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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Petracca will be a better player once he has his dogs shot in a paddock somewhere.
  2. Brian damage might answer your first question. Doubt he will name any names to answer the second. His and their supply chains are inextricably linked somewhere up the line.
  3. I've been banned from using electronic devices ProDee. I won't go into it too much . Let's just say I've been a very naughty boy.
  4. Can we agree to keep it a family secret rather than lock it away in the cellar forever?
  5. With a tennis ball on the Freeway .
  6. We were THAT bad. Count your blessings we ain't now.
  7. I'd rather have herpes than have Nicholls umpire us again. At least with herpes you can inflict it on somebody who makes bad decisions.
  8. I'm not sure if we need Lever to pull or lift.
  9. At the Ritz -Carlton in Paris in the company of some Ukrainian hostesses.
  10. We nearly got to sign Tampax but the market was already saturated.
  11. i only visit King for charismatic nuance with women. Apparently he charmed Kelly Stevens.
  12. I've been banned for 2-3 weeks and now ,after reading this, i know why.. Very few you are worthy of my genius. You are all worthless and weak.
  13. The last time I saw him on Fitzroy street we had a bit of a scuffle. I hope he learnt his lesson. Stay off my turf Ron. This is my last warning. I don't fight Octagenerians fair.
  14. that deserves a mild titter.Political comedy never gets any recognition.
  15. You have a right to kill me -you have a right to do that.... But you have no right to judge me.
  16. I watched a snail crawling along the edge of a straight razor, that's my dream.
  17. I just get my girlfriends to pay for everything #Bitchcoin
  18. Can you explain that one please Moonshadow. Is it a moral tale?
  19. Who could forget the sexual chemistry between Carmen Lawrence and Gareth-Gareth Evans.Just thinking about it makes me want to go and balance my books.
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