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Everything posted by Satan

  1. Max is making a difference
  2. For the good of Grace(David)
  3. i wish it comes back and bites Hirdy on his a... But as we know some clubs are luckier than ithers when dealing with the Afl:)
  4. So Dustin Fletcher has admitted he has spoken to Hirdy about football. I thought Hirdy cant get involved in the club till his ban is over. The Afl must investigate this if it has any "integrity". Dustin is the new Brock
  5. That would confuse the players
  6. It was in sydney , no sydney player gets pinged
  7. Finalky a free jones
  8. when did the AFl ever listen to a Melbourne supporter let alone the club
  9. Last time we played we wore a pink jumper and the umpires pink tops which led to Melbourne players thinking the umpires were players and hand passing in the wrong area. This year the trainers from all clubs wear pink vests. One hopes that if we are a wearing pink jumpers that the trainers are wearing non pink vests.
  10. looks like the club is in the clear with AFL re dank http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/melbourne-demons-escape-afl-sanction-over-stephen-danks-role-at-club/story-fni5f91a-1226872780382 JT may still have to answer something with ASADA thou. still have not got an answer why the abc published melb player names and did not publish essendon player names,
  11. The auction prize at today's luncheon - Jobe will be impressed
  12. http://www.ruleoflaw.org.au/introducing-martin-hardie/ "As well as Martin’s involvement in cycling, Martin has recently been engaged as a consultant by the Essendon AFL Club while it deals with the current ASADA investigation into allegations of illegal doping." conflict of interest much?
  13. Just waiting for a photo of him at the blood bank giving blood to blow the scared of needles story out of the water
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