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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. Non-Melb supporters are now calling to give Denham a hard time over his MFC recruiting/draft comments. Denham is as stubborn as a mule and his refusal to concede anything shows he is no smarter than that beast of burden!
  2. Schibeci on SEN is taking Denham to task atmo. Very enjoyable hearing Denham on the back foot rather than the soft peddling he usually gets with KB. Well done to the Dee's supporters calling the station and presenting some facts!
  3. Totally agree! My questionmark was about our level of savviness. Yes, I am only going on what is in the media (like the rest of DL's). Again, my questionmark is about savviness. Apparently we offered pick 13 for Dawes early in the process so when that was gone, pick #20 wasn't enough and we gave up pick 45 for 58. Not saying we stuffed it up but maybe we showed our hand too early....maybe pick 45 would get us Pederson, who knows. Did we show our hand too early for Pederson if we offered a 2nd round pick we didn't have? Overall, I like the new players added and yes lets go after the targets we want but in the immortal words of Kenny Rogers '...you've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them and know when to walk away.' Just saying, don't want us to be seen as easybeats at the negotiating table and get a reputation that once we target a player we will pay the asking price. That is not negotiating! This year sets the tone for future years.
  4. The final 2nd round pick is # 45. So its hard to believe that NM are getting all antsy about # 49 for Pedersen. Would it make much difference if we were able to get # 44? Emma is pretty good at researching before going to print so hope its just posturing by NM. Hope we weren't silly enough to offer a 2nd round pick without knowing our FA compenstion. Hope we were smart enough to offer our FA pick whatever it ends up being, so now NM can take it or leave it. I am getting doubtful about how savvy our negotiations have been...playing our cards too early or playing cards we don't have. It cost us in the Dawes deal and it may cost with Pederson.
  5. Can't say that there is anything about Andrew Bolt that I like or agree with but a post saying: 'May the grim reaper find an easy and speedy path to his door' about another human being, is beyond the pale for mine.
  6. WOW!! Maybe you should go back to bed and get up from the other side Biff...
  7. Maybe be the 2 2nd rnd picks for Port is the AFL's devious way of giving them 'Priority Picks' having previously decided that no Club would get them this year.
  8. AFL adminstered Karma, eh? Bit of tautology really...but that won't stop AFL powerbrokers! At the risk of being blasphemous maybe they think they are the new Almighty: he who giveth, taketh away!
  9. Yes, us! A bit tongue-in-cheek there Cards 13!
  10. Love the recruiting and FD work and think that Neeld is the one to turn us around. My FEAR is we are getting ahead of ourselves here on DL...you know - all news is good news type of thing. Confucious says something about counting chickens before they hatch!!
  11. Pick 20 may seem overs because it is a 1st round pick but 2 years ago (pre franchise teams) if would have been a low 2nd round pick so from that perspective pick 20 seems fine.
  12. Looks like the Neeld bashers are having severe withdrawl symptoms - can't cope with all the good news - so have taken to hijacking threads!
  13. Not suggesting HWSNBN in this thread & Tippet not chase more $ etc, more that their Manager be smarter in how he manages their club changes and not back them into corners.
  14. If we give pick 4 to Collingwood I will go bananas and my mfc membership goes up in smoke! Neeld has to get over his infatuation with all things Collingwood!! If we trade pick 4 for Dawes/Wellingham (both rejects, despite Buckley's rhetoric, who don't want to come to mfc) I will think that Neeld is recruiting to win games for his next contract and not in the interests of the mfc. We will be plagued with mediocrity for years and years...again!
  15. Quite ironic that they both have the same Manager! First Peter Bulcher very badly advises HWSNBN on the process which made him the least respected player in AFL. Now he is doing it again with Tippet. From the HS the other day: "...When Reid and Trigg did agree to re-contract Tippett in 2009 they also vowed to look more favourably on trade deals once Tippett opted to return to Queensland...A terse long-distance call between Paris and Brisbane - between Trigg and Tippett's manager Peter Blucher - has brought an end to that agreement..." Why does Bulcher let his players lie like there is no tomorrow and get everyone offside! Is it so hard for them to tell the half truth of ...I'll look at my options at the end of the year... ala Brendon Goddard, Gary Ablett etc. We all know it is spin but they don't back themselves into a corner. Bulcher gets his guys (& himself) heaps of money but destroys their credibility in the process!
  16. Denham has stooped to a new low! Can't express my disgust strongly enough at how far he will stoop to make Melbourne look bad - all to fuel his own anti-dees campaign. Like if he says crap about MFC often enough people will believe it on the theory of where there is 'smoke there is fire'. He is a loathsome person
  17. Just can't bring myself to consider Denham a football journalist (someone who is knowledgeable, researches, informed, unbiased); a role I respect a lot. Can't even credit him with being a football reporter (someone who tells it as it is using facts) ie worth listening to in moderation. At very best, at a stretch he would be a football commentator (speaks waffle, waffle, waffle), ie to be totally ignored! If there was a lower level of media classification he would qualify...maybe he just shouldn't be in the media at all! Discredits himself and the good name of journalism!
  18. Apparently last night Channel 7 news said collingwood wanted pick 4 for Dawes and Wellingham? If we do this I will have to rethink my unconditional position quoted above. They are discards for goodness sake! Could help list so would be ok with them coming to MFC but Pick 4: never, never, never!!! With inflated incomes: never, never, never!
  19. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!
  20. You have to feel for Travis Boake; re-signed thinking all will be good and now finds the opposite, probably wishes he had waited till coach was actually appointed.
  21. The only reason we are having this discussion about whether he is a top 3/4 pick or a 5 to 8 pick is because we did so badly in 2012. If we had won a few more games we wouldn't have picks 3 & 4, they would be in the 5 to 8 range! So the discussion is rather futile really. Lets just get him, whatever it takes!
  22. Neeld seems to have a bit of a love affair with things Collingwood. Hope he gets over it soon or we will end up with a heap of Collingwwod discards (yes I heard Buckley's protestations about wanted players).
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