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Bailey Locked In


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WTF. Why are we signing up for 2 years? So we can be possibly the most stable 5 time wooden spooners ever? INSANITY What KPI's has he reached? Why didn't they just give him 5 years in the first place if he didn't have to prove anything? He better be the right man for the job cause if he isn't it will be disasterous for the club.

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When I saw the words 'Bailey locked in' and 'Imminent Re-signing' below the thread title, I thought someone might have inadvertently got their ins and outs mixed up and wrongly inserted a hyphen.

There should be no re-signing or resigning on the basis of the one match. I'm sure had the match been played in Melbourne the anaemia would have been all Freo's rather than ours, as they are also hopeless travellers, but the fact is that over the past few years Melbourne have barely raised a whimper in numerous abject defeats in most of their matches interstate; it has been possible for even the weakest interstate opposition - and let's face it, Freo are as weak as they get - to pencil in any home match against Melbourne as a percentage building fait accompli. Until Bailey marshals a team that plays consistently with determination and intensity no matter the disadvantages - interstate travel, umps against them, injuries, and yes, even lack of skill or experience - there should be no re-signing.

Melbourne don't have to defeat Essendon, or for that matter win any of their practice matches, but they do have to show something, some sort of style or game plan and a sense of collective purpose, and go down fighting. If not, their confidence will be blown, they will start to believe the write-offs they cop in the papers, and we'll end up in a state of total and abysmal despair. Under those circumstances, it should be Resign, rather than Re-sign.

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I have to agree with Mike Sheahan too....which is also quite rare! :wacko:

Personally I would not sign Dean Bailey to another contract until the end of this season. To do anything else would be foolish.

Like all other Demons supporters we want to see improvement from our team and this cannot be fully assessed correctly until the 2010 season is finished.

How are you going to feel about the mounting pressure and bad press that falls on our club or did you forget to think that far ahead.

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Melbourne don't have to defeat Essendon, or for that matter win any of their practice matches, but they do have to show something, some sort of style or game plan and a sense of collective purpose, and go down fighting. If not, their confidence will be blown, they will start to believe the write-offs they cop in the papers, and we'll end up in a state of total and abysmal despair. Under those circumstances, it should be Resign, rather than Re-sign.

Go and lie down

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How are you going to feel about the mounting pressure and bad press that falls on our club or did you forget to think that far ahead.

There will be no Bad Press if the club give 110% during this season, i just think it's an early call to award an extension-But i can be swayed in the next 16 weeks.

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There will be no Bad Press if the club give 110% during this season, i just think it's an early call to award an extension-But i can be swayed in the next 16 weeks.

Chances are we'll lose most, if not all our first 5 games. When this happens if Bailey isn't already signed the media and half the football world will be calling for his blood. Sign him now and behave like a professional club. We lost a F@@@ing NAB cup match for god's sake Stop being drama queens and look what Bailey has to work with. No club in my memory has recovered in 3 years from the sort of clean out that has just taken place at our club. It's not an excuse it's a fact. By half way through this season you will see some good signs, there's too much talent not too. If you want consistency cryovac yourself and I'll cut you free in 4 years when we're tearing it up.

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When I saw the words 'Bailey locked in' and 'Imminent Re-signing' below the thread title, I thought someone might have inadvertently got their ins and outs mixed up and wrongly inserted a hyphen.

There should be no re-signing or resigning on the basis of the one match. I'm sure had the match been played in Melbourne the anaemia would have been all Freo's rather than ours, as they are also hopeless travellers, but the fact is that over the past few years Melbourne have barely raised a whimper in numerous abject defeats in most of their matches interstate; it has been possible for even the weakest interstate opposition - and let's face it, Freo are as weak as they get - to pencil in any home match against Melbourne as a percentage building fait accompli. Until Bailey marshals a team that plays consistently with determination and intensity no matter the disadvantages - interstate travel, umps against them, injuries, and yes, even lack of skill or experience - there should be no re-signing.

Melbourne don't have to defeat Essendon, or for that matter win any of their practice matches, but they do have to show something, some sort of style or game plan and a sense of collective purpose, and go down fighting. If not, their confidence will be blown, they will start to believe the write-offs they cop in the papers, and we'll end up in a state of total and abysmal despair. Under those circumstances, it should be Resign, rather than Re-sign.

