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Look @ all those games poised @ 5 - 4 with one game to play.

JCB you are seriously hard to roll, you just seem to be able to get the job done no matter what.

Emberley V Q. Lynch left you hold all the aces to hang on here unless Big Q kicks 5.

OMR - you are a truly great competitor and coach.It is very disappointing you ain't with me in the 8.We have had a great time together with our banter etc..A great game we have just had..truly I thought I was gone..in particular when I knew Johnson was out.I was geniune about Pods..I was told by a Werribee footballer whom played with him , he was seriously sore..but seems not as sore as Johnson.When I was at the G but listening to the Geelong match and Newman went off- then I knew I had a chance.All the best to you and sincere thanks for the compliments..

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This week. 1st v 2nd, 3rd v 4th. JCB will be in the top four at weeks end!

The 4 will be decided in the 20th round b/w Range Rover and me..I hope it is a draw and we both get in...

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I'm going to post on here what I have just posted on the UF chat box. This is in response to OMR and JCB questioning trades between Snomed and myself. It seems very rich considering the amount of trade offers I have thrown out all year. Simply because Snomed and myself are willing to take risks to win this (See me trading out Ablett/Walker) you lot ask questions.

You are kidding me. I have thrown out trades to EVERYBODY nearlly every week! Nobody can dispute this. You have vetoed 2 trades between us. The first was Ryder for Gray. Turns out that would be pretty even right now!

This trade was meant to be part of the current trade that has Bartram and Swallow for Broughton for Watson. As you can see this is highly skewed in SnomD's favour. This trade was meant to include Green for Sylvia. But please inform me as how this trade is unfair? You fools. Learn to play before whinging about every trade.

Please re read what I said -- we need to look into these sought of things- trades for next year and make some rules on them..that this is what I said--(I support some thoughts along the same way and the last round b/w 2 mods definately need watching.We need to develop some main rules by next year...2012 Demonland league)..and now I can asure you -I and we do not like being called fools - you galah..hope I get you in the finals- WOW -I intend to belt your rs.And just for your own knowledge I was hoping you actually did swap- without Green in the finals would have been disastrous for you.Have a look at the deaw- the Dees play Eagles at home -first final, Richmond, 2nd final, suns- prelim and G/F-Port.He will be a matchwinner innearly every game when we try to make the 8.I think you have been lucky that you got vetoed..Save grace and shut up - that's my advise.

Edited by jayceebee31
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You fools. Learn to play before whinging about every trade.

I just want to highlight some of the trades that have been sent to me throughout the year from people who are the SAME PEOPLE who complain about trades that Robbo and myself have made (current rankings in brackets - the left is what I had, the right what they were offering).

High Tower: Paddy Ryder (98)for Brent Reilly (161) (yes - this was AFTER the Ryder / Gray trade was vetoed)

High Tower: Colin Sylvia (51)for Brent Reilly (161)

High Tower: Colin Sylvia (51)for Quinten Lynch (198) and Brent Reilly (161)

High Tower: Colin Sylvia (51)for Chris Mayne (177)

High Tower: Nick Smith (209) and Colin Sylvia (51) for Chris Mayne (177)and Cale Morton (317)(who's played 10 games)

High Tower: Colin Sylvia (51)and Scott Thompson (50) for Hamish Hartlett (56) and David Hille (106)

A bit rich continuously throwing this rubbish my way then the stirring up the veto-trigger happy players to veto trades which involve the same players you have been chasing all year. It seems that even when I am offered CONSIDERABLY better offers you think it's an unfair trade completely forgetting what YOU valued the same players at before hand (or in some cases afterwards).

I think my venting is over - frustrating day at the G today :)

Are we finished venting ?

Amazing that I go to check my results this morning from UF, then venture onto this thread for my morning browse and find whinging and hand wringing of accusations in relation to vetoed trades !

Firstly, I feel for Jackattack who has done an amazing amount of work for us all in starting up this game which I have had "fun" participating in and somewhat a challenge in getting back "into the game" after a lacklustre start. I've dipped my toe in the water and traded to get a side I would be content with in competing here in UF.

