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Everything posted by jane02

  1. 6. Vandenberg 5. Hogan 4. Pedersen 3. Vince 2. N Jones 1. Spencer
  2. Such a great feeling. So proud of the boys. A great four quarters and they didn't give up when the dogs got momentum in the third quarter.
  3. Exciting last quarter - could have gone any way.
  4. I always thought HL was a top bloke. I think his action with Col Garland was only supportive. Col strikes me as an emotional guy. I think I can recall the time Mark Neeld was sacked, Col was filmed standing away from the rest of the playing group at training looking like the end of the world had come. It must have been really difficult for our backline over the past decade. I really hope he doesn't leave at the end of the season. I always feel more confident seeing him walk down to the backline at the beginning of the game (as well as Tommy Mac now).
  5. 6.Pederson 5. Tom McDonald 4.Garland 3.Cross 2.Garlett 1. N Jones
  6. Hug everyone sitting around me at the G. Scream loudly, jump up and down, run to the boundary and hug as many players as I can (watch out Bernie and HL), sing its a Grand Old Flag on the train ride home.
  7. Thanks ND for the hope you gave the supporters during your time as our coach. I will never forget your last game as our leader - I sobbed for hours that Friday night. I wish you and your family all the best and hope we can find a cure for this horrendous disease sooner than later.
  8. Likewise - I will be there with my niece who is a Hawthorn supporter. She always ends up buying me some hot jam donuts as she feels sorry for me! Just as a side note, the little boy running through the Melbourne banner this week is Hugo - a mad Melbourne supporter. I think he is about five. He is the nephew of Glenn Lovett. I will be cheering him on - he is so excited.
  9. 6. T McDonald 5. C Salem 4. D Cross 3. J Garlett 2. Newton 1. HL
  10. My mum has breast cancer and hail, rain or storm would not stop me from attending this match. I was on the ground for the Pink Lady game last year (I think it was 2014) with 1000's of other men and woman. I got tapped on the shoulder by a lady who I grew up with and went to kindergarten and primary school with. I have not seen her since I was about 15. She does not follow Melbourne but attends this game every year as she was diagnosed with breast cancer in her late 20's. Its a small world and I am amazed how this disease , despite how terrible it is, brings people together regardless of whom they support.
  11. Was always a fan of Todd's. Whatever he supposedly has or has not done correctly, he was still a great player and contributor to our club. The big plus is he fathered Jack! I will be watching tonight.
  12. Just got back from the game. I thought we were OK in the first half but the final quarter was terrible. Freemantle were just bigger, more confident with their disposal and played smarter football. I also agree with the above posters - the umpiring was shocking. I think Freemantle will be hard to beat this year.
  13. 6. T McDonald 5. A Brayshaw 4. D Cross 3. J Garlett 2. C Garland 1. C Salem
  14. Poor Andrew Swallow is having a tough night.
  15. I am rolling around laughing. Poor Bernie - I love him even more now!!
  16. It is May 1st and I have been practicing mindfulness as part of my yoga training. Each month we focus on a different emotion and try to modify our thought process in relation to this emotion. This month we focus on compassion (to ourselves and others) and it is only 9 hours into the month and I am struggling with my first challenge thanks to MC. Damm you - I was doing so well.
  17. I wish Colin all the best. I still remember him fondly. He helped my close friend's son get through a serious teenage crisis as a mentor through the Reach program. This boy is now a fine upstanding 22 year old who credits Col for helping him at one of life's major crossroads when he was a sixteen year old. Just thought I would throw in a different perspective.
  18. He is definitely a tough nut. I really have enjoyed watching him play. Seems to show no fear and adds that extra toughness we have been lacking in the past. Wishing him a speedy and unevenfulful recovery.
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