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Everything posted by Soidee

  1. After all the news and publicity this year on criminal gangs infiltrating sport...up pops the idiot factor once again! Jake King is just another dumb footballer who gets paid lots of money. Best advice is for him to give Toby Mitchell a wide berth if he wants to stay out of trouble.
  2. Played a blinder PJ. Triumph you can be very proud of.
  3. As supporters of the MFC we now understand what it is like to have A Graders running our club. Getting your head around the capability of PJ versus what we have been served up prior to him is just massive. I know there is a long way to go but this news has brought me out of the football doldrums. The presence of Roos, PJ and Bartlett today was just awesome and HOPE is firmly back on the agenda. With all due respect to the great Jimmy Stynes - the door is now closed on a horrible horrible past. Bring it on!!
  4. Duds everywhere in our midfield, lazy lazy duds.
  5. It's been a Royal disaster since he arrived at the club. Not a midfield coaches left knacker.
  6. Oh thanks for that little gem! Sadly for you others do have opinions.
  7. Oh it's just such a joy to see West Coke and messendon crumbling. We have PJ praise the Buddhas
  8. If you don't support either dockers or West Coke it is miserable because anything else outside those 2 clubs does not exist. Perth is still a very insular place to live, place is full of cashed up middle class bogans...nah unless you like surfing, that's about it.
  9. Messendon just cannot stop themselves at every corner...FFS their prez, Mr Little keeps on and on with the dribble. Little, Hird and the rest of those whining plicks should just shut the f....up and take their medicine. Hey Little big horn....most of the football world don't give a toss what you clowns think.
  10. Actually prior to this saga with messendon, I rated Whateley because he provided a balanced view. Now he has shown himself to pander to the Robinson style of journalism. Pretty disappointed with Whateley who also seemed to get on the blame bus for everybody but messendon. As for Caro, I think she gets too personal but having said that, she went after Hird because of his counter attack blaming anyone else other than himself. As for Connolly and Robinson, they are part of an Essendon click and too close to them to be totally objective. Along with Tim Watson, the media has been stacked with bummer sympathisers throughout this whole stinking mess.
  11. Injuries are not the fault of Misson, however fitness and the ability to overcome and or sustain a heavy season is. As usual the MFC has a long injury list and the same players have recurring problems. The jury is still out with me on wether Misson is getting the best out of this list, keeping in mind we have a ingrained soft group Misson was successful at both Sydney and the Saints..maybe we just have a bunch who can't take the hard stuff.
  12. This is what happens when a club and its people and in this case Hird and his relentless pursuit to do anything to make him and his club succeed. Hird was a tough and gifted footballer but that does not entitle him to glory every year of his life. In his blind pursuit of coaching glory he put his players at high risk, not good enough Hird and its not good enough to think Essendon has a god given right to do what it likes to win premierships. 12 months is pretty weak in the circumstances but he will forever be linked to this mess because of his greed at all costs for success.
  13. Agree, I for one will not be inspired if Craig gets the gig. Craig is a decent bloke but not what this club needs. Mongrel mongrel and more mongrel with talent thrown in. Please MFC inspire me in the off season for that's all I have to bloody well look forward to. Happy to see Craig stay on with development if it suits all parties, but we need hope in 2014 and at the moment Craig is tainted with the recent recruiting and Neeld stuff up.
  14. Yes 100% our list is below AFL standard. The rot has set in and PJ needs to wipe the slate clean with those (and I include Watts) who have a soft underbelly. We know who you are on this list and we want rid of your types.
  15. FFS!! You are a hard plick to please. What would you have instead? Dottery old men from inside the MCC? Bartlett has been given the nod for a reason because he is not a past Demon and he is not aligned with our sad and sorry bunch who have stuffed this club for more than fifty years. We now have fresh blood who by all accounts have the mettle to belt the day lights out of a stinking culture. By the way FWIW our bad culture also is alive and well amongst some supporters. It's time for all supporters to get some mongrel as well. As for Bartlett it was his first address, what did you want? To say a actions speak louder than words after his first week in the job shows very little intellects from some supporters. Get a grip FFS
  16. This guy now having being outed as a mate of Dank brings into question his defiant defence of Essendon on the footy show. Whilst it does not surprise me he is mates with Dank, I now have to wonder what Newman is really trying to protect here. Messy business all this stuff with anti ageing drugs blah blah
  17. With all respect to NC and I hope he remains at the club but I don't rate this group of players judgement to be perfectly honest. This playing list have been nothing short of shocking to watch. They do not do what is expected of them at this level of football. My expectations of this club are currently rock bottom and it will take more than NC to be appointed as senior coach to inspire me.
  18. what don't you understand about a list of players who are simply pathetic and lazy at this level? we turn on the players because they are the ones who do not perform to the basic standards expected of AFL footballers. Frankly I do not understand why the MFC has so many pea heart supporters who do not get very angry at the state of this football club. If Geelong or the Eagles played this poorly everytime they took the field their supporters would be waging war outside the club.
  19. Actually watching Hird complain about media speculation is a farce. Hey Sir James - stop the speculation and tell the bloody truth. I would like to see some of these journalists ask Hird some hard questions. Bunch of bloody sycophants.
  20. Well I will be candid! This whole year of football nonsense is due to the football club called Essendon. They are the ones who have brought this on and should not be complaining about the wall of shyte coming their way. This football club and its arrogance need to be put back in their box. It is this football club that has brought our game into disrepute. So to those at bummer land shut the [censored] up and take your medicine. The rest of the football world has had a gutful of your arrogance and blameless attitude to what is a problem totally ignited from within your own engine room.
  21. It's not personal but the new coach must bring in some assistants who have street cred with our soft playing list. Our current assistants other than Old man Royal are who? I cannot even remember half their names or if they have played at the highest level. This [censored] club needs to hire some serious successful assistants who have played in finals from Sydney, Geelong , and wherever else that will bring some cred to this club. As for old man Royal - time to move on Brian and get a new life.
  22. This club is run like a 1950's sausage sizzle and our list is equal to a good Sunday amateurs team. So can anyone tell me how this club is going to get new supporters and young people to join this club? This club has survived on the goodwill of 30,000 odd members most of which will die off before the club wins another premiership. So over to the MFC what's your communication plan to bring people o this club....because winning football games is out of the equation.
  23. I think this is beyond any one person to fix up. The club now has to communicate with its members/supporters much better in order to keep everyone updated on what they are doing to fix up this total train wreck. If the club does not do this in the right manner then it will take a small miracle to get people signed up for 2014. As for this list of highly paid, highly trained and highly pampered young men, they have taken this famous club to its knees and do not deserve the respect of the supporter base. I watch teams like North Melbourne and many others who at least give their heart and soul to supporters. The MFC list are the complete opposite. Once there were MFC warriors, at least I have those memories to hold onto.
  24. Yes McVeigh came across as a bombers sycophant. I get his loyalty but he is not the smartest tool in the shed. I remember when McVeigh was asked about what he wanted to do after football and he replied he wanted to fight counter terrorism like Jack Bower...LMAO
  25. I want to have the motivation and a reason to watch my football club.
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