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suzanna your little bird aint so little,

I want the MFC to sign with the Casey council for several reasons,

1. Lets settle down and become a football team in this century not stuck in yesterdays.

2. We said we as a club were going to do something, lets do it, our word should be worth something, if its not we are just another poor version of carlton --- totally dishonest!

3. This move to a PERMANENT training venue[ with gaol posts ] is good for the club.

4. Jimmy just sign the bloody thing and go forward with a POTENTIAL market of new young bodies.

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3. This move to a PERMANENT training venue[ with gaol posts ] is good for the club.

Yep...Lock that one in Eddie !!! :lol::lol::lol:

sorry..one of those days ! ;)

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For those that haven't read it -

The council CEO Mike Tyler sent an email to his executive management group late Wednesday evening all but confirming the death of the Melbourne deal:

"Discussions with MFC have been drawn out over many months. They are in a state of flux at the moment.

MFC has expressed a very strong keenness to locate at Casey Fields, but is now concerned about the deliverability into future years of the Community Partnership it previously proposed to Council.

This situation has developed in just the last week, and was quite a surprise given that the program was initially proposed by MFC.

Discussions yesterday with MFC representatives concluded with their advice that the matter would be considered by the MFC Board today, but they were not hopeful.

I did not hear from any MFC representatives today.

Should any fruitful discussions be re-established, I will let you know.

Mike Tyler

Chief Executive Officer"


If true, it's disappointing.

What's odd is that - as stated in the 'email' - the MFC wanted the 30 year deal, and the MFC wanted the community initiatives etc.

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Should all this come to nought..I and many others will be asking some questions of this club.

I have to say Ive always felt ( warning ..my opinion ) that Stynes's heart wasnt in Casey...definitely Connolly's was/is.

I await with much interest the outcome of this fiasco

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So hang on... we couldn't possibly end up with NO reserves team of any kind, could we? How would that work? Do we just make a last-minute bid at some poorer club or something? Surely Casey are just hanging on because they know we have nowhere else to go, and there'll be hell to pay if we don't have somewhere to train up these younger kids of ours?

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So hang on... we couldn't possibly end up with NO reserves team of any kind, could we?

the casey council deal would be somewhat seperate to the scorpions deal... we could not have a base out at casey, yet still have our players play with the scorpions...

however it would be extremely disappointing if this deal falls through...

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suzanna your little bird aint so little,

I want the MFC to sign with the Casey council for several reasons,

1. Lets settle down and become a football team in this century not stuck in yesterdays.

2. We said we as a club were going to do something, lets do it, our word should be worth something, if its not we are just another poor version of carlton --- totally dishonest!

3. This move to a PERMANENT training venue[ with gaol posts ] is good for the club.

4. Jimmy just sign the bloody thing and go forward with a POTENTIAL market of new young bodies.

The Board of the Mfc and our CEO have the enviable task of doing what is right for the best interests of the club. The Board and CEO and President positions have all changed of recent times. It also looks as though the views of Casey have also changed, hence the stalling. If the Mfc cannot commit to the 30 year community plan due to the various costs associated with this, so be it. If our club cannot commit to this, taking into cosideration its current status and the ever changing current economic climate at risk of losing "everything"...I support them in the process.

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It also looks as though the views of Casey have also changed, hence the stalling. If the Mfc cannot commit to the 30 year community plan due to the various costs associated with this, so be it.

Casey Council's views haven't changed one iota. It was all ok from Council's perspective at its meeting on 5 August.

If the Mfc cannot commit to the 30 year community plan due to the various costs associated with this, so be it. If our club cannot commit to this, taking into cosideration its current status and the ever changing current economic climate at risk of losing "everything"...I support them in the process.

Agree. It's up to the MFC Board to determine whether they can live with the agreement.....which was based on MFC's own proposals of:

* the community development program

* the 30 year arrangement.

If the Board now determines it can't live with it, that's fine. But it should come clean and say that it has reviewed and changed its position, instead of trying to cast the Council in a poor light.

