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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. Police don't put out press releases every five minutes on active investigations either, unless there is good reason to. It doesn't mean nothing is happening.
  2. Well, you're right in that improvement is a relative and an absolute concept. I think that if we're winning more games, that's an improvement in the only category that matters. I don't care if, in absolute terms, they're hitting targets at a higher percentage, running faster etc. Improvement vis-a-vis the competition is what counts.
  3. You'll know they've improved when they win their third game for the season.
  4. Just leading you to water, Lord, not making you drink!
  5. Would be a really interesting read to come up with 10 names who are more important than Garland - I think he's easily top 10, but would be an interesting exercise to try to find 10 others.
  6. Agree - I would have thought that would be the one attribute of Jamar's that might keep Gawn and Spencer away from first ruck this year. Really good news.
  7. No need for that kind of abuse. But, if you're going to get into that, I'll ask you - can you read?? I don't really have 'thoughts' per se on Mitch's foot and I certainly haven't claimed to be an authority on it. All I've said, fairly consistently, is that I'll believe he is right to go when I see it, which I hope is quite soon. I don't place much store in what he says about it, nor what you, I, hogans_heroes or the club medical staff say about it. I'm just looking for some physical evidence and, as I say, I'll be stoked when/if we get it!
  8. Interesting - think someone pointed out on another thread that he'd been doing slightly heavier work than I'd realised, which is fantastic.
  9. Really?? I didn't realise that, I'm overseas and missing training, so must have missed it in the reports. That changes the game somewhat - every time I've seen him, he's been standing on the sidelines!
  10. Not at all. It was just a typically wild, black and white hogans_heroes comment, which was that 'Mitch knows his foot better than anyone else'. He does, but you make exactly the right point - his Twitter feed is no more valid than someone's reported email, or my thoughts on the matter at all. As I keep saying, I hope to god he gets right, but from all the evidence before me, he isn't. He doesn't even really look like he is progressing that much, beyond gentle running. As soon as he does, I'll be over the moon, but I'm not going to take his word for it that it will happen!
  11. You make the fairly wild assumption here that people always tell the truth on social media.
  12. I definitely don't claim to be a source - I'll just believe that he's fine when I see it. Which I sincerely hope I do!
  13. I didn't realise this thread was up and about too - just posted in the Garland thread. I'd be surprised, but delighted if he played again, and completely astounded if he got up for round 1...
  14. I'm with the Clark doubters. It kills me to say it, but when he can do more than light jogging and stationary hand balling drills, I'll start to believe he'll play again. Round 1? I'd be astounded.
  15. She also talks loads of complete bollocks. Witness the tanking saga and her reporting on that. Absolute bollocks, most of it.
  16. He actually did do that, in the OP.
  17. No, you're right, I don't know him. But I do know people who know him very well, and they report nothing but good things. You're probably right too, in that I've heard some stories about his interactions with some players. Sounds to me like he misjudged how best to deal with at least a couple of them. I don't know, though, about treating them 'poorly'. He wasn't right and didn't get results, but that doesn't give people on this site the right to pretend he was Hitler or something. What does anybody gain out of going over and over and over this ground? Absolutely nothing.
  18. You to be a complete goose, which is clearly what I've got.
  19. I don't think Melbourne having a good season will 'stick it up' Neeld. Maybe before being a complete dick, have a think about what you would think of some ill-informed forum poster writing crap like that about your mate, or your dad or uncle or something. He's actually a really good guy, who didn't do a great job. It doesn't mean it is necessary to publicly [censored] him at every opportunity. I'd love it if we all got to watch you work all day and, when it didn't go so well, get on here and hang [censored] all over you about it. Seriously...
  20. Seriously, you two, its incredibly boring wading through piles of your crap on every thread.
  21. Haha yes, quite. But I think it is a long bow.
  22. You're forgetting that we're substituting our top 6 with their bottom 6, effectively. Nobody is saying our best is better than their best, but it seems reasonable to say that a few of our top players are at least better than their 20-25. I don't see that as particularly unreasonable.
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