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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. "Unfortunately Lynden forgot to let us know he was going to torp it into the middle"
  2. Do you think Demonland has room for another Village Idiot? We might have a demarcation dispute.
  3. Swooper for inspiration. The Rev for match day. Roos for Kulcha
  4. Don't bet on it happening any time soon Dc
  5. Joe lost 275 bagels . yet more than half the companies Joe owes big time bagels to are involved/ controlled by Joe. The biggest loser is a fertiliser company from India who are working for a major player in the food control industry. Joe has done the world a favour . Again.
  6. If times ever get so hard that I am forced to live in Romsey at least I know me old mate bitters will welcome such illustrious company. I would expect the masters chambers at the manor. And all the good hospitality these simple folk are famous for. Especially after all the VIP treatment he has enjoyed at the Gat thanks to yours truly.
  7. I nominate WYL. I'm sure he will keep them honest.
  8. We have found bones and neolithic implements in the back Courtyard that appear to be of cultural significance. We will be finding more Wurrendjerri artefacts in the next few months as well and reporting them to the relevant authorities which should slow the project down significantly.
  9. An old South supporter told me 30 k went missing from the bar one night at Lakeside Oval. Often the players weren't paid till after the gate was taken.Sometimes the payroll went missing as well.
  10. I have met a childhood friend of JWs who is still in close contact. He is a genuinely nice bloke ,according to her and she was a lovely young woman. She showed me a photo of Jack at a party covered in bubble wrap and soft foam from head to foot(from off season). Either he is really afraid of getting hurt or he has a sense of humour. I still wouldn't let my daughter date a footballer though Picket. Merchant Banker Yes.Footballer no.
  11. Poor old Joe. With his financial experience I'm sure the MFC can find him a spot in the accounting dept. Until then i hope he has a few coins behind the couch and floating around in the Tarago. 13 Kids should make the centrelink money worthwhile. We might have to clean out the "good room " at the Gatwick for the Gutnicks.
  12. We are interviewing Sculptors and Biographers. Not often we get someone quick.
  13. So we are in Etihad? Twice. FMD.
  14. I'm hoping the presence of some sort of atmosphere at the MCG might put them off a bit.
  15. Yes- it's a computer based exercise game- and you can play it in the car.Which cuts out the need for exercise.
  16. Dc is the type of bird that likes to mix his prospective mate a cup of Horlicks.
  17. I'm watching a nostalgic birthday party for Play School. Lorraine Bayley (who was in everything from 1970-1990) was just relaying the time they bought an Elephant in to the room. She commented on how huge it was.This was a revelation for me. I'm surprised she even wanted to discuss it.
  18. Thank you for your refreshing honesty. Did you "fudge" the number two with a curry?
  19. Did you ever pee in your own jeans and then spill a drink on yourself publicly soon after to deflect unwanted questioning?
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