From memory, when Jackattack layed the ground rules, it took 5 coaches or more to see that a trade be vetoed. Now I haven't vetoed the Sylvia/Green trade, because I see it as relatively even. If I thought it was heavily swayed either way, I might or might not have a diffrerent opinion. And IIRC I left the Gray/Ryder one alone at the start of the year despite it apparently one-sided to many here.


With regard to the above proposals at the time by me for Sylvia and various others posted by yourself.

It's mightily convenient of you to highlight the "CURRENT rankings". Because at the time they were similar IF NOT BETTER than the ranking of said players. You quite rightly in your opinion refused within your rights. But did you hear or read me whinge ? NO. I think not.

Btw if you're going to post those as examples, why wouldn't you be transparent and post what the rankings were at the time ? All of Lynch, Reilly, Mayne & Hille were ranked in top 50 back then. Even Morton was 100-105 back then.

Reilly was ranked higher than Ryder after the first few games, and if I've made an offer after that veto trade - what's the big deal ?

Apology accepted. :)

robbo24, you should take some of your own advice.

PS. Are you two brothers or something ? Why I ask is you have similar posting styles and you have the same IP address..

rpfc - close one ! Could have easily gone your way, I was fortunate. Some close games all round. Deevoted almost upset Range Rover. Range Rover back on the winners list. 45 and Dappa another close shave.

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I support some thoughts along the same way and the last round b/w 2 mods definately need watching.

Stop sweating beads JCB. Me and 45HG16 will battle it out as competitors head to head, no tanking... so rest easy and stop sweating and looking for things that aren't there.

We're better than that BS.

Geez, it's a game people. Chill.

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Haha Bolton for Tambling.


I know the trading stuff can cause friction, but overall I think everyone has played the ball (not the man). With the possible exception of Ryder-gate which in hindsight didn't turn out to be a bad trade at all. I guess it was bound to happen.

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I'm tipping Bolton wasn't ranked at 15 a while back either.

Yes the rankings may look lop-sided, now. But back then...

PS. You just have to use my Simpson/McKernan trade as an example, back then relatively even...now... laughable.

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Haha Bolton for Tambling.


I know the trading stuff can cause friction, but overall I think everyone has played the ball (not the man). With the possible exception of Ryder-gate which in hindsight didn't turn out to be a bad trade at all. I guess it was bound to happen.

Round one - Tambling - Originally No. 2 Draft Pick New Club Adelaide

Bolton - On his last legs , 30 Something, Not a high possession winner.

Who would of known how these 2 would turn out in the context of UF Footy in round one?

Now what is this about the same IP address HT has mentioned?

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Round one - Tambling - Originally No. 2 Draft Pick New Club Adelaide

Bolton - On his last legs , 30 Something, Not a high possession winner.

Who would of known how these 2 would turn out in the context of UF Footy in round one?

Now what is this about the same IP address HT has mentioned?

Still funny though, albeit with the benefit of hindsight. That would have definately taken the 'Trade of the Year' trophy had it been accepted.

Same IP raises a bit of a red flag for me, but then had you looked at Dappa's IP 4 months ago it would have been the same as mine 'cos he has been known to mooch off my internet before. I'm sure there is nothing to it but if there is some kind of relationship between you guys I think it is reasonable to ask that you say one way or the other.

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The 4 will be decided in the 20th round b/w Range Rover and me..I hope it is a draw and we both get in...

Knowing you, it would be...

PS. Are you two brothers or something ? Why I ask is you have similar posting styles and you have the same IP address..


UF = no room for family allegiances. Jackattack v Dappadan this week a good example. No prisoners. No mercy.

45 and Dappa another close shave.

That result is huge in my year. I'm now a better than even chance to make top 4, with big names coming back from injury. Lose that one, and I'd have been more than likely 5th.

I guess it was bound to happen.

