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Return to Glory

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Everything posted by Return to Glory

  1. I don't know,the set up of the football department but I'll take your word that there's been changes for the better. What are they?
  2. Be careful what you wish for! Lets hope it's not a longer season proper and you find yourself wishing for the summer days of speculation and counter speculation!
  3. It is a forum Goodvibes. I'm pretty sure that's what it's for.
  4. Are you sure all three know how to build a club? For instance, Adelaide has done very well since it got rid of NC. And this year, I don't want to go on 'chips are down' performances. I want to judge it on wins. If Neeld has decided upon a moneyball approach in part, I think it's fair to look to some immediate improvement in the form of victories. I'm optimistic that there will be more successes so I don't mean to pick faults in your argument. I just don't think we can say that the last blokes knew nothing but these new blokes know everything. We say that to comfort ourselves. But it's not true.
  5. Very surprised at the low vote of Dwayne Russell. Surely there are others who recognize his contribution to all knowing smugness?
  6. It's the golden rule of politics is it not? When taking over the job emphasize what a mess you've inherited, thereby giving you more time fix things and look better in the process.
  7. Just ok I think dee zee according to reports but they also indicated the afl listers weren't going full chat. I thought he was a great chance to get a game WJ. You don't think so?
  8. Adelaide looked plum ordinary. And those TV comparisons between Walker and Buddy - very, very big call I would have thought.
  9. By years end we will be smiling about the Viney/ Toumpas combination.
  10. Essendon since Long attacked Troy Simmons in the GF. But I reckon these things are almost fluid. I have to admit, I found myself wanting them to beat Adelaide on Friday night. I either really hate Adelaide or, more likely, everyone responds to a 'backs against the wall' story. I admire what those players did on Friday, irrespective of the guernsey worn. Hate the Hawks though!
  11. 'What depressed me was that some of us seemed to think he'd done a great job because they had a shouting match. But if you take a closer look, what he was really getting stroppy about was that she criticized his personal integrity. That was it for me. He wasn't being passionate about the club that made him, he was being passionate about himself.' Agree entirely.
  12. Chook, I wouldn't go that far. It just feels that he is overly pained at times to emphasize what he does for the club and it doesn't always ring true. Having said that, he owes the club nothing.
  13. I find Garry's relationship with Melbourne puzzling at times.
  14. By that I mean, physical doesn't have to mean stupid. Tappy strays into that area a little too much.
  15. Agree, DeeOldFart, We will rise this year. I tried to look at last nights game as reference to where we are at. What I did see from Essendon was pressure when the other team has the ball. They made a number of Crows look very ordinary. For me, it's as much what we do when we don't have the ball. It's obvious to say, but we need players who are prepared to gut run to help out deep. Jobe Watson exemplified that last night. And Heath Hocking, a solid unit, provided a good lesson for Tappy in terms of getting the blend right.
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