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Everything posted by Jara

  1. Hey Prodee, re your point 4 If your neighbour stole your family farm through nefarious dealings and you had to watch his descendants lording it over you for generations, how would you feel? And wouldn't it be reasonable if one of those descendants was to feel a twinge of guilt? I live on a big bush block north of Melbourne, and am strongly aware of the ghosts of its original inhabitants, and do my best to honour their legacy and repay what I owe them (I spent over twenty years working with aboriginal people on community projects, and was constantly shocked by the racism I saw inflicted upon them and the patience with which they bore it) For what it's worth, I LOVE what Goodsy does. Many of the advances in Aboriginal community development have come about because of warriors like him. I just wish the bugger had played for us. Cheers
  2. Yes, B, it's the gift that keeps on giving, isn't it? Even if we can't get much fun out of our own crappy team, we can have a bit of schadenfreude at the Bombers expense. Had a cold, bit worse for the wear this morning. Heard the news: the perfect cure! Felt great. As my wife said, by the time this is all over, the only one of the 34 still playing will be Dustin Fletcher.
  3. WJ - you are so sharp. So enjoy your posts. Beelzebub another fave. Haven't read whole thread yet, but just been listening to Finey and Connolly. Their take on it: but, but...the boys have been found not guilty. This is refusing to accept the umpires decision. This is unAustralian! Don't seem to understand that the appeals system is part of the umpiring process, a process to which the AFL has signed onto.
  4. Most depressing bit of the whole fiasco is that it has little to do with a genuine movement against drugs. Indonesia has a huge drug problem; around 15000 die from it every year. The elites, however, have no interest in tackling it - because they control it. Their solution? Bump off a few foreign mules. This has two outcomes: it supports the illusion that theyre doing something, and it whips up a little anti-infidel hysteria.
  5. Casually glancing at our two Melbourne dailies last week, interesting contrast. The Age - several stories with the same fundamental message: the rich are getting richer at the taxpayers expense. The Hair-oiled Scum, the paper that actually gets read by the sort of people most ripped off by the above theft - article by Peter Costello warning about the "politics of envy" My take, for what its worth: People are welcome to accumulate vast amount of money, if they are petty minded enough to want to, but it sucks that they expect us PAYG taxpayers to subsidise them in doing so.
  6. Yes. The mere fact that they destroyed their records should be reason enough to ban em.
  7. Hey Bitter, dunno what it says about me, but I enjoy Ross and John on the odd occasion that I hear em (and I enjoy your posts as well) Certainly seems out of character. He comes across as a very decent fellow. No proof that he said it. Who knows what some eavesdropper misheard? Lets just move on. He is a Melbourne supporter, but doesn't seem like a very passionate one.
  8. What a perceptive post. A lot there I didn't know. Well done (mind you, if Irish Catholics weren't so keen on the war, well done them - wouldn't have been too keen on dying to support the British Empire myself)
  9. Others have said the same thing, but my god I admire Watts for hanging in there in the face of the barrage of criticism he's copped (which would have been minimal had he gone tenth pick instead of first).
  10. Thank god for that last quarter. I was bracing myself for an avalanche of vomit. I never read the Herald Sun, but I wouldn't have been able to go within smelling distance of a copy if the Druggies had won. As it is, I'm sure Hirds toadies will be farting out garbage about the team's 'fighting spirit' and how they would have won had it not been for the evil ASADA robbing them of their Pre-season.
  11. Interesting to read The Age summary - again, it looks like one of those "if you get enough lawyers you can disprove anything" cases - the Bombers lawyers were scrutinising every step of the drugs purchase, even questioning the accuracy of the labelling of drugs from China. As for the objectivity of the tribunal, wasnt it led by the same fellow who let Barry Hall play in the Grand Final a few years ago? It's an AFL appointed tribunal, and they have a huge vested interest in an uninterrupted season. Notice the Federal judges who Hird etc keep appealing to weren't so easily swayed by their bs. I'm puzzled that none of the players have sued Danks. I'd sure as hell want to know what I'd been injected with. Maybe they will one day.
