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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. I recall hearing that Sumic was coach for the game
  2. Delighted that Jack T is in LG...great way to show respect and keep him motivated not to mention that he really deserves it.
  3. I recollect the AFL/MFC had a competition to nominate pick 9 and those who were correct went into a lottery to win a signed jumper form the eventual #9 who we now know to be Salem. Does anyone know if the results of the lottery were published somewhere?
  4. I guess it is a gossip column which by definition no-one takes seriously... Gerard is one of the best sports journalist. If he is judged poorly it means the rest are so so far behind. ...BTW found the part about Caro's and Hird's dogs rapture for each other and their owners mutual disdain a great laugh! Oh, if only there had been a video camera near by...
  5. I will go out on a limb to say Buckley will not win a premiership...regular top 8 team but not the big one!
  6. IF Brad Scott succeeds it will be more a result of having spent many years with Lethal rather than a couple of years with MM. As for FIGJAM, well what can one say...
  7. It seems Neeld is also still homeless...very unhappy with his time at the Dees but hope he gets a gig somewhere else, even for the sake of his family. A public flogging by the press like he got must be pretty hard to take. Yes, I know he is paid for 2014 but can't help but feel for the guy at a personal level. Back to topic: The updated, MFC website shows Todd Viney as - Manager Player Personnel. Any ideas on what this means? Can't find any publications on Todd's 2013 role prior Roos but recall it was somehow related to player development. There is no List Manager so maybe the new role is similar... Viney's name is listed second to Roos so Viney's role looks like a senior spot (as he rightly deserves). Has there been a Club confirmination/announcement on Todd's role in the Roos world? Is it a change or just a new name...would really like it if someone in D'land (or maybe the Club?) would confirm Todd's role (rather than title).
  8. Yesterday was unable to renew membership throught website. This morning received a call from MFC membership services as they noticed that the renewal attempt had failed. They quickly sorted out the problem. So would like to give lots of kudos to the membership team for a) having a computer program smart enough to detect on-line failure and b) taking the trouble to call...I actually upgraded my membership from a Redlegs 11 game to 15 games, bought a cap and considered a pet membership for the pet I don't have . Oh, BTW the person said they are all very excited, the players can't wait to get out there, memberships are up by several thousand on this time last year and staff are hopeful of the dees making the top 10.
  9. Bad Call! Its pretty obvious that MFC has decided that Josh will be the spokesperson throughtout the draft/trade period. Notice we haven't heard from Viney (List Management) or Taylor (Recruiting) either. A Smart move by the Club to have just one person to front the media and give a consistent unified view on what is happening.
  10. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/demons-will-be-patient-in-search-for-roos-successor-20131014-2vinn.html Last paragraph
  11. My guess is that Roos took the 2+1 option as an out if 1) PJ's successor is someone he can't work with or 2) some idiot (eg AS) starts to de-stablise the Board. Barring those two things my bet is Roos will take as long as it takes to find a successor ...and if those 2 things fall into place he may stay longer. Clearly they want someone who will continue the Roos way: "You can't afford to have someone who, when their turn comes, wants to turn things upside down..." said PJ. They both want to leave a serious legacy so hoping that PJ signs up for another term after next year.
  12. Do you really think that after all this time and media baying that they won't trump up some 'charge', albeit not 'tanking' just to save face? Nah, we won't be let off with an easy 'its all sweet folks' type of comment from the AFL. The President wouldn't be pushing (rightly) so hard on the 'we will defend our honour' if the AFL isn't up to something. What's more I don't trust the very self-serving AFL! Nonetheless, really hope you are right and the findings won't be referred to the AFL Commission.
  13. Good to hear Gerard finally say something positive, especially as it was he who triggered the whole damn thing! Hard to see how we can avoid an AFL Commission hearing as the investigation will find something to accuse us of (even if not tanking) just to justify the amount of time they have spent on it. And because of the high profile they will let it go through to the Commission to determine 'penalties' so a hearing (open or otherwise) will follow.
  14. Here we go again! Patrick Smith in the Australian today, wrote: It has become apparent to influential members of the AFL hierarchy that there is a greater need for transparency when the administration and the commission hold their hearings into results of investigations. The next hearing, though unlikely to happen before Christmas, will be into Melbourne's alleged tanking. That shapes as the perfect vehicle for the AFL's first open judgment day. Otherwise it will turn into another conspirators' convention. And the AFL needs that like Trigg does another radio interview. Why is it that the rules get changed when its Melbourne's 'turn' for something! eg AFL strengthened 3rd party agreement rules when we tried to keep Scully; we are getting hammered on so called 'tanking'. Now an open (public) hearing. (The hearing has to happen as the AFL findings will go to the Commission, after which legal action may/may not occour). An open hearing is a great set-up for another media frenzy and 'open-duck-season' on MFC by an already obsessed media. I don't like our chances of getting a fair hearing if the media is reporting (and pressuring the AFL) with their daily rants. The media frenzy worries me more than the investigation itself given the cavalier ramblings with facts by commentators (they no longer deserve the 'journalist' title). If there is an open hearing the media frenzy will become a major off-field distraction and we need that like a hole-in-the-head. If this is to be another 'drak cloud' hope it is all over before the season starts. We deserve a decent start to the year to let our new team shine without a media bashing of the Club.
  15. WOW! That was quick! 3 seconds ago I was reading this and then suddenly there is Barassi, Smith, Lyon etc etc. Love the new banner! Well done, Guys.
  16. LOL! Found this amusing with 666 being known as the Devil's number! On a Demon's forum! Good work BB59
  17. Our real Xmas present will be when the AFL announce (just before Christmas) that there was insufficient evidence to prove that players and coaches didn't try to win games. In colloquial speak...Melbourne did not tank!
  18. Signs showing of CW insecurity re the talented Emma! CW quotes 'fairfax' when referring to EQ stories but in today's Age EQ not only quotes The Age she also credits CW with the Tippett story 2 years ago. Very generous given that when EQ broke the Crows breaches 6 weeks ago CW took over the running without a single reference to her erstwhile colleague. Reading between the lines suggests that CW 'pulls rank' on Emma in various ways! Emma is all class!
  19. What was really offensive and distasteful was her reference to John McCarthy's death at an end of season bender in Vegas. How distressing for his family to read this, especially if no toxicology report has come back yet. Is she guessing? Is it a rumour? If either she should hand in her 'journo badge' or be sacked. Even if fact a tox report is confidential. How dare she take it upon herself to 'release' this. Even if not guessing, she has stooped to a new low. No respect shown.
  20. WOW! We all have days when DL posters seem to have a contrary view but Pegasus, your posts on other topics show you are a real demon fan so hope you continue posting.
  21. Before RDB and #31 there was a war and believe it or not, there was no televesion and few newspaers. News spread slowly. Romantics pre RDB therefore are very private, have passed away or don't follow DL but if they are still living you can bet they revere #31 and everything it stands for!
  22. Not sure he left only for money. He also left to coach and other issues happening at the time. But to answer your question: I love him because he was a champion and he played hard. He loved the Club his father played for. He still smarts and hurts over the 58 GF loss. He defends anonymous girls being beaten up by their boyfriend in the middle of the street. He still loves the Dees. He loves his heritage both family and football. I love him because he came home to the Dees. He is a champion footy player and a champion bloke. Not much else to say really.
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