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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. BAMF

    Game Day

    Hope Watts is subbed off. He has done a lot of hard running and is spent. Morton can stay on. We have this game in the bag, and he definitely wont be playing next week so no need to keep him fresh.
  2. BAMF

    Game Day

    Thats what I thought at the same time last year.
  3. BAMF

    Game Day

    Sylvia! nice goal!
  4. BAMF

    Game Day

    Maric! needs more game time this kid. God I hope we have room to keep him for another year.
  5. BAMF

    Game Day

    Far out he is frustrating. Could he try to avoid a contest any harder?
  6. BAMF

    Game Day

    While Morton has not done anything terrible, He hasn't done much in general. I want a big second half from Cale. He simply doesn't make enough of an impact. Im surprised Strauss has only had 3 touches
  7. BAMF

    Game Day

    Jurrah!!!!! Thank god.
  8. BAMF

    Game Day

    Thats what happens when you play in Darwin. They send their shittest commentator team up to cover the game.
  9. BAMF

    Game Day

    Damn it. The radio stations are a few seconds behind the tv. Im sick of listening to these idiots already. Luke Darcy is seriously full of [censored].
  10. BAMF

    Game Day

    Wonder how many times they are going to show Primus wacking his phone is frustration?
  11. BAMF

    Game Day

    Martin playing in defense on Chad Cornes
  12. BAMF

    Game Day

    Maric! gets his second!
  13. BAMF

    Game Day

    Luke Darcy reckons the ball travels a further 4-5 meters with set shot goal kicking because of the humidity. Would love to hear the science behind that. Sounds like a heap of [censored].
  14. BAMF

    Game Day

    like what ive seen from morton so far
  15. BAMF

    Game Day

    Rodan killed us last time from memory. Glad he's their sub.
  16. BAMF

    Game Day

    Not too bad temp wise. For Darwin that is. Not liking Howe as the sub.
  17. I don't understand why some of the weeks are suspended. What the hell does that mean? why bother including them if they don't matter? Why not just come out and say 8 weeks? Can someone explain this to me please?
  18. One of the most reliable defenders. I reckon the majority of fantasy leagues will be forced to trade him now. I'm down to 4 trades now because of his stupidity.
  19. Im 98% sure Tom is staying. But maybe we should wait and see in Tom actually stays before slagging off an old fan fave. Once Tom signs its open season.
  20. Isn't Bailey talking up the possibility of Davey playing this week?
  21. Yeah, I would love to keep them all too. However I doubt we will be able to give all of them the game time they want.
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