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Older demon

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Everything posted by Older demon

  1. Beamer was good at the interview but has ultimately succumbed to a chronic achilles injury which he has carried all year. Sounds like that when he left Melbourne he had only 1 year left in his body.
  2. AFL wrap of the weekend listed Billy as best player for Glenelg, he certainly isn't laying low so other clubs won't notice him.
  3. Posted it before, Greg Wells the genius recruiter at Geelong has 10 rules for drafting. Rule 1. Player must be prepared to put his head over the ball sadly I cannot remember the rest but they relate to ability to kick, run, mark over head that alone would exclude some of our recruits
  4. After todays effort and the disgust and surprise expressed by Roo's at his presser I would be surprised if any of the out of contract players gets asked back (except the rookies). Have never seen Roos so grim
  5. Can't handball can't kick was that Joe the cameraman or Paul Roos. Worst game ever
  6. It may well be that some of the players playing today are there not because they have earned a spot but this is their final scrutiny as roos must realise that the list is a long way short of AFL standard. Damned awful today......
  7. As I said elsewhere we need to raise the expectation on whom to recruit. If they aren't good enough to get a regular game at their present club DON"T even consider them. Proved today that the likes of Riley, Terlich who would only get a game for us are just not good enough. Add to that Blease, Mckenzie and Tapscott who shouldn't be in our best team and you can see why we are so poor. We need class, skill and elite kicks and people prepared to gut run to make space.
  8. I came home angry. That playing group embarrassed themselves and the jumper today. I hope they get the mother of all sprays from Roos as today set back any gains and was possible the worst performance for the year besides the West Coast game. Too many spuds who make bad decisions, cannot kick to position or a lead and make awful decisions. Don't need to name them as we all know who they are. memo to recruiting, if a player cannot get a game at his current cub there is a reason they probably aren't good enough, so don't recruit them. Recruit fast, talented players who can kick and hit a target. That was awful to watch. A quick note for that thug Merret. You are a weak gutless sniper who hit 2 blokes in the head in marking contests today. I hope your season is over and someone clunks you one day.
  9. Roos mentioned on the MFC website that Hogan trained yesterday. Hope he pulls up OK and is ready to don the boots
  10. It was out of context and based on Dom Tyson's presser today where he said that some GWS mates running around in the 2's would like to come home
  11. Just returned from a holiday in the N.T. and the game in Darwin. A week in Alice convinced me talking to locals that Liam's biggest challenge will be to keep off the grog and out of jail. His chances of playing footy again are zero. His court order on release are that he must not drink alcohol for 12 months and he is to keep out of Yuendumu and Alice. Not one local I spoke to had a good word for him and attitude to women.
  12. No change IMO, the casey team has Terlich, Blease and Nicho named so unless someone pulls out late cannot see a change. Be interesting to see who will be the emergency and if they play half a game like Jordie did a few weeks ago.
  13. The odds are against us unless there is a significant change in the FA deals. To date no club has matched the financial offer made to an FA. Clubs know that to move a player you have to pay overs and to ward off the players existing employer or the player is in the twilight of his career and wants success and a a contract longer than 1 year. As chip has stated this is his BIG contract, the question is will the club pay overs to keep him and maybe upset the Roos culture.
  14. The only elite kicks are IMO Watts, Salem and Vince. Next level are Dunn (long but not always accurate), N. Jones when he kicks long, Kent (but need to see more of what he has) Tyson (when he gets it right but still makes too many clangers). Hmmm that is 7 the rest are iffy
  15. The previous regime were obsessed with MFC fitness levels and the previous coach spent his first year getting them to a level of fitness comparable to the Woods. At the beginning of 2013 he reported to the board that they were ready go. He appeared to have spent so much time concentrating on fitness he forgot about playing football. What Roos has done is get some half decent players into the midfield, abandoned the money ball approach and made the players use that fitness to run both ways especially down back when we don't have the ball. He is right we were a long way off in that respect. Even today his presser declared that we still need some class in the midfield
  16. As mentioned on a different post does this qualify the EFC for bringing the AFL into disrepute. Throw them out as they would rather take everyone down that cop their wack.
  17. After reading all the posts I noted that Wade Lee's was done for 2 years for importing a banned substance. It never got to him and was snaffled by customs. So according to Nick McKenzie, ASADA have transcripts from Dank asking Chartres to source the raw material from China, it was reconstituted by the the compound pharmacist and Essendon got an invoice. Then all the records got conveniently lost so no-one knows what they got ... I can see why ASADA and their overseas WADA expert think they have a case because even if it wasn't administered then the players in the injection program will be guilty under the drug code. It is a different set of rules than we are used to in common law. Anecdotally the bombers were huge and all looked pumped at the start of the 2012 season and then inexplicably all succumbed to an extra ordinary number of soft tissue injuries. Cannot help but think they got juiced up and then had the juice cut off mid season.
  18. Nick McKenzie does not get the credit he deserves at the Age. He is the terrier who caught out Dank admitting to using Thymosin beta 4 and as posted earlier the ASADA cases is all around the purchase of the raw material, the chemist making it up to spec and receipts for its purchase. Essendon have conveniently lost those records and Dank has said nothing. It would appear that Dank has made the error thinking himself smarter than ASADA and that he could influence them. In other words he was right and they weren't. I applaud Nick for his questioning of Dank, keeping the transcripts and publishing Dank's response in yesterdays AGE. I sincerely hope that the legal system doesn't allow Essendon to slip through and get away with its irresponsible behaviour.
  19. It is easy to forget the hole left in the list with Mitch Clarke's retirement and I can see why McPherson would say we are looking for a ruck man. No one on the list had Mitch's forward attributes combined with the ability to do stints in the ruck (Pederson trying to fill that role). A running half back who kicks the ball long and a speedy ball carrier in the Hill style
  20. Note McKenzie, Riley Kent & Salem NOT named in casey team all other emergencies are named. I imagine 1 player may play a half like Jordie did last week
  21. How can you get 5 free kicks in 100 minutes of football.? Opening quarter Elliot goes for 2 hangers, hands on shoulders, pushes in back no free. Having said that our disposal today was appalling and we turned it over solo many times. So frustrating
  22. Watts admits that he was swayed when Roos took over as coach and I have no doubt he was seriously considering leaving. Well Chip knows what is on the table at that Roos will most likely coach for the next 2 years. Judge people by what they do NOT by what they say. Dunn set the standard today by signing up now and that is real leadership. The ball is firmly in Chips court and the longer he delays the more inclined I am that he will go. PJ has said that the succession plan will not happen till post seasons as they consider the candidates. Chip will not know who the next coach will be when he makes his decision. Good on you Lyndon
  23. Open training session Sat at 10.30 am and note Toump, Pig Dog and Jordie named in the casey team for saturday afternoon against the Pies
  24. I would like him to stay but if it is a flag, finals or to play in a GF I think he will leave. Agree didn't like his body language on the vid and with Dunne signing on, Roos saying he will be around (not necessarily as coach) and a greatly improved on field performance all the things he wants to review happening, suggest he should sign on now. I feel he is stalling and will move on at seasons end as is his prerogative under free agency.
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