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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. I'm in general agreement D16 with the exception of the 2 highlighted. I'm not sure where Clisby is at injury or form wise as i haven't been following. But based on the 3 matches i have stats on from last year....his uncontested, effective disposal and effective disposal percentage is up there with the best in the team. He ranked No. 1 in uncontested. Equal 1st in Effective disposals alongside the Jones Boy He ranked 3rd in effective disposal %. 10 percentage points higher than the Jones boy, 8 percentage points higher than Howe, and 4 higher than Watts! 2nd in bounces (run and carry/breaking lines?... sadly lacking in our team and we are ranked pretty much bottom of table vs all other clubs in this area this season!) Was it injury or form that's prevented him from making an appearance this year? Maybe both? Others who watch Casey with interest might be able to enlighten me. With regard to Spencil, i really don't think we are short on Ruck options. I think both or at least one of the Maxs will provide us with enough alternatives here, at least until we find an alternative to the Russian if these dont' work out in the medium term. And i think Spencil has had many chances above those two without really putting his mark on the park in most of those matches.
  2. Best post i've read in quite a while. The Demons have been trailing and tagging the coat tails of opposition players for decades with no success We need star players, at least 2 and ideally 3. And i don't mean average/good players. I mean genuine superstars. I would trade 12 to 14 average to sub par players on our list (many of who have already been mentioned in the above threads multiple times) to get my hands on those 2 or 3. As we've seen with GCS, you can build a reasonably competitve team around 1 super star (until he went down anyway). Imagine if we had 2 or more. We need our opponents to be worrying about/chasing us through the mid and around stoppages for a change, and still be able to perform and break their tag/kick match winning goals etc. Not the other way around pretty much every match and even against dud teams/mediocre players. Bring this and we can build a winning team. Don't, and all we will get is more of the same for decades to come. That's if the club survives long enough to see more of the same BS for decades.
  3. Pretty good DA. Not sure i'm sold on Grimes tough. His decision making is woeful. As is Tmacs once. Both are "panic" players when it comes to running the ball out of our backline, especially Grimes. But i will say in Tmacs support he does get to alot of contests on opponents (and leaves to become 3rd man etc) and kills many a ball in defence. The problem is when he gets it he quite often sells the player he is giving off to into trouble. And after delivery proceeds to run towards/into the player he just gave it to...ensuring both players are toast when their opponents are on their tail. Seen it so many times. One thing he does give us also is some decent run off HB....but then there's the delivery/decision making by foot.....UGHH!
  4. I'll 2nd that. And the inclusion of McKenzie around the time that Cross was ommitted from injury really set us back. One of, if not the only, decent ball users in congestion and when under meaningful pressure. His handball is lightning as is his decision making. Mostly to our advantage and hitting targets, unlike many others who just seem lost in congestion with hands/decision making. McKenzie is all effort and occasionaly when in the open he'll hit a target with handballs but that's about his limit IMO.
  5. I think it's more The Jones Boy that is the above Ron. As much as i admire Grimes' effort....i also wouldn't put him even close to being on a par football ability wise with the likes of Jmac
  6. I think Toump is worth a few more pre seasons. I'm not sure we should be backing players just based on their desire to be the best they can. Otherwise we probably will be holding on to the likes of McKenzie, Tappy, Blease, Fitzy, Trenners, Nicho etc for a fair while yet.
  7. These are good points Jumbo. However, i think the questions that need to be asked are..... 1. Do we have anyone with AFL average or above average delivery skills when bringing the ball i50? 2. If the answer is yes, do the forwards (and those around them, including players pushing up from mid) have any idea how to play forward and play to the game style (mids spread away from designated leading zones or out wide of the hot spots instead running into those zones with defender in tow etc, forwards lead to those designated zones or lead back into space created by decoys, smalls run forward of drop zone to get front and square and take marks to kicks in under pressure or sweep up crumbs for snaps on goal etc) and to the strengths/weaknesses of those bringing it in?
  8. I've seen him play a few games in there SPR but mostly in a stopping role. Can't say i've seen him do any damage going the other way while doing so though. Has looked like a fish out of water when played through there so far from what i've seen. I'd like to believe your right. I just don't have that much faith in playing him in this role given what i've seen so far.
