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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. I've always disliked Hird-mostly because he was a goody two shoes ,intelligent ,and an elite player . A bit like Lance Armstrong ,something was always missing.I dunno ,some warmth ,some humanity . He didn't want the job ,he ducked it ,and he seems to be intent on taking short cuts to rebuild . We need sustained disaster at Tulllamarine before we get ahead of ourselves . I suggest we enjoy it while we can and concentrate on ou own positives A few hundred more pages and then we should close the thread .
  2. Does this mean that we might get handed the 2000 Premiership on a countback? Let ti happen.... Please universe ,make this happen.
  3. That's very funny indeed. Can I suggest you sign them up as Dees next year on the hubbys Credit card. Buy them merch etc.-Show them that we are not as exclusive as they may think . Criminal Lawyers should never fall in love their clients .
  4. The weapon seems to be backfiring regularly . The sponsors are calling the shots at board level . The head coach didn't want the job=neither does his better qualified assistant . They lost to us. Give me more!
  5. This thread seems to be saying that Watts could be the next great blonde hope.i.e Sylvia. I think Watts will meet the huge expectations he had on him at 17 . He is classy ,fast ,strong ,and commits his body when it's his turn.(Despite rhetoric he is soft) Both these guys have huge latent potential . Maybe Neeld will help them realise it . Watts and Gibbs have followed a very similar career path.Watts sh!ts on 'im.
  6. Sorry guys-real life is killing me-glad to be back . Just going to flick through cricinf... er my memory ,and ponder my decision a few mins . I have to be the worst selector Australia has had sine Hilditch.
  7. Is it impolite to ask why someone would have a long sojourn up North? The usual answers are Tax Exile,Ex Con, Current Con or "just for a bit of a break".
  8. How many signatures from the China Experiment?
  9. I sincerely doubt that. Although some of the most obnoxious men on the planet are so rich they have become inhuman.
  10. Lets just plead insanity . Everyone will believe it . Over Forty years of public implosions can't be wrong. Or am I just speaking for myself here.
  11. WYL.Are you comparing the potential of Membership growth between Tassie and China? We will be eating dumplings at the Flower Drum one day ,over a morning martini ,post flag . I will raise the subject and the fact that we have 7000 loyal Air China staff supporting our games "with glee'. You will get with the program. You will believe in the China Demons. We will find a way to control our enemies. We will defeat "Air Emirates" and their flunkies . It is inevitable.
  12. It worries me a little that Misson is such a blimp . Only from the player perspective of "practise what you preach". He is on trial as much as anyone .He set the bar very high when the Saints nearly won it as far as low injury count goes .
  13. HT , Just looking at your team ,which is very solid . Is Sachin only retired from 1 day stuff? I like the look of The Passengers' team and Rogue has some battle hardened types in his.
  14. the cowgirl ,the phantomess ,the Biffeness ,the govt and the church find it hard to admit fault . Marriage is an institution .We must respect their strange beliefs.(even when they are wrong).
  15. Haddin drops catches. He needs to average 50 before he fields . Smith is a nothing cricketer . Chris Rogers must have a problem personality .
  16. It leaves the user feeling empty ,hollow and vertiginous. A bit like Qantas.
  17. Will give Chris Dawes a chance to prove he is worth the cash until Mitch returns to stomps on Skulls .
  18. Brundun Maccullum ( Noo Zulland) Corriction:Brendon McCullum (NZ)
  19. "Grandma in the Cambodian Jungle" on an opium pipe(not xanax) and 23 year old "Johnny the ex-afl player" who no longer has any structure in life on the E's (not uppers) are two different beings I agree. I dont wish to curb the behaviour of either of them. Live and let live. "The sad bogan in the shed on 13 cans a night" is doing as much damage in all likelihood. "The divorcee at the pokies drinking spumante' maybe more. The AFL is pushing sh!t up a hill with a burnt stick on this one,as they are on the tanking issue. Unless you are a social worker ,why worry? Drugs have been around for Millennia . Let the AFL deal with performance enhancing drugs and the Clubs deal with party drugs and everybody else just do what they do . Footy players are "NOT" role models. They are athletes who are gifted with physical skill ,not moral perfection . Wowserism is alive and well.
  20. Clearly not. I have just downed a bottle of 2009 Pinot ,some steak and some salad and spuds . My four year old is asking lots of "why" ,"but why" questions. I make up my favourite answers. I find that more satisfying than meeting up with my new found twitter mates . B)
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