  12. Thanks Hardtack - seem to have it now (I did come across the one you recommended, but couldn't get to the youtube settings - was opening n a different page from what she suggested) Cheers
  13. Don't go near Bomberblitz without a sick-bucket. I did, just out of curiosity, and regret it. One thing has always peeved me about supporters; when they say they're "proud of" their boys. I don't get it. It seems like a misunderstanding of the word "proud". I suppose if your child or somebody you're responsible for does something noteworthy, you could say you're proud of them. But how could you be proud of a bunch of overpaid blokes you don't know who just slithered out of a drug charge because the evidence was destroyed? Worst part is that they managed to beat us with their refuse. What will they do to us now? One of my hate-footy days.
  14. Hello there comrades Sorry if this seems such a simple thing for you young tech-heads out there, but would somebody mind showing me, in words of one syllable or less, how to turn off Youtube safety mode on my IPad? It's a nuisance. Im not watching anything naughty - Sometimes, it comes on when I'm even trying to watch footy replays. I don't get it. As far as I can tell, I never even turned it on. I've tried googling and Youtubing it - there's plenty of answers, but they all seem to start out by assuming I'm someplace I ain't - ie the say go to the disable button, but I can't seem to find said button. Thought I'd wander on here and get some help - this is as close as I've got to an online family. Cheers
  15. Hmmm .. . Kiwi fruit= Chinese gooseberries. They should be right.
  16. Wasnt that also where that weird Cabinet Minister got in trouble for sniffing the seat of some woman who'd just left? Strange. Sound more like dogs than eagles.
  17. Thanks for your thoughts, Jane. By the way, if anybody's interested in supporting or learning more about organ donation, google Zadie's Rainbow Foundation.
  18. So sad. Condolences to the family. He used to visit a young friend of ours when she was critically ill in hospital. Decent feller. Yet another reminder: support donor campaigns as much as you can. Reform Australian law: make it an opt-out system, as they do in Europe. Tragic to see young people die like that. People often die in our community because of a lack of donated organs (the marrow Madeleine needed had to be flown in from France) My own daughter needed a new liver last year - at the age of 16. She made it, thank God, but jeez it was a close shave.
  19. Terrific post, sir. Sickens me to see Jobe running round with his Bronlow.
  20. Bloody hope you're right, Mr B - I've got an unpleasant feeling about all of this. Secret tribunals, hidden medical records, packs of lawyers, an AFL desperate to keep the moolah rolling in. Did I hear, in my semi-sleepy state this morning, some politician calling for Asada to be investigated? If the Druggies are innocent, and can prove it, i don't mind em getting off. But if they've buried the evidence and hired legal hacks to look for technicalities to keep it hidden, I'll be spewing (apologies - my usual eloquence has deserted me). Will never be able to watch Jobe and his rotten Charlie. The greatest honour our game can give, and they gave it to a feller who was on the gear.
  21. Evening comrades. Quick question: is there any real evidence that Workcover has any intention at all of becoming involved? (I hope there is - like everybody else, I'd love to see the cheaters get hammered, but I've got a mate who works for Workcover - he said the buzz around the office is that they don't plan to become involved - too "political", whatever the hell that means)
  22. There's a whiff of Little about this. Well, more of a stench, really. Wasnt that how he made his millions? Litigious gnome. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they got off. That's the way society works - if you've got enough money, you can buy your way out of anything. The most repulsive piece of cheating I've seen in forty years of following sport. Thousands of mysterious injections, muscle-bound bodies, a "sports scientist" with a head like a pig-dog and morals to match. Jobe, prancing around with his Bronlow. Hird and wife, the poncey blondes, slipping in and out of the mansion. Bomber and his under-the-table real estate deal. They even did okay in the draft - how did that happen? Yuk. I give up. Beam me up, Scotty.
  23. These guys will do anything, absolutely anything - playing the man, killing the messenger, getting stuck into the legalities with a fine tooth comb - to avoid facing the reality of what they've done. Not one iota of concession or admission that they might have inflicted great harm upon the game our kids play. Hope you're right, Dees2014.
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