The Council has bent over backwards trying to accomodate MFC, and its changing agendas (driven partly by changing Boards and CEOs) for the best part of 8 months.

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So hang on... we couldn't possibly end up with NO reserves team of any kind, could we? How would that work? Do we just make a last-minute bid at some poorer club or something? Surely Casey are just hanging on because they know we have nowhere else to go, and there'll be hell to pay if we don't have somewhere to train up these younger kids of ours?

I can smell smoke, &, as they say,,, (or the late captain blood used to say),, where there's smoke there's red herring, or maybe blue cod.

1/ The soccer wants to put a team out @ casey. The AFL will want to compete with this.. ??

2/ The AFL was interested in a 3rd stadium not so long ago, & I think would have been investigating this scenario.. ??

3/ Jim Stynes is trying to rekindle relations with the MCC..

Maybe somthing is in the wind & so the DEES don't want to overcommit, before the AFL take a stand??

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Article in this week's Cranbourne Journal:

The blame game: 30-year deal a stumbling block to football club move


MFC's interim chief executive and director Peter Spargo told the Journal last week the club wanted the same arrangement enjoyed by VFL club Casey Scorpions - three 10-year optional terms - and not the 30 consecutive years stipulated by council.

I believe that 30 years was not stipulated by the Council, but proposed by MFC.

There were also concerns about the increased costs of delivering the club's community programs, costed at about $2 million a year, over a 30-year period, Mr Spargo said. "There are some issues with regard to the proposal that Casey Council have put to us that we are at loggerheads about.

The program was, according to the 5 August Council report worth about $600,000/year - nothing like the $2 million/year mentioned in the article. And most of it was in-kind (eg players going to clinics, being involved in pre-season training, the club running media conferences etc) rather than a direct cash cost to the club.

"They want us to try and predict the cost of our community programs for the next 30 years.

"We can't predict what it's going to cost us in 12 or 15 years, it could have doubled or tripled. If we lock ourselves into an agreement for 30 years, we have to deliver on that...and we are just not prepared to do that."

The Council report, which can be seen on the Council website (go to the agenda for the 5 August meeting at http://www.casey.vic.gov.au/meetings/artic...Item=11233#aug) doesn't seem to be making a demand for estimating costs over 30 years. It has a present day nominal value of around $600,000/year. Really, if the club is delivering the program it proposes, it surely doesn't matter what the nominal value is in any future year.

Mr Spargo said the council's proposed $1.4 million redevelopment of facilities at Casey Fields wouldn't go ahead if the deal fell through.

That makes sense - why would the Council build it if MFC isn't going to go there. It could put its money into other projects.

But he said the MFC's planned alignment with the Casey Scorpions, which is expected to be finalised by the end of the month, and its community programs would not be affected.

"We will be coming to Casey and forming an alignment with the Casey Scorpions come hell or high water."

Great news!

The rupture was revealed last week when Casey chief executive Mike Tyler alerted councillors by email that negotiations were unexpectedly in "a state of flux".

Actually the story might have been broken on demonland:

There's been a shed-load of trouble at the Casey council over the proposed financial arrangements with Melbourne.

And just now an email arrives, the gist of which is: "The Casey deal went to [censored] last night."

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Im just a little curious why they are quoting Spargo now.., surely Schwab is in the seat ??

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Yes, I wondered the same thing.

Peter Spargo was Interim CEO for a few months, and we hardly heard from him.

Yet, when Cameron Schwab takes over as CEO, we hear from Peter Spargo.


Exactly...its like we're hearing everything with time lag !! which makes me wonder whether all this reporting is possibly a little behind the reality of things ?? With elections looming..is it nothing more than appropriated muck raking ?? Quite possibly elements of truth...but not a lot of it gels with what we were all given to understand by all parties !!