I think MOST people on here see the pitfalls now. Well put about the Rydergate incident... We made our point in those weeks, and were given a hard time about it. Since then we've been proven correct, and now that everyone is an expert, I reckon the problems with trading will be lessened in future comps.

Bottom line, the pros in this comp FAR outweigh the cons. At least at this stage. I reckon if anyone can sneak trades through the veto process, or with prior knowledge of players' injuries, or inside word on players being overlooked for selection (McIntosh a good example in my list)... then more power to you. It's all part of the vagaries... and all part of the fun.

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UF = no room for family allegiances. Jackattack v Dappadan this week a good example. No prisoners. No mercy.

You guys have different IP's and Jackattack is a gentleman, but you're a ... ;)

That result is huge in my year. I'm now a better than even chance to make top 4, with big names coming back from injury. Lose that one, and I'd have been more than likely 5th.

Yes, I was hoping for 45 to get the choccies. I think that slams the door on DL7 and my top 4 aspirations - eventhough it's mathematically possible. JCB still a chance though.

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As I am out of the finals race, for all intents and purposes, I just want to say that I enjoyed this.

For some reason I liked it better than Supercoach, I think it's purely because of the draft - only one person can have Ablett, Franklin, etc.

The trading process needs some cooler heads with regard to vetoing, but other than that it was fun.

If someone wants to remind me in Feb next year I will be on it like DK...

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As I am out of the finals race, for all intents and purposes, I just want to say that I enjoyed this.

For some reason I liked it better than Supercoach, I think it's purely because of the draft - only one person can have Ablett, Franklin, etc.

The trading process needs some cooler heads with regard to vetoing, but other than that it was fun.

If someone wants to remind me in Feb next year I will be on it like DK...

I'll PM invite all this year's participants individually next year, so you're in if you want to stay in.

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As I am out of the finals race, for all intents and purposes, I just want to say that I enjoyed this.

You're not entirely out of it rpfc. If OMR can do a job on snomed and you win your last two, you can snag 8th. So can OMR and Jako13.

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Stop sweating beads JCB. Me and 45HG16 will battle it out as competitors head to head, no tanking... so rest easy and stop sweating and looking for things that aren't there.

We're better than that BS.

Geez, it's a game people. Chill.

Hi- I heed your points raised-but don't tell me ,you are not in it to win it-you are as competitive as anyone..re you or anyone else.(all us coaches are)..I totally agree JA has done an outstanding job and in particular changing jobs just after accepting this role..However, all I am saying that we need to adopt some rules re structure for 2012 to alleviate any possibilties of collusion /and or cheating.We ALL put a lot of time in this game but like anything in life there must be rules and reulations we all need to abide by.How many times have the Mods sconed me? Because you Mods claim ,we have not abided to your rules & regulations.Sme thing-HT..I thought you, most of all, would support this request for action.And by the way- my remarks were made as Banter- not in the suggestion you are/were going to cheat or collude. But l am geniune AND SERIOUS in saying, we should definately make sure these possible anomolies need at least vetting before next year.We also have two persons in JA & DD whom seem to have the same surname. Now, I am not suggesting they will collude and or cheat but again we need rules & regulations to cover these aspects as we move forward.In particular with Dappa's bad luck over the last few weeks, if indeed he was contemplating doing something wrong, he would have already tried.

No- the spirit is right and sound..my banter with you got to ya- hey..first time for anything.. Let's go finals - let's go. And by the way -I want to congratulate all coaches on the spirit re attitude to the league itself- no doubt there was times such as Deevoted felt like giving it away etc.. but by gee he/she kept to it amazingly well. Congrats to all.

Edited by jayceebee31
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I'm all for ironing things out for 2012 with what you've mentioned. JA can run with it and I'll support him where necessary if he requests it.

And if you call that baiting - having mentioned the reference to collusion among mods, fair enough I took it hook, line and sinker. :rolleyes: (although it is hard to tell sometimes...)

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Nice little Dummy Spit Robbo24

Harden Up Son, & let me know if you want to throw out one final trade offer tonight in season 2011? :-)

Given the passion in both your responses I have no problem with what has gone down.

