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Everything posted by Satan

  1. I wonder when the AFl were given a heads up from the Fed gov on the ACC report. I reckon about 3 days before the bs press conference in Canberra and one day before letting Essendon know their involvement. The AFL usually likes to control the spin. now they cant so I reckon their reactions are for the 30 sec sound bite On February 5, McLachlan called Melbourne CEO Cameron Schwab to inquire about rumours Dank was hanging around the club. The same day, Essendon held a short press conference to detail its concerns about the supplement program Dank had previously implemented at the Bombers. Schwab told McLachlan he'd never heard of Dank but later called McLachlan back and told him - according to notes retained by Schwab - that Demons doctor Dan Bates had ''communications'' with Dank and the club had considered employing him. McLachlan advised Schwab to immediately jettison the sports scientist. Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/dealing-with-dank-20130426-2ik8y.html#ixzz2RaKfnZqM The way Andy reacted last Friday gave the impression that the AFL had no idea Melb was communicating with Dank. I think Bates held back info to the club about what his discussions with Danks were about. Otherwise the board would have fessed up earlier. If the board knew then they should resign on mass.
  2. Dr Bates has some explaining to do if he held back info to the board. We could be hit with a fine like the non tanking one, not knowing what the officals were doing.
  3. Intresting the robbo article in hs where essendon admit taking ao... . Bit like government releasing bad news on xmas eve .. Timing is everything
  4. http://m.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/geelong-brownlow-medallist-paul-couch-says-he-doesnt-know-what-all-the-fuss-is-about/story-e6frf7kx-1226626781420 Whats interesting is the mention of an email trail between Bates and Dank. Thought it was Sms ?
  5. 12 goal last q, 12% battery left on phone
  6. explains why danks went to melb http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/a-peep-behind-the-sporting-curtain-20130419-2i5io.html?rand=1366380671966
  7. Has the stkilda school girl got a younger sister?
  8. What time will asada and afl raid melbourne? Will the dr take a sickie?
  9. As the abc named names is that a breach of medical records?
  10. We know how stuff up , cant salary cheat , lose delibrately and take dodgy drugs. Can we get the quadrella ?
  11. oh the irony http://www.saxton.com.au/cameron-schwab/
  12. Outsider, no perceived bias, good move
  13. You can bet the ziggy report will as sir humphrey of Yes Minister would say, only have an enquiry when you know what the answer is. The a/cs payable girl will get the flick for paying PED bills without approval. Andys demeanour last week indicated to me he was not happy and there are likely to be more Bomber shells to explode. Hirds issue is that in the initial presser he took responsibility for the football dept. If others under him go like corcoran he should quit based on this statement. If the reid letter ended in Robsons top draw then Robson should go. All this stuff is about goverance. The AFL will clobber Essendon over this as its easier to prove than the drugs part. There are probably OH and S issues and medicare issues too .
  14. Will the guy who had the money bags be back?
  15. Need to stick tackles , other than that great effort
  16. http://m.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/hird-injected-drugs-20130410-2hlvx.html Takes melb off page 1 me thinks Explosive allegations, dr reid being shut out medical calls , hird taking stuff that was banned? , players taking not banned stuff but not approved stuff and may be introuble under the catch all clause. Ziggys report will be eagerly awaited to see about essendons internal prractices or lack .
  17. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/backlash-from-demons-supporters-got-cameron-schwab-sacked-says-andrew-demetriou/story-e6frf7jo-1226616203163 Can I call b....
  18. Caro has been after schwab for years , goes back to richmond days in 70's
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