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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. The more gas, the longer the Brown thread. Scientific fact.
  2. To quote the greatest fraud that ever lived “property IS theft”
  3. I’ve got a poster of a shirtless Paul Simon on my bedroom wall.
  4. Trade time is serious Moonshadow. Some people think it’s a matter of life and death. I can assure you it’s much more important than that.
  5. You’re all welcome. I know how much I mean to you all and I never forget how important I am.
  6. Robbie Flower was better than him. zero Brownlows zero flags zero Norm Smiths
  7. Did you see that bloke wearing number 4 for Richmond?
  8. I’d put quite a few ahead of him.
  9. Cats need a complete rebuild. Tigers game is just built on relentless effort to get the ball to Martin
  10. Harry Taylor will struggle to get a game in the Grovedale super rules team after tonight.
  11. At least Sam Dastyari found an honest job.
  12. So when does the 1/2 time entertainment begin.
  13. The failure has-and the comfort.
  14. 56 years of failure. Next question.
  15. Couldn't be more IDGAF.
  16. I' m not enthused. The club needs a swamp drainer.
  17. Barry would struggle to choose which clown shoe to put on which foot.Then blame it on the bearded lady after he tripped.
  18. How did we go gay from Rhyce Shaw retiring?
  19. We can all agree that Damien Barrett is a classy individual and has contributed to this story in many ways.Hope he finds the truth he is looking for.He deserves all he gets form his work.
  20. 100 years ago it was worse,for mother and infant.Hence the population today. Love to the Jones family but life goes on for them.
  21. I've heard rumours Simon Goodwin might be willing to coach next year.
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