and I truly believe that the longer this drags on the better the result will be. Take all the time you need Tom.

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blah blah blah blah blah, wait and bloody see what happens guys. Discussing it until the cows come home, wont make a bit of difference. For the record i think he'll stay.

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If a journalist reports that a player or coach is talking to Melbourne and is interested we are all over it like a cheap suit but if it's in the negative they are all full of it and wouldn't know, amazing.

Journalists, like Real Estate Agents, don't have a reputation of being truthful but sometimes they get it right, in this case the have at least half the story, GWS were chasing him and for big $'s

I dont think that anybody has said that any of the coaches who are linked with our clubs are done deals, signed and on there way,simply plausible, and people would be excited by the outcome

People do use the same type of article to infer without doubt a player is leaving this is the difference,

You are *right that people make assumptions, that is where the similarities end

Edited by Jordie_tackles
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Now I know Craig Hutchison is the least credible of the journos... but all over his twitter he talks about the 4 - scully, davis, palmer and ward. Probably 3 or 4 posts in a couple days about them and what do people think about them.

I know he isn't to be trusted, but wouldn't you think being a very good mate of our G.Lyon, if Scully was generally a chance to stay at Melbourne he would bite his tongue just for a few days and keep some credibility? Barrett also thinks Tom is a 98% chance of going (said on MMM today), and he is also a good mate of Lyon. I am not saying that his means he is definetly going, but surely if MFC were a serious chance, these guys wouldn't be putting their necks out?

I am expecting to hear the bad news tommorow about 11ish

Hutchy and Barrett will say whatever sells papers and creates interest friends with Gary L or not, its there job and they get paid very handsomely to do this, they dont get paid to write old news, or boring articles

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I think many of us here are a little frustrated that there's absolutely nothing we can practically do to help resolve the Scully situation. The endless drivel that this thread has tossed up is completely understandable. We love our club. We want a flag. The endless speculation is tiring and emotional. Scully leaving will impact on our chances to get a flag and give opposition supporters yet another reason to stick the boot in.

Having said all that, ........................................................................etc,etc the ultimate success and helping this proud club re-claim it's status as a competition powerhouse.

Please feel free to add your own suggestions. It might make you feel a little better – even if is just for a couple of days . . .

Pretty rude Tom. Didn't even thank Goodvibes for preparing your speach.;)

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Well I spent the first 11 years of my life living there mate and was thrilled when the family moved. Spent a weekend in Sydney for the first time since back in 2005 and had forgotten how much I dislike the place. No competition between the two cities and surrounding suburbs IMO.

Yep, you can really get a great feel for a city and its environs by the time you're 11 years old. And then a whole weekend to reaffirm your childhood impressions? Can't argue with that :rolleyes:

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I really find it hard to believe anyone thinks Scully will stay at the MFC. To me it is so blatantly bloody obvious he is going it's quite laughable.


(although i am a cynic & pessimist in a lot of things due to years of depressive support of mfc.! )

brought up in an era where vfl players were hero's to kids & that loyalty ala robbie; is a lesson in ones own life. & counts for something other than a large paycheck..

that the players & club & supporters have not been lied to.& treated like peasants..

1;"TS" -i love the mfc. -in his only press conference and wishes to be a one club player.. ( happy officials & m.sheahan taking him at his word...)

2; g. lyon takes him at his word..& will be @ melb next year..

3;d. bailey unequivocal that TS will be here next year. ( holding TS head in his hands @ end of ess. game.)

4.CHIP FRAWLEY SAYING, TS has told players he will be here next year.

5; J TRENGOVE ON "7"'s game day saying its a 9 1/2 out of 10 he will be @ melb. next year.

6; S BLEASE saying after rising star on 3aw he believes that TS will be @ melb next year

7. MAX GAWN saying he is inseparable with sam blease and wont leave .

8;TS ex high school teacher saying he will stay due to his loyal character.

9; his character constantly being attested to exemplary ..

IF its all B/S it just adds to up to a year we all saw coming as a year of yada yada , been there done that..

players focus being taken away ( by being constantly harassed be media ) from they're own position & performance.

devastated young supporters losing respect & learning early, that its a dog eat dog world & don't trust anyone"s word.

initial signing of a 2 year contract instead of a 3 year ala trengove & tapscott, threw up worrying alarm bells from the get go.!!!!!!!

& a dirty game of burning bridges.

mfc admin has to be held to some account..as in previous years of same same..


one, caroline wilson stating on 3aw tonight that he will be at GWS ( phoning in from ? interstate,wont say where )

& that it will be announced on friday, with a presser on monday..( & that no knowledge of coach has been a consideration.)


what character allows a club to WASTE a no 1 draft pick..& 2 years of developement which should have been spent elsewhere ( let alone the embarrassment & humiliation of a presentation of barrassi's "31")


Red Flag ??

1;Scully opts out of side on the friday.-then

2; SYLVIA quickly signs after, when his $ on contract was supposedly a hard fit in cap due to scully's offer.

now suddenly no issue ?-coincidence.?

3; S Blease has a shocker on the sunday giving away 5 frees ?& getting negative score in D/T & S/C ( CANNOT REMEMBER EVER A PLAYER GETTING A NEGATIVE SCORE ? DID'T THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE !

was he in a bad frame of mind..

