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Everything posted by LegsLeoncelli

  1. Obviously, but the evidence suggests there would not have been time to complete that trade due to the lateness of GWS's offer.Wyl says we should have taken the trade regardless, I want him to tell us that would have improved the team next year.
  2. Well, please tell us who we would have taken with pick 6 and how this 19 year old would improve the team more than Howe next year.
  3. Wish Song was on ... really need Admiral Ackbar gif about now.
  4. Um, the proposed trade is to a team that just made the finals. Logic fail.
  5. Absolutely spot on.I wouldn't be touching him with a ten foot pole. Surely we learnt something from the last time we poached a player who had thoughts of "going home". There are and will be plenty of good young footballers around trying to get back to Victoria, I wouldn't be signing one who's trying to get out.
  6. If you're trying to say since he had a "good" year, it would be 3 years (66 games).Although his ability to impact games was certainly affected, the perception that he went from hero to zero is a bit misplaced- his average disposals per game decreased by less than 3 from 2011 to 2012. FWIW, maybe Danger has never forgiven Trenners, and the trade is a condition of him joining the Demons.
  7. Slob Hutchison just said on Footy Classified that it's the club's fault for front end loading Frawley's last contract. Surely slob realizes that restricted and unrestricted free agency is basically the same, because it's highly unlikely that a club will force a player into a contract to play in a team that they have just attempted to leave. The sooner the AFL does away with that particular facade the better.
  8. That's ok, Danger will be putting it onto his chest.But seriously, posters on here referring to Varcoe as a "midfielder", try actually watching some football before shooting off at the gob...
  9. Yes, and McDonald, Howe and Evans, when the latter got a game, doing the same.People on here need to get some perspective.
  10. To halftime at least, Sydney finishing the season like they started it. Bit of a shame, really...
  11. I understand why they are doing it, the point is that being told you are not wanted would not naturally proceed this. That is why I am questioning those who are suggesting that this is what Roos has done.
  12. To those suggesting that Roos has told Clark that he doesn't really fit in our plans, I would ask why Clark and his manager keep peddling the line about getting the best compensation that they can for the club? The two don't really add up.
  13. Rivers, Moloney, Sylvia, Frawley.Granted, not all big losses but the certainly has the makings of a pattern. And although Vince was a "win", he was not a FA. Also, hard to say that pick 3 for Frawley is a win until we see who we get into the club for that pick. FA seems to be working well for strong clubs who are using it to "top-up", which I think is the point of redleg's post, and evident in our FA losses since its inception.
  14. Tarrant and Johnson also retired. Heath Shaw was moved on.
  15. That's funny, you say we only played one quarter, I say we DIDN'T play for just one- when they kicked 8 goals.It's a matter of perception.
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