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Don't get the Pies not offering 3 ! He's young , has abilty , at 115 odd games is at start of his prime . With kicking coaching will enjoy much success. Definitely an assert. Strange really

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I don't rate Wallace as a player because a player would leave incidents on the field, not take them off like he did with Grinter.

I was there that day at the western oval, and nearly got killed because of that incident, the dog supporters went totally Feral.

I was a big fan of "Balls" but that incident was fairly ordinary. Also Wallace by then was well past his best.

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I was there that day at the western oval, and nearly got killed because of that incident, the dog supporters went totally Feral.

I was a big fan of "Balls" but that incident was fairly ordinary. Also Wallace by then was well past his best.

Still a disgrace that he took it to court. I've been hammered on a footy field a few times, and probably dished a couple out myself here and there, would never cross my mind to take it off-field.

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Would be a relatively cheap pickup for GC . Hunt will mainly play down back

In the National draft, GC Suns would prob' Nab him.

But I don't think GC Suns have any Pre season picks, so it most likely would be 1/ WC.. 2/ Bris.. 3/ Tiges.. 4/ Ess.. 5/ Dees...........

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In the National draft, GC Suns would prob' Nab him.

But I don't think GC Suns have any Pre season picks, so it most likely would be 1/ WC.. 2/ Bris.. 3/ Tiges.. 4/ Ess.. 5/ Dees...........

Is that rule still in place that to nominate for the PSD you have to nominate for the ND first?

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Still a disgrace that he took it to court. I've been hammered on a footy field a few times, and probably dished a couple out myself here and there, would never cross my mind to take it off-field.

Yep Fair enough, But Wallace's Jaw was pretty much spread over a large part of the western oval. It was the type of hit that would put a player out for a huge chunk of the season now.

I will never forget it, i was genuinely fearing for my life that afternoon. The Westies in the Crowd seriously wanted to punch on with any Melbourne scarf that day after that incident. May have been a major contributing reason why the AFL slowly got rid of standing room at those old home grounds. You could hear the crunch as the jaw broke that day!

I think Wallet has had trouble speaking since !! B)

Edited by why you little
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Yep Fair enough, But Wallace's Jaw was pretty much spread over a large part of the western oval. It was the type of hit that would put a player out for a huge chunk of the season now.

I will never forget it, i was genuinely fearing for my life that afternoon. The Westies in the Crowd seriously wanted to punch on with any Melbourne scarf that day after that incident. May have been a major contributing reason why the AFL slowly got rid of standing room at those old home grounds. You could hear the crunch as the jaw broke that day!

I think Wallet has had trouble speaking since !! B)

They were a feral bunch at the WO. Can remember a game we played out there, we won thank god, our safety was in jeopardy!

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They were a feral bunch at the WO. Can remember a game we played out there, we won thank god, our safety was in jeopardy!

Not as bad as windy hill, but that day with Wallace was the most Feral day i ever spent at the Footy. I am a short ass and it could have got very ugly, plus i had to drive my car home that had a couple of well placed Large Melbourne Stickers on it!!!

Let's just say i was extremely happy to get back to Elwood in one piece that night, with my car!!!

Wallace barracked for Melbourne as a kid too so i always thought it ironic that he took a demon to court!

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Isn't there a rule in place that GC17 can only take 1 out of contract player from each team, unless its by trade?

GC17 have already taken Fraser.

They can take whoever in the draft, I think. Clokes coming out of contract before the draft, so if he enters the draft, surely they will have to delist him.

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If he does go into the national draft, i'd definitely offer him a big contract for 3-4 years and pick him at pick 12.

He's EXACTLY the type of player we need. Would much prefer a powerful, pack marking premiership CHF who's very young (23), over an 18 yr old CHF who might be a gun but might be a dud and has some attitude problems (Darling).

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Dear Santa,

If you let Travis Cloke walk out on Collingwood I promise only to ask for 3 power rangers instead of 8 power rangers.

Little Timmy

Seriously though, it would be awesome to see it happen. Could be a blessing in disguise for the Magpies.

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Is that rule still in place that to nominate for the PSD you have to nominate for the ND first?

