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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. It doesn't excuse him anything. It was a bad decision made in the Dardanelles.One of many. His remorse and self loathing from such failures may have contributed to his greatness in WW2 .Who knows. It's as pointless to speculate his failures as it is to contemplate those of Captain James Cooks. They are meaningless without the contrating achievements .
  2. You could link it directly to the Clunes riots.The Port Phillip mining company did not like paying the White anglo( mostly Cornish actually) miners at the rate commanded by the fledgling ALP.
  3. Qutie simple to answer.He was Rear Admiral of the Navy.
  4. Churchill was responsible for the mass slaughter of Australians in Gallipoli.Was it deliberate? No.
  5. There are first hand accounts of life in Sydney and Hobart in Georgian Times . I can say with tremendous certainty that the British were far more humane and civil than the French and Dutch of the same era. The conflicts of the time we’re not due to a “ policy” by the British. Quite the opposite. Inevitable perhaps, but not deliberate.
  6. I have an associate- related to the lads lass. He wears an apron and collects dishes at BBQs. He brings the Aunt a cup of tea-and waits on guests. Its a worry.
  7. Skinny, WAP was an ALP policy and there is no denying it. Secondly, The British policy was to protect Aboriginal people from harm as much as possible at the time. To kill a “native” was punishable by death in the 18thC and beyond. I am an Australian history buff and I won’t have it re- written by morons.
  8. Dieter, Lets be clear. Australia was founded mostly by convicts who never chose to populate this place willingly.By boat. Secondly, White Australia Policy was a Labour initiative- same as ethnic branch stacking- an uncomfortable reality for them when they became the heroes of minorities overnight.Despite history. Thirdly , “Boat People “ are South Vietnamese fleeing communist torture post 1975. There is no inconsistency in letting them settle as opposed to other refugees. Fourthly , we are not a communist country . We are still a British outpost, with a bi- cameral parliamentary system backed by a constitutional monarchy. Sixthly, The official British policy was to leave the native peoples unharmed and protected. Many , including Batman , ignored the law. The historical revisionism practices of the modern idiots of communism are tedious but worthy of polite correction.
  9. What is his job exactly?
  10. Big pants to fill.
  11. They sold some great hash back in the day. Never gave tick.
  12. Cornes can be painful and should be removed.
  13. My humanity and forgiveness are watching re-runs of baby seals getting clubbed to death on the frozen tundra.
  14. Drag racing was totally legal back then.
  15. Don't mention the war. I remember eating Anzac Biscuits at Morning tea when a neighbour came in who was Turkish.He sat down and asked if he could have a biscuit and I said " No -these are ANZAC biscuits, they're not for Turks" To which he replied as he grabbed one "Get F..cked -we won" which was hilarious .
  16. He timed that perfectly.
  17. Totally agree with you .Goodwin better lift his game.
  18. Norf done good. Why he didn’t go through the Richmond medical team is beyond me.
  19. Classy Establishment WYL. Inflation and Banana Alley were the other places for sports "writers" to hang out. The days of dinkcards.
  20. Yes they are a pack of maggots who stole the game and the stupid AFL is complicit in it. 170 years of goodwill ,human endeavour personal injuries,blood ,sweat and tears vacuumed up into the Murdoch hole. Centralise power in the hands of a few Coke heads and this is what happens.
  21. Really sorry for the Hawks at all this bad luck they seem to be having and hope they can turn it around . Unless they happen to fold first .
  22. Can't we all just get along?
  23. It's due to his flaws Ron. Unlike me and H the man has faults.
  24. Given the Trengove experience I wouldn't mind if we kept him out of all running drills for 12 weeks . Keep him on the bike and swimming for cardio and let him wrestle bears for upper body conditioning. Dr Biffen has spoken
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