Do you need a Melways?

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Chances are we'll lose most, if not all our first 5 games. When this happens if Bailey isn't already signed the media and half the football world will be calling for his blood. Sign him now and behave like a professional club. We lost a F@@@ing NAB cup match for god's sake Stop being drama queens and look what Bailey has to work with. No club in my memory has recovered in 3 years from the sort of clean out that has just taken place at our club. It's not an excuse it's a fact. By half way through this season you will see some good signs, there's too much talent not too. If you want consistency cryovac yourself and I'll cut you free in 4 years when we're tearing it up.

Don't waste your time Roost It, you cannot educate sheep they just follow..............

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Chances are we'll lose most, if not all our first 5 games. When this happens if Bailey isn't already signed the media and half the football world will be calling for his blood. Sign him now and behave like a professional club. We lost a F@@@ing NAB cup match for god's sake Stop being drama queens and look what Bailey has to work with. No club in my memory has recovered in 3 years from the sort of clean out that has just taken place at our club. It's not an excuse it's a fact. By half way through this season you will see some good signs, there's too much talent not too. If you want consistency cryovac yourself and I'll cut you free in 4 years when we're tearing it up.

What has media got to do with Bailey signing? If Bailey signs and we don't improve they will have a go at us for signing him to early, if he doesn't sign then they will call for his head, which ever way you look at it it ain't gonna be pretty.

The thing we should be looking at is Bailey the saviour? We have a lot of things going against us in the next 5 years with the Gold Coast and GWS taking our picks and free agency. We perform poorly and Bailey gets the sack then other coaches will still consider us a club with something to work with, but give us another 2 years of poor performances people will just consider us to be just another Richmond.

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You jest, surely

No i am Genuinely not sure what all those stats you produced had to do with last weeks game. And were you using them as an excuse or a reason for our pitiful showing?

Not that i doubt the Stats, but the MFC should be bloody ashamed of those stats-use them as a motivation rather than a crutch.

I am sure the AAMI stats are no different.

Imagine Flying over there, Hotel for a night, Food Drinks & Cabs- all that money & Time for that Rubbish!!!!!

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Notwithstanding post *57, there hasn't been an official announcement yet about DB being signed up for 2011 (let alone beyond), despite there having been rumours or indications for a couple of months. Why?

I agree with KS and others that if we don't sign him up, we'll have until about Round 10 to make the decision, it won't wait until the end of the year. And at Round 10, signing him for just 2011 won't be an option but an insult, we'd have to sign him for 2 years at least. For me, 10 rounds isn't nearly enough to assess whether he should be our coach until end 2012 and beyond. It makes sense to give him adequate time to be assessed, and this can only be done by signing him until end 2011.

BUT, especially after Sunday's display, I think this should be contingent on the team showing definite and unmistakeable signs of improvement from last year. Don't care about wins at this stage, but definite improvement in team performance. And so far in 2010 we've seen no evidence whatsoever. I believe it will happen and we'll sign him, but I wouldn't blame the Board if they too wanted to see signs of improvement before putting ink to paper.

But maybe RR knows something the rest of us don't.

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I don't see much evidence of DB as a development coach, given the last two years!

How long is his potential timeframe - 2011, 2013 - why not 2020? Terry Wallace was given 5 years and look at that mess!

MFC has been waiting 45 years, enough is enough - time to move DB on!

Garland, Frawley, Sylvia, Flash..? Not sure who you're watching but all of those listed had career best seasons under him.

And we are not Richmond, they're cursed.

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Chances are we'll lose most, if not all our first 5 games. When this happens if Bailey isn't already signed the media and half the football world will be calling for his blood. Sign him now and behave like a professional club. We lost a F@@@ing NAB cup match for god's sake Stop being drama queens and look what Bailey has to work with. No club in my memory has recovered in 3 years from the sort of clean out that has just taken place at our club. It's not an excuse it's a fact. By half way through this season you will see some good signs, there's too much talent not too. If you want consistency cryovac yourself and I'll cut you free in 4 years when we're tearing it up.

