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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. I agree with you on the point in bold. But what you're effectively saying is that it's ok to refuse to censure this behaviour on the basis that other behaviour isn't being censured elsewhere in the universe.
  2. Wowee. That's some issues, right there.
  3. You must have missed the 5 or 6 posts in a row where he said exactly that.
  4. You might need a new screen name after you've been banned, as well as a holiday.
  5. You might need a new screen name after you've been banned, as well as a holiday.
  6. What's wrong with 'Gee what a crap journalist with no integrity' (or something else relevant to their professional relationship) rather than 'wouldn't it be great to drown her'.
  7. Hope you've got something to do over in SE Asia while you're enjoying your Demonland holiday!
  8. Classic way of non-apologising (and I don't mean about this issue, just generally)
  9. See, this is exactly the point with domestic violence. 'Mates' just 'joke' with each other about it and 'don't mean anything by it'. Except that this is exactly what fuels the attitude that it's ok. And I'd argue it's a hell of a lot easier to attend some stupid event and give lip service to a cause (any cause, that is) than it is actually back it up with consistent words. What you call a 'slip up' I call 'their real attitude'.
  10. Oh, go on. I'd have to do some actual work if I didn't have yours and Stuie's posts to read!
  11. You have got to be joking. This makes the most sense, I think. From the king of arguing about things that don't matter.
  12. Nope. First stories, including opinion pieces, all appeared in a rush yesterday afternoon/evening. His 'apology' came in response to a number of stories, including an interview with Caroline Wilson. Seems incredibly odd.
  13. I have one question on Eddie's comments during the Freeze MND event. For comments that were made on radio on Monday, why has this story just exploded yesterday and today, almost a week later? I don't want to discuss the comments themselves - just genuinely wondering why on earth it has taken this long to become a story...
  14. No, we don't. Yes, there will be a spot. Do you really think they'd put all of this time and effort in and then cut him? And 'only' 20 touches a week? Come on. Is that really a problem? What I've seen so far is consistency, effort and fairly solid output.
  15. They have tried to trade him at least once, and possibly twice, in the last few years.
  16. Umpires killing another game. Such a shame - Essendon deserved that win so much.
  17. Lol that they let about 4 frees go, then give one to Jamar!! Be lucky to get a goal out of that one.
  18. Essendon are getting rogered by the umpires too - still only 8 points down.
  19. I reckon their pressure would have got them out the back far more. We would have tired anyway and I just think they would have schooled us even more.
  20. Arguably only the rain saved us from a similar fate today.
  21. You could fill up another 15 minutes with footage of all of our one metre handballs today.
  22. To be fair, this is the first time it has happened all year.
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