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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. I think he is probably worried about the up and coming stars in our backline (quite seriously). He is having a cracking season, and has responded brilliantly to Neeld in my view. He obviously realised early on that this was the only way... I mean, Frawley is set, and if Tom Mac, Davis, Watts and Garland all keep progressing as they are, it starts to look awfully crowded down there.
  2. If I were a betting man, I'd think $3.55 for GWS this week was Christmas.
  3. Might not be hopeless, but he sure is old and busted.
  4. Reckon we are better off going for players who are a touch older and more established (like 23-25 year old types, Beams etc)
  5. Chapman almost retired last year, and Bartel ain't going anywhere.
  6. I don't bother with the player threads - locker room or not. Who can be bothered reading 500 previous posts, or trying to work out where the recent ones start??
  7. I just go back to that kick from about 35m out earlier in the season, which didn't make the distance. A lack of confidence or form? I don't think so.
  8. Yep, fair enough. I think at least he looked like he was having a go yesterday, which is more than I could say in other weeks.
  9. I think Sylvia had a crack today, and that we forget he is only a few games back from a busted back. He could well come home with a wet sail in the second half of the season.
  10. That's just silly. Hit at least two targets (Clark and Green) inside 50 with really smart kicks to advantage. And his run was great.
  11. Just watched the video again, it almost looked like he lost his footing or something. Being charitable
  12. Have to also mention Tapscott almost putting Maxwell through the back window of the interchange bench. We haven't had a player willing to do something like that since Grinter!
  13. Part of the problem is also the amount that we fumble the ball, even when it is put down their throat. Or, today in particular, the first handball out was sharked by a Collingwood player who read the next move.
  14. I think one of the best things to come out of today was the fact that at 2 or 3 times the floodgates really could have opened, and we could have ended up 80 points down, but we didn't.
  15. Or Wellingham or Goldsack or someone elbowing Nate Jones in the face, or Nathan Brown snotting Colin Sylvia 100m behind the ball...
  16. Cracked me up. I know about 'would of, could of' etc, but what would we be all saying if we put in a spirited 4 quarter effort last week, but the Bombers kicked 16.6 on us, instead of 6.16?
  17. Have to say, the point of the thread wasn't to discuss the actual t-shirts. I was interested in the positive bantering that was going on between Neeld and Moloney. I couldn't care less what they actually wear...
  18. The Good - so much less Ugly than usual.
  19. Did anybody else watch right to the end of the press conference last night, and see Neeld and Beamer bantering about Beamer's T-shirt designs? Thought that was really interesting, that Neeld would light up about how cr*p he thought Brent's stuff was (he owns an online retailer apparently) and Beamer responded with 'you need a bit of help on that front' or something similar. Rift? Rubbish.
  20. Yep. A few times... By everybody except the numpties who agree.
  21. He can't have lost that much pace since he was drafted. He was pretty quick then IIRC
  22. Damn straight. He takes contested marks like that quite a bit. I seem to remember him taking a one hander against the Dogs whilst being mauled (pardon the pun).
  23. Won't be last. Things will click before then and we'll snag a few.
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