You miss my point. As i said if the Players give 110% and show improvement regardless of the final scores, the Press will not go Hard on the Team or Bailey.

But if we have 4-5 performances like last sunday...The press will eat us for breakfast Richmond style.

It is in the clubs hands, and i am very glad we have 3 more practise games to do some hard work.

Like i said on monday morning it would be interesting to hear what is said this week behind closed doors inside the Footy Department.

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I can see both sides of the story but at the end of the day a lot of time and effort has gone into what the mfc is trying to achieve.

Only time will tell of the fruits of their labour .

The only thing that concerns me is , has the mfc learnt from the ND era he got away with it for ten years .

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I can see both sides of the story but at the end of the day a lot of time and effort has gone into what the mfc is trying to achieve.

Only time will tell of the fruits of their labour .

The only thing that concerns me is , has the mfc learnt from the ND era he got away with it for ten years .

well how about that..first post and nails it !!

succint :)

welcome to hell...well thats where demons live..:)

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What i cannot understand is, why do we keep making skill errors like we do? Why do we have senior players making poor decisions? Why do we have senior players dropping marks, ineffectively using the ball and being out of position all the time? This is aimed at the senior players, not the first or second or third year players but veterans.

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What i cannot understand is, why do we keep making skill errors like we do? Why do we have senior players making poor decisions? Why do we have senior players dropping marks, ineffectively using the ball and being out of position all the time? This is aimed at the senior players, not the first or second or third year players but veterans.

Thats a very valid question. You would think that even on a bad day the mor eexperienced would simply play under par..but to commit basic erors is really plain unforgivable..there's rusty...and then there's seized !! :rolleyes:

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Cameron Schwab was on SEN and confirmed the upcoming extension. Said they want to give Bailey "at least 2 years" to coach the team.

Just cant understand the haste, quite disappointed in their decision (as usual).

Why the disappointment ?

Stand back and take a look at the list.

The extension is a formality.

There is no one better qualified than those in-house that know what Bailey and his FD are doing, having turned over the list the last two years from what initially resembled swiss cheese that was past its used by date when Bailey took the reins.

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We have 5 players on our LIST with 100 games experience. Only four played on the weekend and one of those only played a half. Posters have to start realizing that we have less experience in the team this year than the last few years - possibly decade.

"At least two years" - to me I think they'll sneak in a one year extension.

Edited by 45HG16
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I think to Bailey and the MFC had a plan to build the list in the first two years, the FD and coach did this exceptionally well. Once this was achieved and in alignment with the completion of state of the art training facilities the focus of Baileys plan (and the KPIs he's being judged by) will turn to the development of the list. In this area, by all accounts this preseason has been far better than last and with the new facilities will be better again next year. Development of a young team requires patience and an ability to stay the line despite the inevitable baying of the media (and some fans) when things are rough (as they inevitably will be at times). So the MFC's decisions to extend is sound and in alignment with out strategy both on and off the field.

I believe that Bailey will do for the MFC what Sheeds did for the Dons.

However, should I be proved wrong, I suspect that when Jack Viney joins the club in 2012, his old man might be a good candidate.

Edited by predman
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Cameron Schwab was on SEN and confirmed the upcoming extension. Said they want to give Bailey "at least 2 years" to coach the team.

Just cant understand the haste, quite disappointed in their decision (as usual).

Agree with you entirely - cannot see any justification for this, at all :blink:

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I think to Bailey and the MFC had a plan to build the list in the first two years, the FD and coach did this exceptionally well. Once this was achieved and in alignment with the completion of state of the art training facilities the focus of Baileys plan (and the KPIs he's being judged by) will turn to the development of the list. In this area, by all accounts this preseason has been far better than last and with the new facilities will be better again next year. Development of a young team requires patience and an ability to stay the line despite the inevitable baying of the media (and some fans) when things are rough (as they inevitably will be at times). So the MFC's decisions to extend is sound and in alignment with out strategy both on and off the field.

I believe that Bailey will do for the MFC what Sheeds did for the Dons.

However, should I be proved wrong, I suspect that when Jack Viney joins the club in 2012, his old man might be a good candidate.

nice one to get off the mark with.

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