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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. Firstly, I love that this site censors the word T1T. Hilarious. Secondly, apart from those couple of people who are having it hung on them when they are going through difficult personal circumstances, the rest of you petals need to (1) settle and (2) climb down off those high horses.
  2. It is 'Christ's', actually. As in, 'for Christ's sake'. Sorry, tried to resist, but just couldn't help myself.
  3. It's copyright infringement. And the mods are the ones who are responsible for infringing content on the site, as far as I'm aware.
  4. Dude, they are great pics, but FCS if they are not yours, stop posting copyrighted material. You'll have the bloody mods sued.
  5. Typical boring, lazy journalism. What complete tripe.
  6. These threads are usually just space fillers anyway - how many different ways can you say 'it's November and they are running laps of Gosch's Paddock in groups'?
  7. Thank Christ. Finally, a bigger circus than us.
  8. That is a really astounding stat, when you think about it. And a good summary of all that is Lydnen Dunn.
  9. Yep, always the better option except for Hawthorn, Collingwood and West Coast, who all benefited handsomely from the same strategy. Carlton and Richmond, debateable whether it helped too much...
  10. Can't believe I read two pages of this garbage before I checked the dates on the posts...
  11. Wowser. Unless pages 3-13 perked up a bit, after reading 2 pages I'd have to say this is the worst thread in the history of internet fora.
  12. I wouldn't be sure enough to laugh at everyone. I think what you'll find, if you just think about it, that there is a considerable body of people here who just won't believe he is ready to play until he does. I'm one of them.
  13. Might just be the frequency of your posts in that tone...
  14. It's really simple. Yes, we had a bad midfield. But Magner wasn't in the long term planning, when those younger guys were. Why would we give him gave time when they would have planned to cut him a long way out?
  15. I don't watch a lot of Casey, so to be honest haven't seen much of Hogan. However, those videos show a couple of really obvious things which will help from day 1: he uses his body really well, especially for an 18 year old. That first goal against North - he really pushed the defender out of the way he attacks the ball just like Clark does and you can't teach that. finally, he plays in front - a couple of those grabs were just great positioning and the defender couldn't get around his strong position. Really bodes well for next year.
  16. Best selfie avatar on Demonland.
  17. Kicked 6 from a forward pocket one day in the Year 9C's when my basketball team had a bye for the week. Glory days.
  18. Jeepers, with this crowd coming out of contract next year, we could be taking another very long handle to the list next year... 2014 Frawley (RFA), Tapscott, McDonald, Blease, Strauss, Spencer, Bail, Dunn, Byrnes, Barry, Kent, Jones, Terlich I count at least 7 who would want to have pretty good years next year.
  19. I agree that it won't happen, but you do realise that in fact we would be honouring contracts by paying the player their full wage (same as we did with Neeld) that they can then go and earn on top of at some other club? If my boss paid me next year's wage and booted me, I'd be stoked.
  20. Trying to salvage anything from the disaster it seems...
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