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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Kosi will take a hit all right -God what a Klutz. We already have the Juice .
  2. I thought we were here to discuss serious matters .Like football. Before you reply ,I'm only joking-don't have a meltdown .
  3. Biffen

    Neil Craig

    Originally I didn't think it was necessary to have NC as an overseer or whatever the role is .They way he chose us has swung me over . I'm a bit old fashioned in that if they don't want to be here then I'm not interested. I like to think passion still has a part in this game . Hope we have spent enough on the football dept now to keep all Demonland freaks happy . Now i want to see some of these boys come out looking and playing like men . Baby-sitter Bailey has done his job. Gary Lyon has done his . i think we have a group that will respect that we now demand immediate results and immense pride in everything we do . We have depth on and off field. Next year I want us to win games we shouldn't and crush those teams we should beat .
  4. Sloonie-you've really hit the nail on the head-and made it unconscious.The guy could slash his own throat shaving .
  5. Hack players are generally the best coaches-except for Lethal and to a lesser extent ,Walls.
  6. I could see Watts had talent after the first game. I also watched him win the TAC cup for Vic Metro on you tube. Don't listen to commentators or sheep and use your eyes-they are for seeing .
  7. I often think that there really isn't that much to know about football and that there are some real lynament sniffers here who think they are Teddy Whitten just because they heard this or that .It's a simple game ,with ability and confidence closely related .A good coach will strip away the BS and get things happening simply.A bad one will complicate things and find complicated reasons to fail .
  8. Biffen


    They can all improve 5-10% . Neeld will get this out of them. I bet Bate stays and plays a well. I'm now donning a suit of armour and waiting for arrows .
  9. Biffen


    He does "stand up" but it's a team game and they shark his ball. By the way-love your avatar.
  10. Biffen


    Read on here that Brocks' bid at he auction was part of a club fine . Hardnut ,slownut ,VFA nut ,whatever. Moloney for skipper-passionate Demon who takes the rookies down to his farm every year to try to teach them what it means to be a demon. Should be paid the most at he club also , going by results and other factors such as integrity and true leadership quality. By the way- this is the first season he has been fully fit .think of where we will be when these guys all have 100 games plus under them.
  11. Biffen


    Who was it on here that said he was too slow and didn't stand up against good teams?
  12. Brock Mclean-Sweet FA Miller-got a few kicks McDonald-Old Xavs Bruce-Hawks fill in. We have not made one error in delisting yet so relax on the loyalty bit and concentrate on turning this team into a machine devoid of sentiment and weakness .If he goes , he goes .
  13. Sweet. Lets get some desks that will make us the envy of other clubs .Then we should go on a trip to China! Then we should spend 6 million promoting Rugby League in Western Sydney .WHaddyareckon?
  14. No shame in discussing Green-forget club loyalties and sentimentality. If he goes then he will have nobody to blame but himself. We have to put the organization above the individual every single time. He had a great 2010 and a shocking 2011 . previously he was good without reaching the elite level. If he wants too much he may have to go . Another club will pay him. He's had 12 years at the MFC.
  15. Yeah-nah. They are about to win a flag . The bottom four in two years will be GWS ,Dogs,Port ,Crows.
  16. JR is just a player in my opinion .Big surprise to me that he was 2nd in the BT medal .All said here must be true-it's how I see him .3rd man up ,loses his man sometime yet creates .Great spoiler but not big enough for the top forwards.Loose man in defence blah , blah , blah. Another guy who needs to lift .
  17. I hope those that say we are too willing to accept mediocrity are not the same people who say Jnr ,Miller ,Bruce etc got a bad deal . Lets be frank about Jnr -his best year was his last one for us ,after a lot of perseverence-we owe him nothing . Season 2011 was surely lacking leaders but some kids stood up as a result . we are either going forward or going backwards . Which would you like it to be?
  18. I don't care as long as we get someone tough. These tough kids we get should be ready to go at 18, with muscles and tattoos, perhaps a few assault charges. The new generation are a bunch of lightweights. Some call it ultra professional to refuse a beer with team mates. I call it big-girls-blouse-and-Sydney-is-the-perfect-place-for-a-wet-gusset like you syndrome. Dustin Martin is about the only kid playing that I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. Good Family/nice school/good VCE results? Good for you-go play mixed netball on Wednesday nights. Time for us to get some kids who don't smile all the time-you know?
  19. After Misson has finished with them I expect Morton will come out looking like the Terminator .
  20. Thanks for posting my least favourite song HT . Trite ,shallow ,emotionless ,godawful crap from a mediocre washup .(There is no history lesson-it's catchphrases) But I forgive you because we are united behind Neeld .
  21. He B4 God spoke well without being overly complex. Sounds like even the most simple footballer could listen to his instructions and follow them . Also sounds like he wont be messed with in that teachery way . Nice acquisition.
  22. Well deserved winner. Had no doubt he would get it .
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