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Everything posted by Satan

  1. Every headline with "Swan out" gives pies supporters heart pulputations:)
  2. Robinson that is - Carlton to investigate incident involving Mitch Robinson at Big Day Out
  3. Shocked , no age exclusive today .....yet
  4. I expect this to be resolved at 12.05 am at a date decided by the age when they electronically publish the Afl decision in its 47th exclusive on this story:)
  5. The richmond game allegation about low interchange rotation is a perfect example of no knowlege by clousteau and his mateabout football and its workings. The 3 game ending injuries which now doubt would gave been doctor approval certainly impacts on rotation numbers and fatigue of the players. It also impacts on player positions and where you can play them. This line of questioning is a farce. If we didnt have injuries then low rotations may be an issue. I did laugh on h/s expose on the last 3 mins of the game when non selection of experienced players was mentioned ie Sylvia. Considering he was suspended , why should indisputable facts cloud a media beatup.
  6. http://m.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/investigators-question-melbourne-over-watts-20130112-2cmrs. This should add a few more pages to the thread So its now team selection and player development . Inspector Clouseau and his mate and now questioning why we did not play , jack watts more in his debut year Let me count you the ways, still going school, not training full time , not physically mature to play senior football.....
  7. If the coaching tapes exist ,the defamation lawyers may be needed by players current or ex
  8. Some pie champ( arent they all) marley williams has been charged with assault in WA, should take the wind out of this story
  9. Gives pies 3 picks in a row helping them out and comprimising the draft
  10. Just hope none of the guys are fb friends with the guy , fb anonimity is like swiss cheese , full of holes
  11. AFL looks at former Demon fitness coach Its lucky for Julia that Caro does not investigate her past professional dealings
  12. Hoping he is unavailable for the TFS grand final revue next year because he is busy on the saturday:)
  13. bassett had broken strenum and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes( think it was about the time he may been elevated to senior list,dont quote on this), like luke molan destined never to play for mfc
  14. Did port get a pick to replace john mc ?
  15. Pffffff Makes the FA compo mean SFA in terms of weaker clubs losing experienced players.
  16. All the best jared except when we play cats
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