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Generation dee

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Everything posted by Generation dee

  1. Yeah he was. As was Matt Jones and byrnesy. Who would have thought, the wedding finished and they went out for a few. Do you need photos hero?
  2. Haven't spoke to pat for a while, however last night I was lucky enough to run into some other mutual friends. Namely Bernie Vince. It's not a dead deal yet. We have offered him a deal to set him up for life and he is mulling over it. Dont expect any news for a week.
  3. I really don't see what the issue is? Here we have a person who has come from a disturbing background but has managed somehow to turn himself into a respectful person with integrity and strong values. Yeah I love a laugh at the pathetic things in life, but here we have an afl footballer who isn't all about going to the Barkley on a sunday night trying to pull birds bragging about afl stardom. We have a bloke who sticks up for what he feels is right. Sure, he can come across a little self-righteous, but in a day and age where the youth aren't of sound moral fibre, he is prepared to be a good role model and get on the front foot to use his status as an afl footballer to try to better those who look up to him. Anyone with an issue with a person who wants a peaceful and respectful earth should have a good look at themselves before casting rocks at someone like heritier.
  4. I find it hard to imagine players like Chad wingard and Matt white would have excelled in the current melbourne game style as they have at Port adelaide. That said, while port were ordinary for a few seasons, they still had a lot of early draft picks often injured, along with some good older mentors like kornes and cassisi. The biggest issue for blease has always been consistency. Much of that has been injury or fitness based, however you need to be able to adapt in afl football. as much as he may not have liked the stop start game plan (along with you, me and many others) he hasn't been able to add any more tricks to his game than an average skilled, quick outside receiver. He couldn't develop into a pressuring small forward or defender, he couldn't develop off half back and he certainly ly couldn't impact games in the middle due to his fitness.
  5. When you get 3 pages in and come up with a good idea, post it, and read page 4 and someone already beat you... Smart minds think alike!
  6. I wonder if there was a way to somehow incorporate the contract that a players original club offered a player into awarding compensation. For example if Frawley has signed for a smaller deal, let's say 450k over 4, yet we offered 550k over 5, could the afl use that in terms of measuring a players worth to their original club? The fact that star players will choose a team closer to the top than the bottom, in most scenarios, could mean they are playing for less.
  7. Furthermore, he sees the challenge of helping melbourne back up the ladder as a key factor. As well as being closer to home and the money, the chance to work alongside a stable coaching arrangment and be a leader are the biggest factors.
  8. This will be my last post on the matter but I managed to find out today that he did meet with melbourne officials. I didn't ask if he had toured aami park or not, however this is now as close to happening without a signature. He is quite frustrated at his treatment both in the media and at adelaide headquarters from several key coaches and members. I'm not going to list those but as it stands patty is 97-99% going to be a Demon.
  9. I couldn't say, what I do know is he is frustrated with how adelaide have handled the senior players and now he has pretty much been forced to defend himself in the media and the board in which he is frustrated at. What I do know is Bernie Vince and Simon Goodwin have spoken at length to him and Aiden Riley has mentioned how good the relationship between the players and coaches are at melbourne. That's pretty much all I can say. From pats mouth on Friday was "sounds pretty good". My advice to him was to think about what the city has to offer in the way of live music and shopping. Like I said in my last post, I reckon it is better than even money. Maybe 65/35 for him coming to the Dees.
  10. I haven't wanted to post in this topic as yet knowing that until now, it's been very much uphill for the Dees to get him over the line. But as a Dees supporter and also sharing a friendship circle with patty and knowing him personally, I can confirm he is very much open to moving from adelaide, tat the media releases he has done were pushed on him by senior crow officials trying to maintain stability. I can also confirm that if he leaves adelaide it will be to Melbourne. That is all I can say for now, I don't want to mention anything else before he decides 100%. But if I was to put a figure on it, I think pat is better than even money to make a change. The deal put to him will make him one of the top 3 paid players in the game, along with a leadership role. Obviously the crows and Dees need to agree on a trade and I have no idea what that might involve, however pat is genuinely open to crossing to the Dees this trade period.
  11. Between tanking, new teams coming in and the draft being monopolized, recreational drug use, supplement sagas, player contract uncertainty and dozens of rule changes, its getting harder and harder to love afl. I mean after a round with several close finishes and some genuine excitement back after a season of blowouts and split rounds, its disappointing that again there is an off field issue subtractimg from that. Just a footy fan hoping it gets back to being all about the players sooner rather than later.
  12. Disagree macca, you mark 30 out straight in front, go and kick the goal every time. Unless you're travis cloke.
  13. Having a win like that takes the pain out of going to work on a monday morning!!! Great work boys.
  14. Not overly fussed what grade it was, I responded to a poster who said blease wasnt in the highest possession winners. That wasnt sarcasm, sarcasm is the lowest form of humour. I just said it how it is to a repeat offender.
  15. Blease highest possession getter.. Your knowledge of football- lower than shark poop
  16. Absolutely. Friday night commentary is terrible. Dennis is slowly losing what made him unique, leigh matthews explains things in a manner similar to floyd mayweathers character on family guy, carey is alright but bruce just makes me cringe.
  17. Agree redleg. Funny he missed that geelong were dudded by the umpire calling play on on hawkins. His press conferences used to be witty and spread with only disdain if asked a ridiculous question. Now he speaks to any journalist like they are a farmdog. I would say that he should focus on updating his tactics and regenerating a playing list that are showing signs of poor fitness and second rate skills, rather than critisizing umpires who had 30 players spread around the ball.
  18. Well said robbie. I guess it opens the question up, can trengove, tapscott and blease etc make the same improvements? Well done to cam, I remember being stoked we landed him originally but I remember the dismay at times last year watching him. Hope he keeps it up and keeps going, essentially the position is now his to lose regardless of fitzy or the like.
  19. To be fair, I felt that was one of carltons better performances for the year. They should of held on but for some questionable skill errors at crucial times from yarran in particular. Was a quality game of footy which the afl needed. What it didnt need was a friday night etihad game between two victorian teams with only 36,000 there. The afl would be hopimg we get 80,000 to make up for that.
  20. Good post. I feel that dave mission and his team were very unfairly critisized early this season. It seems there was a decision made not to rush players for round one, but to manage them for the maximum amount of games possible. The injury list was never overly large, however it was the players on it which caused angst. Credit to the fitness guys, comparing our injury list to that of say hawthorn or collingwood shows how well off we are to have these guys at the club now.
  21. Onviously it has turned out well with tyson and salem, however had we have landed rockliff last trade period I doubt anyone would have see the problem with it. That said, jeez its good to get excited to go to the footy again knowing you will see tysons 60m goals and salems sublime skills!
  22. Why? Jamar isnt going to be around forever, gawn is still learning. Costs nothing and has had 6 years invested in him. He has come a long way from where he was. Congratulation pencil, hope you can keep taking your game forward.
  23. I hope that you dont value any of my property!! In terms of todays footballer, if you can play in a variety of roles successfully, your net worth is only going to increase. Last year we would all have said his best is purely as a key back playing closer to goal. This year we have seen him play high forward and closer to goal, which im sure also would help him if he does end up returning back. In my opinion, if he signs his next contract assuming its a 4 year deal, it will be around 2.5 million. Fremantle, brisbane, carlton, st kilda, hawthorn, adelaide and possibly geelong would all pay that to get him next year.
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