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the tanking debate

I tire somewhat of Mr Hypocritical and 'only what I say means anything- Malthouse' and similar kindred souls taking aim if even under cloak of inuendo. we all know what the games about but some seem to think they can assume some higher moral ground by virtue of some god given right.

Mick and Co...tell ya what...we at Melbourne will do what is best for melbourne and you can all lump it. Too much in this competition is lop sided, especially in fav of certain teams who seem to travel seldom and play almost exclusively at one ground, When you can play an even game Mickey, then and only thenwill anything you have to say carry weight.. So enough of the sarcy snide remarks

Andy Maher might also be a bit more realistic and humble given his teams preferred oprion of flouting any rule and as often as seems warrnated for 'their' end...but ogd forbid any other team want to play fair dinkum within the rules ( as they are). KB was right to essentially ridicule him.

Voss..youve been coaching 5mins...pull your head in.

Seems when we decide we want to cast off our rangey and Volvo ties and get down and dirty ...they dont like it.. @#&% them !!

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the tanking debate

I tire somewhat of Mr Hypocritical and 'only what I say means anything- Malthouse' and similar kindred souls taking aim if even under cloak of inuendo. we all know what the games about but some seem to think they can assume some higher moral ground by virtue of some god given right.

Mick and Co...tell ya what...we at Melbourne will do what is best for melbourne and you can all lump it. Too much in this competition is lop sided, especially in fav of certain teams who seem to travel seldom and play almost exclusively at one ground, When you can play an even game Mickey, then and only thenwill anything you have to say carry weight.. So enough of the sarcy snide remarks

Andy Maher might also be a bit more realistic and humble given his teams preferred oprion of flouting any rule and as often as seems warrnated for 'their' end...but ogd forbid any other team want to play fair dinkum within the rules ( as they are). KB was right to essentially ridicule him.

Voss..youve been coaching 5mins...pull your head in.

Seems when we decide we want to cast off our rangey and Volvo ties and get down and dirty ...they dont like it.. @#&% them !!

Great to see us pissing people off already, just wait till we start winning.

Edited by Roost It
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Great to see us pissing people off already, just wait till we start winning.

yep...just wait...they will start crying foul no bet !! All these teams and followers have such short and selective memories dont they !

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If you listen to all of Voss's comments and not just the parts the media play over and over it wasn't actually bad. He said he still believes that no coaching or football departments actually goes there to try and lose. They just put long term gains as a higher priority than short term. Where as teams trying to make the 4 or 8 or win the grand final put winning first and player development and safety second. The AFL doesn't expect teams in our position to risk jeopardizing a players future. Where as players and their teams like Egan and Croad were happy to risk long term injuries chasing a flag.

I haven't heard what Malthouse said but everyone knows he would do exactly the same thing in Bailey's position. Coach for the long term future of the club.

Andy Maher? Who?

I'd be happy for every other AFL team to hate Melbourne with a passion. Means we are doing things right and they have a reason to fear us.

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If you listen to all of Voss's comments and not just the parts the media play over and over it wasn't actually bad. He said he still believes that no coaching or football departments actually goes there to try and lose.


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Yes, i find it extremely hypocritical of Malthouse to come out and be against tanking, given the filth obtained a PP in 2005 under suspicious circumstances. One can only remember fatty 'McChins' McGuire stating before the final round that colling#@$% would be celebrating should they lose to the Crows at the G. Funnily enough they went on and lost by over 100 points, whilst being very close to making finals in '04 and getting in in '06.

But let all those sooks complain, we have won 11 games in the last 3 years (probably 12 after Freo). That is why the PP was set up in the first place, to aid teams like us get back up the ladder.

If we lose a few friends along the way, so be it. It's about time this club stopped trying to be the 'nice' club and put itself first every time.

Call it unsociable, but it won the Dorks a flag, so why not us?!

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Is there any proof that he is actually still alive?

Any proof that he has thoughts of his own?


Or thoughts at all?

He'll give you answer but he has to check with Buckley first.

It's in the contract.