Honestly, since we've been rebuilding, I haven't kept up with the changes to the draft rules, except the ones that impacted our priority picks.

Lost interest in all but our rebuild. Haven't even been able to watch opposition teams games, unless we were in them.

Years back I studied all teams stats ever week. Could have gone into supercoach teams no probs,,, new all the opposit' players,,, heights,, wieghts,,, Speeds,,, weaknesses,, etc... Not now.

I'll see if the interest comes back next year. Until then, bring on the Drafts!!!

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If he does become available, I'd be bitterly disappointed if we don't make a serious move to try and acquire him.

Fits our needs like a glove!

touche !! :lol:

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yep..his kicking is this side of attrocious really. Still amazes me anyone at AFL level cant kick decently :wacko: But...he could be coached to kick better. His other attributes are just inherent...you either have them or you dont......and he does

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I don't rate Wallace as a player because a player would leave incidents on the field, not take them off like he did with Grinter.

Terry Wallace - 254 games, 3 Premierships, 2 B&Fs during one of the golden periods of the Hawks. 2 B & Fs at WB. A credible and decorated playing career.

Wallace was the victim of thuggery by Grinter. It was a disgusting and reckless act which knocked Wallace unconscious, extracting teeth and breaking his jaw. Grinters low act was akin to common assault.

As a coach, I dont have much time for Wallace. But his playing record is outstanding. I note you plugged Cloke as a Premiership player but dont rate a player with 3 flags. Hmm. B)

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Although I cannot stand the sight of Travis Cloke, there is no doubt he would be a valuable asset to our team and is in the right age bracket. The point is moot however. The trade period has passed and there is no way he would slip to number 12. At a minimum, Gold Coast will nab him with one of the seven picks they have before ours. The one key hole in their list is a big bodied key forward. Aside from that, I think that any of WCE, Essendon, Richmond and probably even Brisbane would also take him before us. Time to move on.

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Terry Wallace - 254 games, 3 Premierships, 2 B&Fs during one of the golden periods of the Hawks. 2 B & Fs at WB. A credible and decorated playing career.

Wallace was the victim of thuggery by Grinter. It was a disgusting and reckless act which knocked Wallace unconscious, extracting teeth and breaking his jaw. Grinters low act was akin to common assault.

As a coach, I dont have much time for Wallace. But his playing record is outstanding. I note you plugged Cloke as a Premiership player but dont rate a player with 3 flags. Hmm. B)

You're fetish for wanting to be the most knoweldgeable poster is getting beyond a joke RR. Time you turned the computer off and got some fresh air.

Not once did I criticise Wallace's playing ability, I just don't believe an AFL footballer (or VFL in this case), should take any on-field incidents off-field. This in my opinion tarnishes such a player, and opinions can be formed about what sort of player he is. Yeah, he won flags, b&f's, blah, blah, but he will always be "the player" who took a bloke to court over a footy incident.

Ask and Carlton supporter what they think of Milburn as a player, I'm sure there are a number of them who don't rate him as a footballer because of what he did to SOS in his last game. This is not taking anything away from his ability, it just (through some eyes) puts a grey cloud over a pretty decent career.

And if you want to be a real smart ar$e, I'd love for you to explain where you see the need to to question me "plugging" Cloke as a premiership player. Is he not one? What's your point?? While it may not be the case in your Wallace arguement, there are a number of players who are multiple premiership players who you would question their right to be in such a category, christ, Cameron Mooney has won 3 and I think he is far from a great player! Don't know what your point is here.

FWIW, I personally don't understand how you can call what Grinter did "thuggery", late hit, yes, but he was far from a thug. Is that bloke from West Coast a thug becasuse he broke Sylvia's jaw?

No doubt you will tell me that I'm wrong, I forgot your capable of this even though it's someones opinion. I'm sure you'll do it in some insomnia preventing post that makes you think you're opinion is the only one that matters.

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You're fetish for wanting to be the most knoweldgeable poster is getting beyond a joke RR. Time you turned the computer off and got some fresh air.

If you dont like to have your comments challenged on the Forum...get a blog and turn the response switch to off.