Never did really I was only stirring the pot as usual.

Well done to all winners this round & good luck when the real stuff begins in two weeks.

JCB you are a freak, against all odds you always find a way to win. Well Done.

Thanks for the compliment OMR- sooner be called a freak- than a monsterhead and worse of all a fool- I sure tell ya I did not handl that too well and will not. I tell ya -watch out when I play Robbo next- I'll belt his hide of him just like HT did to me...

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We also have two persons in JA & DD whom seem to have the same surname.

Dappa and I are brothers, and make no secret of it.

Family collusion is unlikely with him, he doesn't have 1 decent player i'd be interested in. I think I have proven it already but this weekend i'll make sure of it; Ufooty talent was unevenly distributed in our family.

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You're not entirely out of it rpfc. If OMR can do a job on snomed and you win your last two, you can snag 8th. So can OMR and Jako13.

Spot on HT

All 3 of us are still mathematically a chance.

Highly unlikely but you never know

I intend to destroy SnomeD/Robbo24 this week then rely on Deevoted to beat him again in the final round

Just kidding Robbo, just kidding:-)

PS : I have withdrawn that last trade prposal as I have found out today Newman won't be back in 2011.

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Spot on HT

All 3 of us are still mathematically a chance.

Highly unlikely but you never know

I intend to destroy SnomeD/Robbo24 this week then rely on Deevoted to beat him again in the final round

Just kidding Robbo, just kidding:-)

PS : I have withdrawn that last trade prposal as I have found out today Newman won't be back in 2011.

I was going to mention it banks on Deevoted beating snomeD. Which is not beyond the realms of possibility given Deevoted pushed Range Rover all the way to go down 4-5 in a close one.

Then it comes down to either Jako13 winning his two games or the winner out of you and rpfc in the last round. It could come down to the last round.

As always is the case it will probably be the last game, last quarter, last minute and closest category !

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Thanks for the compliment OMR- sooner be called a freak- than a monsterhead and worse of all a fool- I sure tell ya I did not handl that too well and will not. I tell ya -watch out when I play Robbo next- I'll belt his hide of him just like HT did to me...

No problem Monster Head

I have enjoyed the sledging enourmously myself in 2011

But best of all I have learn't heaps about the dynamics of this contest & wont be so slow out of the blocks in 2012

Probably run my race this season however intend to hit back hard in 2012

I reckon you are a deadshot shot at pinching this flag. Players like Sam Mitchell, Birchall & Stanton just continue to rack up the UF stats.

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I was going to mention it banks on Deevoted beating snomeD. Which is not beyond the realms of possibility given Deevoted pushed Range Rover all the way to go down 4-5 in a close one.

Then it comes down to either Jako13 winning his two games or the winner out of you and rpfc in the last round. It could come down to the last round.

As always is the case it will probably be the last game, last quarter, last minute and closest category !

You can count on my team , If they go down,they will go down fighting. (MFC ... you listening??)

I had a wretched run with injuries, out of form players, mistimed byes nothing seemed to go my way.

but held my nerve, never gave up.

I guess everyone had a tale of woe. But have enjoyed the challenge.

I wont apologize playing hard ball on rejecting trades. Some were just ridiculous.

Good luck to the teams in the finals.

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You can count on my team , If they go down,they will go down fighting. (MFC ... you listening??)

I had a wretched run with injuries, out of form players, mistimed byes nothing seemed to go my way.

but held my nerve, never gave up.

I guess everyone had a tale of woe. But have enjoyed the challenge.

I wont apologize playing hard ball on rejecting trades. Some were just ridiculous.

Good luck to the teams in the finals.

Fair enough Deevoted. Good luck in the run home.

Btw, I knew trying to dislodge Fyfe was going to be a tough ask. I wouldn't let him go either, but it was worth a 2 for 1 or 3 for 1 attempt. :)

If Melbourne could snag someone like him, I'd be very happy.

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