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(Sorry to joke, but serioualy, I cannot take this talk from outside sources seriously. Who gives a rats what they think. In fact, the only reason I slightly care is that I'm enjoying being disliked for a while)

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(Sorry to joke, but serioualy, I cannot take this talk from outside sources seriously. Who gives a rats what they think. In fact, the only reason I slightly care is that I'm enjoying being disliked for a while)

I'm with you. They can blather on as much as they want, this will be over after the NM game.

Lose that and we're sweet.

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Couldn't care less what Malthouse says. Like Big Ed, he talks out both sides of his mouth.

Good for the geese, go enough for us I say.

And as for Andy Maher. He is simply the biggest sycophant in the football media. Couldn't care less what that clown has to say. And as he's a Carlton supporter, we need say no more.


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Yes, i find it extremely hypocritical of Malthouse to come out and be against tanking, given the filth obtained a PP in 2005 under suspicious circumstances. One can only remember fatty 'McChins' McGuire stating before the final round that colling#@$% would be celebrating should they lose to the Crows at the G. Funnily enough they went on and lost by over 100 points, whilst being very close to making finals in '04 and getting in in '06.

But let all those sooks complain, we have won 11 games in the last 3 years (probably 12 after Freo). That is why the PP was set up in the first place, to aid teams like us get back up the ladder.

If we lose a few friends along the way, so be it. It's about time this club stopped trying to be the 'nice' club and put itself first every time.

Call it unsociable, but it won the Dorks a flag, so why not us?!

Yes How many friends did the MFC have During the 40's & 50's? Not many, but we won about 8 flags! & that's what people remember.

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I was getting really bored listening to SEN on the way home today, until some Melbourne supporter came on to say that he's furious that we nearly won the game, and that we should tank harder, and then Ox said that Jordan McMahon should be given life membership at Melbourne.

The fact that everyone is annoyed makes this whole thing even better. We're getting talked about, people are starting to care that we're collecting ourselves a nice pool of talent (jealous even!), while we go about our daily business and deny everything. It's beautiful! :D

I also laughed at Voss scoffing at tanking. I bet your club enjoys those fat salary caps and concessions, so back in your box!

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Good to see other clubs worried about the super team that we could possibly build. If we win more than 1 game the media will rubbish us for being morons. 11 wins in 3 years and no priorities while Hawthorn and Collingwood win a lot more games and got priorities. I'd rather the club be called tankers than morons.

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The fact that everyone is annoyed makes this whole thing even better. We're getting talked about, people are starting to care that we're collecting ourselves a nice pool of talent (jealous even!), while we go about our daily business and deny everything. It's beautiful! :D

Yeah, got to say I'm enjoying being talked about too. It's kind of novel. And all of a sudden we're the bad guys and Bailey is the evil genius. Love it.

I never want to have to live through a final quarter like yesterday again though. It was too strange. The crowd around me was pretty flat all day. For the most part, everyone was limply clapping and cheering goals for the first three quarters and there wasn't much if any, frustration displayed when we made an error or a free kick went against us. I know I didn't care.

For the most part, in the final quarter, there wasn't much clapping or cheering around me. I know I wasn't. I just shut up shop. Arms folded. I didn't know what to do. I could never actively barrack against Melbourne. But I didn't want to win. So I just let it ride. Whatever happens happens.

I was disappointed to hear that Melbourne supporters were singing the Richmond song after the game. It's pretty pathetic if you ask me. I don't know it that's true or just media rubbish. I know, I know, we needed to lose. But if you didn't feel some sort of horrible conflict yesterday, there's something wrong with you. Seeing the players gutted on the ground after the game was awful to see.

As far as I'm concerned, you take the loss knowing what it means for the future of the club longterm but you don't sing the opposition song. You don't forget who you barrack for. I think the effort our boys put in yesterday deserves a bit more respect than I think some have shown around here.

And I'm over all the Jordan McMahon love. As far as I'm concerned, thanks Jordan. Now go away.

In short, this season cannot end soon enough.

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This whole episode only proves yet again how stupid and short-sighted and egotistical commentators are, to a man & woman. This is the first opportunity since Carltank that they've had a chance to beat up the PP issue. We're in a feeding-frenzy situation, where whatever Melbourne and West Coast do - whether they move players or don't move players, whether they win lose or draw - they inerpret as tanking.