Edited by fuchsia
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living around the Harbour would be great but he will be living in the west which is slumsville, good luck to him

Why do you think he would be living in the west? With the road systems that are there now, it's not that much of a drive from anywhere.

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(although i am a cynic & pessimist in a lot of things due to years of depressive support of mfc.! )

brought up in an era where vfl players were hero's to kids & that loyalty ala robbie; is a lesson in ones own life. & counts for something other than a large paycheck..

that the players & club & supporters have not been lied to.& treated like peasants..

1;"TS" -i love the mfc. -in his only press conference and wishes to be a one club player.. ( happy officials & m.sheahan taking him at his word...)

2; g. lyon takes him at his word..& will be @ melb next year..

3;d. bailey unequivocal that TS will be here next year. ( holding TS head in his hands @ end of ess. game.)

4.CHIP FRAWLEY SAYING, TS has told players he will be here next year.

5; J TRENGOVE ON "7"'s game day saying its a 9 1/2 out of 10 he will be @ melb. next year.

6; S BLEASE saying after rising star on 3aw he believes that TS will be @ melb next year

7. MAX GAWN saying he is inseparable with sam blease and wont leave .

8;TS ex high school teacher saying he will stay due to his loyal character.

9; his character constantly being attested to exemplary ..

IF its all B/S it just adds to up to a year we all saw coming as a year of yada yada , been there done that..

players focus being taken away ( by being constantly harassed be media ) from they're own position & performance.

devastated young supporters losing respect & learning early, that its a dog eat dog world & don't trust anyone"s word.

initial signing of a 2 year contract instead of a 3 year ala trengove & tapscott, threw up worrying alarm bells from the get go.!!!!!!!

& a dirty game of burning bridges.

mfc admin has to be held to some account..as in previous years of same same..


one, caroline wilson stating on 3aw tonight that he will be at GWS ( phoning in from ? interstate,wont say where )

& that it will be announced on friday, with a presser on monday..( & that no knowledge of coach has been a consideration.)

Didn't Scully's manager also say that Dees supporters should be optimistic?

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    DELUGE by KC from Casey

    The Casey Demons overcame their inaccuracy and the wet inhospitable conditions to overrun the lowly Northern Bullants at Genis Steel Oval in Cramer Street, Preston on Saturday. It was an eerie feeling entering the ground that in the past hosted many VFA/VFL greats of the past including the legendary Roy Cazaly. The cold and drizzly rain and the sparse crowd were enough to make one want to escape to the nearby Preston Market and hang out there for the afternoon. In the event, the fans

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    Casey Articles

    INSANITY by Whispering Jack

    Somehow, the Melbourne Football Club managed it twice in the course of a week. Coach Simon Goodwin admitted it in his press conference after the loss against the Brisbane Lions in a game where his team held a four goal lead in the third term:   "In reality we went a bit safe. Big occasion, a lot of young players playing. We probably just went into our shell a bit. "There's a bit to unpack in that last quarter … whether we go into our shells a bit late in the game."   Well

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    Match Reports 12

    PREGAME: Rd 17 vs West Coast

    The Demons return to Melbourne in Round 17 to take on the Eagles on Sunday as they look to bounce back from a devastating and heartbreaking last minute loss to the Lions at the Gabba. Who comes in and who goes out?

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    Melbourne Demons 251

    PODCAST: Rd 16 vs Brisbane

    The Demonland Podcast will air LIVE on Monday, 1st July @ 8:30pm. Join George, Binman & I as we analyse the Demons loss at the Gabba against the Lions in the Round 16. You questions and comments are a huge part of our podcast so please post anything you want to ask or say below and we'll give you a shout out on the show. If you would like to leave us a voicemail please call 03 9016 3666 and don't worry no body answers so you don't have to talk to a human. Listen & Chat LIV

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    Melbourne Demons 39

    VOTES: Rd 16 vs Brisbane

    Captain Max Gawn has a considerable lead over the injured reigning champion Christian Petracca in the Demonland Player of the Year Award. Steven May, Alex Neal-Bullen & Jack Viney make up the Top 5. Your votes for the loss against the Lions. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

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    Melbourne Demons 30

    POSTGAME: Rd 16 vs Brisbane

    The Demons once again went goalless in the last quarter and were run down by the Lions at the Gabba in the final minutes of the match ultimately losing the game by 5 points as their percentage dips below 100 for the first time since 2020. 

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    Melbourne Demons 455

    GAMEDAY: Rd 16 vs Brisbane

    It's Game Day and the Dees are deep in the heart of enemy territory as they take on the Lions in Brisbane under the Friday Night Lights at the Gabba. Will the Demon finally be awakened and the season get back on track or will they meekly be sacrificed like lambs to the slaughter?

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    Melbourne Demons 920

    UNBACKABLE by The Oracle

    They’re billing the Brisbane Lions as a sleeping giant — the best team outside the top eight —and based on their form this month they’re a definite contender for September AFL action. Which is not exactly the best of news if you happen to be Melbourne, the visiting team this week up at the Gabba.  Even though they are placed ahead of their opponent on the AFL table, and they managed to stave off defeat in their last round victory over North Melbourne, this week’s visitors to the Sunshi

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    Match Previews
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