Not once did I criticise Wallace's playing ability, I just don't believe an AFL footballer (or VFL in this case), should take any on-field incidents off-field.

You said you didnt rate him as a footballer and its parsimonious to discount because he took another footballer to court over an action which was common assault and caused damage and loss of income.

Ask and Carlton supporter what they think of Milburn as a player, I'm sure there are a number of them who don't rate him as a footballer because of what he did to SOS in his last game. This is not taking anything away from his ability, it just (through some eyes) puts a grey cloud over a pretty decent career.

Stop Press: Supporter from one club does not like a player from another club. I am not sure what Milburn has to do it with it. I dont recall Milburn punching SOS in the face and breaking his jaw.

FWIW, I personally don't understand how you can call what Grinter did "thuggery", late hit, yes, but he was far from a thug. Is that bloke from West Coast a thug becasuse he broke Sylvia's jaw?

It was common assault. If a player did that today, he would miss at least a year and potentially be up for damages. Throughout his career, Grinter had a habit of belting people and getting suspended. Easily qualify as thug in todays football if he had not been rubbed out of football all together. And the bloke from West Coast, Josh Kennedy a thug like Grinter? No not even close.

No doubt you will tell me that I'm wrong, I forgot your capable of this even though it's someones opinion. I'm sure you'll do it in some insomnia preventing post that makes you think you're opinion is the only one that matters.

Clearly only yours does Billy and we wont challenge it. :lol:

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If you dont like to have your comments challenged on the Forum...get a blog and turn the response switch to off.

You said you didnt rate him as a footballer and its parsimonious to discount because he took another footballer to court over an action which was common assault and caused damage and loss of income.

Stop Press: Supporter from one club does not like a player from another club. I am not sure what Milburn has to do it with it. I dont recall Milburn punching SOS in the face and breaking his jaw.

It was common assault. If a player did that today, he would miss at least a year and potentially be up for damages. Throughout his career, Grinter had a habit of belting people and getting suspended. Easily qualify as thug in todays football if he had not been rubbed out of football all together. And the bloke from West Coast, Josh Kennedy a thug like Grinter? No not even close.

Clearly only yours does Billy and we wont challenge it. :lol:

More than happy with my comments being challenged. I'm the first one to put my hand up if I'm wrong, especially if it is with a proven fact. In this case, I'm not sure you are able to provide me with any facts to change my opinion;

Cloke - premiership player - FACT

Wallace - don't rate him as a player because a player shouldn't have done what he did - OPINION, can't be proved right or wrong.

Out of curiosity, how many of Wallace's team mates made the Hawthorn Team of the Century? I can see why you think Wallace was a great of the game.

If you want a thug, what about Wallace's team mate that wore number 9. Grinter wasn't in the same league as that bloke.

STOP PRESS: A Melbourne supporter doesn't rate an opposition player that some do rate and some don't. Who would've thunk it. I didn't rate Brian Wilson as a player either (for different reasons to Wallace), bugger me he won a Brownlow! Oh no, I'm sure that comment will have some expert facts and stats thrown at it with thanks to RR.

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More than happy with my comments being challenged. I'm the first one to put my hand up if I'm wrong, especially if it is with a proven fact. In this case, I'm not sure you are able to provide me with any facts to change my opinion;

Cloke - premiership player - FACT

Wallace - don't rate him as a player because a player shouldn't have done what he did - OPINION, can't be proved right or wrong.

Out of curiosity, how many of Wallace's team mates made the Hawthorn Team of the Century? I can see why you think Wallace was a great of the game.

If you want a thug, what about Wallace's team mate that wore number 9. Grinter wasn't in the same league as that bloke.

STOP PRESS: A Melbourne supporter doesn't rate an opposition player that some do rate and some don't. Who would've thunk it. I didn't rate Brian Wilson as a player either (for different reasons to Wallace), bugger me he won a Brownlow! Oh no, I'm sure that comment will have some expert facts and stats thrown at it with thanks to RR.

Billy, you're wrong about

Wallace was a very good player

His legal action has nothing to do with playing ability

Grinter was a good footballer (not great) but at times played like a thug

Billy you're right about

Rhino is a smatarzz

Rhino is an abusive poster


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