When a bozo like Grant Thomas says that West Coast were tanking against Essendon, they just happened to find themselves in front at the end of the game, and divas like Caro & Hutchy nod like clowns, you know that all perspective has gone. When Thomas says something like "nobody can tell me that there isn't tanking going on absolutely everywhere", you know he's seeing what he wants to see and too stupid to realise it. It's just a group of attention-seeking giant egos seeking attention.

Bailey's got it exactly right - whatever he does is going to be interpreted as tanking, so he'll ignore it and keep doing what he wants to do. And let the media cretins carry on making idiots of themselves.

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This whole episode only proves yet again how stupid and short-sighted and egotistical commentators are, to a man & woman. This is the first opportunity since Carltank that they've had a chance to beat up the PP issue. We're in a feeding-frenzy situation, where whatever Melbourne and West Coast do - whether they move players or don't move players, whether they win lose or draw - they inerpret as tanking.

When a bozo like Grant Thomas says that West Coast were tanking against Essendon, they just happened to find themselves in front at the end of the game, and divas like Caro & Hutchy nod like clowns, you know that all perspective has gone. When Thomas says something like "nobody can tell me that there isn't tanking going on absolutely everywhere", you know he's seeing what he wants to see and too stupid to realise it. It's just a group of attention-seeking giant egos seeking attention.

Bailey's got it exactly right - whatever he does is going to be interpreted as tanking, so he'll ignore it and keep doing what he wants to do. And let the media cretins carry on making idiots of themselves.

Just Do it Dean Bailey. Just do your stuff.

Remember the Presentation you gave to the Board of the Day & Do it..

Here's to the future. Thomas Failed ultimately as a coach, You Dean have the chance to become a Melbourne Football Club Legend. GO FOR IT..

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Great to see us pissing people off already, just wait till we start winning.

Let's start thinking up a motto...(maybe it's too early for that).................

hey I know...what about "They know we're coming!"..

Oh, wait that's been taken.


Isn't he that dude that's in bed with that McGuire character? - I think that's his name, could be wrong.

Good to see other clubs worried about the super team that we could possibly build. If we win more than 1 game the media will rubbish us for being morons. 11 wins in 3 years and no priorities while Hawthorn and Collingwood win a lot more games and got priorities. I'd rather the club be called tankers than morons.

That's right Brockstars5. Whatever happens we will cop it. We're damned if we do, damned if we don't. I'd rather us cop it, knowing that what we've done was within the rules set by the AFL - that's been done before by other clubs - and that our club will be better off in the long run.

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Let's start thinking up a motto...(maybe it's too early for that).................

hey I know...what about "They know we're coming!"..

Oh, wait that's been taken.

The thing is they don't know we're coming which is going to make it all the sweeter for us.

Fancy labelling yourselves "They know we're coming!". and then not really "coming" Not even most Carlton supporters think their list is good enough. Once Judd wears out and Fevola explodes it's all over. :lol:

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Love it and hate it. Was very conflicted on Sunday, happy we lost unhappy we won. Media will rip shreds if we win, do the same if we don't. I WAS one for winning at all costs, but now realize that it's not the best thing for the future. Just concentrate on the long term guys, as has been said many times, short term pain, long term gain. Demons are meant to be feared and hated, are we Demons or just Sinners?

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Love it and hate it. Was very conflicted on Sunday, happy we lost unhappy we won. Media will rip shreds if we win, do the same if we don't. I WAS one for winning at all costs, but now realize that it's not the best thing for the future. Just concentrate on the long term guys, as has been said many times, short term pain, long term gain. Demons are meant to be feared and hated, are we Demons or just Sinners?

Let's not sing the f###ers theme song though.

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The thing is they don't know we're coming which is going to make it all the sweeter for us.

Fancy labelling yourselves "They know we're coming!". and then not really "coming" Not even most Carlton supporters think their list is good enough. Once Judd wears out and Fevola explodes it's all over. :lol:

tend to agree...they ( well many are writing us off ) the cleverer amongst the observers have often commented we have a list thats starting to show something. we will surprise a few next year.. Wont be earth shattering...just a bit surprising :D

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