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Everything posted by LegsLeoncelli

  1. I would think that:the text messages from today (unless fake, which is unlikely) against the club's formal position on Dank + McLardy's strong rhetoric regarding our 'tanking' and ultimate, um, bending over to Vlad in the end on the issue + the Bailey/Schwab debacle (Don obviously chose a side here) and the continuing fallout some 18 months later may constitute some sort of evidence.
  2. Surely you can see the hypocrisy- you telling others to 'stand by your club' (I'm not doing that weird punctuation thing you've got going on) in a thread about a man who has been president during a time when some absolutely horrible decisions have been made on behalf of our club, while demanding the resignation of a man who has coached (until this point unsuccessfully) the team for just over a season? My question to you would be: Why Neeld and not McLardy?
  3. Nah, we'll just do what you want and sack the coach after 3 games this year. Big [censored] diff!
  4. Not trying to offend, but it may be the first time you have heard of it, but it's been out there in one form or another since early February.As many others have suggested, it's the fact that the club tried to play it cute by stating that Dank had not 'officially' been employed by the club, yet he was clearly working with, or at the very least advising, the club. Maybe Scwab can come back to do the press conference for Don tomorrow, so we won't look quite as stupid.
  5. Maybe Mitch will be more comfortable leading up the ground and will mark our kick-ins at halfback. At least we'll consistently get the ball past the wing. That's some improvement, surely...
  6. And also, it shows that people in the club (including players) were willing to push the boundaries on multiple fronts, when they should have been worrying about learning to play footy.So get your 'big whoop' and shove it where the sun don't shine.
  7. Yeah, like Woewodin did when he went to Collingwood...Unfortunately there's a bit more to footy than just running around.
  8. Goodness me, I'm not sure what on earth you were watching. Toumpas should clearly have laid a shepherd for his captain, allowing him to run on and use the ball. I guarantee that's how it will be viewed when he is shown the tape during the review next week.
  9. Oh well, after today Neeld and Brad Scott are both looking for new jobs.
  10. Bloody hell http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/banned-substances-hawked-around-20130412-2hr5d.html By the look of things we did nothing wrong but why were we talking to this muppet in the first place?
  11. It's just an unfortunate case of scheduling, and a few taller guys out with injury- Dawes, Joel Mac, Dunn, and Gillies. Those last three would be better options as an emergency, however the team needs to be covered in case a tall is a late withdrawal. They obviously want to get game time into guys like Gawn and Strauss (Spencer is an emergency, but Gawn would be above him in the ruck pecking order). Watts will get there, although I think he might struggle to make the AA team this year, as predicted by the Ox pre-season.
  12. Yeah, but don't be fooled. The real reason he raised this is because he wants to take credit for Richmond's improvement.
  13. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/hird-injected-drugs-20130410-2hlvx.html http://m.heraldsun.com.au/afl/more-news/essendon-coach-james-hird-will-fight-claim-he-took-substance-banned-for-players/story-e6frf9jf-1226617780563 The beginning of the end for Jim...
  14. Still too difficult right at the moment, I reckon. 1.) Be hard at the ball. 2.) Don't stop. When they've got those 2 down pat, the first one becomes: 1.) Be harder at the ball. At this point, that seems to be a good place to 'begin'.
  15. I'm watching Champion's League "football", and during the ads the little d!ckhead whose Mum trains horsies just told me he knows what I want "in the palm of my hand". That got me thinking about some crap I read over summer about two w@nkers from the Filth whinging about their gloves and how their current preferences were now banned. I didn't hear anything further about this yet saw them wearing gloves on Sunday. Anyway, to make it relevant to this board, my main man A-dem Oooooooze wore a glove throughout his career, so footballers wearing gloves- yes, no or WGAF?
  16. Good luck with your exam afterwards!
  17. ...and then when you're done, tell everyone all about via facebook, twitter, instagram, et al.
  18. I'll give you another example then. I went to training with my two kids on Labor Day. They trained in two groups. The first group trained well, much like the numerous reports from preseason on this forum suggested. The second group were way more 'relaxed', and were only on the track for about 20 minutes- I gather they had been doing something indoors while the first group were training. During handball drills in groups of four, one group took it upon themselves to turn it into a game, where if a player dropped the ball he had to allow the other three guys to flick him on the back of the ear. Needless to say, two players in particular were trying their best to make the other drop the ball. A few thoughts went through my head: 1. Is this normal? Is that acceptable because it's a 'comradery' thing? 2. Is this short session even worthwhile? It felt more like the FD just needed to fill in some time. 3. How do I explain the importance of training to my 8yo son, who plays both auskick and club footy, when this is his example? 4. Am I over-reacting? Surely it's ok to have a bit of fun, as long as you can turn 'it' on when you need to. Needless to say, the boys couldn't find 'it' on Sunday. In hindsight, maybe I saw part of the reason why...
  19. To be honest I have no opinion either way as I don't know enough about the fellow in terms of the expectations on him and his performance. However, one thing that I've noticed is that he appears to be 'remarkably' resilient. From what we know, it appears that his head was on the chopping block the week before the Geelong game two years ago, yet not only did he survive (goodbye and thanks Mr Bailey), but he somehow managed a contract extension as well. During the tanking investigation, the leaks coming from AFL house suggested that Bailey, Connolly and Schwab were in the gun, yet again the CEO came out the other side unscathed, while the other two weren't so lucky. I know these incidents are not as clear-cut as I've described in actuality (186, Caro's personal vendetta), but it does get one thinking.
  20. I think I've got this. We tell Vlad that HE can keep the difference between the 95% and what our guys are actually worth. Imagine how quickly the Comission meeting would be called.
  21. I think some people posting here are missing the point. I agree that it's not cool to jump on social media and attack the players, however maybe the players need to be a bit smarter and not jump on social media and post pics of them enjoying a surf the day after 'that'. I'm not saying they should have locked themselves in a room either, but maybe just have a bit of a quiet week on the instagram. Y'know, the old bull and red rag thing.
  22. RR i could not agree more. I would support locking the thread. To my mind the thread (and the other one it is pulled from) is in breach of the Code of Conduct Violence against Polyester Cotton wet blankets is heinous and is a huge issues in our society. There have been any number of young rugs that have been killed or received serious pulled threads as a result of big pricks, David Hale, (and some little pricks - Brent Guerra's rug being just one tragic example). This thread may well be jocular in nature but joking about male pattern baldness trivializes and normalizes it. It help create a toupee where loose threads are acceptable, where they are ok Forty years ago making 'baldy' jokes was fair game (and of course reflective of a country with plentiful Italian and Greek immigrants) - just joking, if you take offence you're just a Polyester-Cotton wearing blah blah blah. This is not the case any more and one would hope would no longer be the case with hair loss. I wonder if people think it is funny to joke about Ricky Ponting and his ex-spin bowler? If the poll is actually about who is least liked why not make it about who is least follicled? Why not tie it to baldness and allow a forum for people with full heads of hair to make stupid jokes about chrome domes?
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