The truth will out ...I spose :huh:

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Dees reject Casey speculation

Maybe we should all just be a little patient. I'm finding the stalling as annoying as the rest of you who are keen on Casey but this is a big deal and all the details need to be thought through. We've got a new board who are weighing up alot of issues at the moment and with the limited funds available this will take time. Now go outside and breathe!!

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Dees reject Casey speculation

Maybe we should all just be a little patient. I'm finding the stalling as annoying as the rest of you who are keen on Casey but this is a big deal and all the details need to be thought through. We've got a new board who are weighing up alot of issues at the moment and with the limited funds available this will take time. Now go outside and breathe!!

thanks for the link, this from CC made me laugh

“What were you doing in 1978? That’s how long the arrangement is for. There’s a bit of detail stuck in it, and all that sort of stuff.”
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Melbourne is due to meet the AFL on Friday to discover the cards it has been dealt.

The Demons' wish list in July underlined their commitment to their new summer base at Casey Fields.

It includes a request for a Round 1 NAB Cup game at the Cranbourne venue and a NAB Challenge practice game there against another Victorian side.

They say the ground could host 14,000 fans.

The Demons want a dramatic drop in Sunday games during the season proper. They played 15 Sunday matches last season, seven as the home team and said that hurt their efforts to attract corporate and family support. They want just two home Sunday games.

The club also wants three Friday night, three Saturday afternoon, one Saturday night (against Richmond) and one Monday (against Collingwood).

It has asked for no home games at the Telstra Dome and is keen for the Saturday night clash with the Tigers to be youth-themed.

If they are to be sent to Docklands, they want to play against a Victorian team.

From the HUN today.

So casey holds around 14,000?

Surely with a bit of work we could get to 20,000 and host freo there too?

The possibilities are really exciting me thinks.

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Meanwhile, down at Casey - FORMER North Melbourne player Peter German has emerged as a contender to coach Casey Scorpions.

Follows Greg Hutchison's decision to remain with the Saints.

Also Chris Connolly was part of a meeting organised with prospective Casy recruits for 2009 and assured all that the Casey deal was going ahead.

Although our own discussions with Beach Road Bazza's son KC to become our regular Casey correspondent next year are also going along slowly, we're 99% sure he's committed.

Those who wish to help with compiling reports for future Casey games - please PM me.

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It includes a request for a Round 1 NAB Cup game at the Cranbourne venue and a NAB Challenge practice game there against another Victorian side.

That would be great for the community and a good way of strengthening the foundations of this new relationship, i'd go down for a NAB cup game, maybe not a NAB Challenge match though.

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I saw this particular article in the Herald Sun today.

The title is... Crisis talks with Demons over long-term plans for Casey.

Here is the link: http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl...4-19742,00.html

I really hope things can be sorted out and the Melbourne Football Club and the Casey Council can "sign on the dotted line" and get the deal at Casey Fields done.

I realise it will be alot of money over 30 years and it is a MASSIVE decision but I think the long-term future of the Melbourne Football Club will be in a lot better shape if we sign this agreement to be at Casey Fields for 30 years. The benefits far outweigh the negatives in the long run in my honest opinion.

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I saw this particular article in the Herald Sun today.

The title is... Crisis talks with Demons over long-term plans for Casey.

Here is the link: http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl...4-19742,00.html

I really hope things can be sorted out and the Melbourne Football Club and the Casey Council can "sign on the dotted line" and get the deal at Casey Fields done.

I realise it will be alot of money over 30 years and it is a MASSIVE decision but I think the long-term future of the Melbourne Football Club will be in a lot better shape if we sign this agreement to be at Casey Fields for 30 years. The benefits far outweigh the negatives in the long run in my honest opinion.

An investment of $600K of community involvement every year for 30 years is a decision not to be taken too lightly. Obviously the mfc would like to tweak this a bit to satisfy the bottom line. Here's hoping they can work it out for what is best. Not sure if today will be D-Day as Schwab indicated the club wants more time to weigh up the ramifications. Hopefully the council agrees to this point of the mfc, as it clearly is something the mfc needs, much to our frustration as members and supporters of this great club.

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