  9. I suspect many of the 'come and gone' category was since the CS / Bailey era where CS had the Melbourne "young generation" lets grow them together Red & Blue print happening ie., in with the babies and out with the bath water (eg., J Mac/ Robbo/ Miller). In addition the top line draft players just don't want to come and play with the likes of us and other bottom dwellers like the doggies etc. They are going to arc up and make their play (via their Management team) to try and end up at the top clubs of preference. Until, or unless, the AFL step in and ensure clubs at the bottom receive their fair share of the best talent, and don't lose them to the likes of the Pies/Bombers/Swans/Hawks/GCS/GWS etc who have more room in their football dept to spend on facilities/coaching staff/recruiting/staff etc....we will always wallow around like a skinny little runt stuck in the AFL pig swill and mud as bottom dwellers. This isn't really a surprise to me as i feel that's just the way the AFL want it. They have managed the AFL to promote the stronger clubs get stronger. Those at the bottom they don't really give two hoots about as long as they don't drain too many $$ from the AFL coffers. Like Port and ourselves did recently. The Saints appear to be the next big strain this year if you believe some of the gossip. In short i'm not surprised that the usual bottom dwellers like us, the doggies and toiges are still wallowing on the bottom as the AFL have pretty much thumbed their nose at the periferal Victorian clubs for decades now, instead preferring to focus their marketing dollars on the Swans, Pies, Bombers, Hawks, GWS and GCS. All we are seeing in the main is the outcome of an AFL manafactured product, with the usual bottom dwelling clubs in their usual "AFL acceptable".... place with the bigger/start up clubs of preference still chipping away at the top of the ladder year after year, decade after decade. It's no coincidence the AFL prefers a fixture over a draw and lock in the Bombers/Pies for Anzac day every year etc. Nothing is left to chance when it comes to the AFL.
  10. The sentiments i like chook but with this list the problem is there's not really any replacements that offer anything other than the same old MFC butchering of ball and continually going sideways and lateral (Edit: this should have read..BACKWARDS) as our first option once we get it. The bulk of this list lacks class, run, speed, finish, sure ball handling in close and over 30 meters on the kick. Poor at shooting for goal. Pretty much everything a half decent footballer needs at least 1 of...or more. No weapons/match winners in this lot whatsoever. We also have no run and carry ball users off HB/outside middle who can hit targets once in a while or putting it to the favoured side of the forwards etc for them to run onto etc. The problems are vast a varied but at the end of the day we have a very poor list that's only weapon is being able to defend for 2 or 3 quarters depending on the quality of the opponent. And that 'defend at all costs mentality' starts very early, even before we or our opponent has managed to hit the scoreboard.....which to me makes no sense at all unless the opponent starts getting a run on early (which for us unfortunately happens alot lol). In the end the weight of numbers out of the middle (which we are still losing most of the time) and off the oppositions HB line following our turnovers (as well as continual missed shots at goals) end up ensuring that we lose most matches, even against horrible opposition such as the Bears today. Time to turn over the majority on this list or the club will die a very slow and horrible death...continually bouncing along the bottom of the ladder winning 4 to 6 matches max (if lucky). I don't envy Roos in his present position. He has very very little to work with here. Miracles can happen.....but i certainly can't see any light at this point, not with the bulk of this current list anyway.
  11. OD it must be pretty bloody expensive if you're only drinking after our meagre win ratio. Either that OD or i'm thinking you might be going a tad overboard with the celebrating after a rare win! I wouldn't blame you if you did P.S. Still waiting on the brand
  12. I don't mind 2 byes but it's very unfair that we're always getting 3 every damn year! The 2 that everyone else has.....and the one after about round 6 when our season is over..... Oh....then there's always this little gem
  13. OD please send brand of double malt..... pronto!
  14. Put Stuie's version in amongst them and check it against the rest. It will sit nicely alongside the Tiges, Hawks, Lions, Cats and Bombers as very appropriate and bold IMO. Current one is trying to say too many things. We're a football club not BHP etc..... KISS
  15. Yep....another CS inspired bit of nostalgic BS from memory. You've got my vote.
  16. You haven't sat near me at any games then... that's the only name i've ever used. The other term is an obomination on the original and i'm pretty sure Checker would say the same. Anyone who uses that obomination, particularly of the male genda, should have a long hard look down their loin cloth (using a very bright torch) to make sure the nuts and bolts are still connected. What is a "Dee" anyway?
  17. Playing an obsessive possession game (OPG) mostly in the back half and continually going lateral or backwards with your first/2nd string possessions from stoppages for the majority of a match (particularly early on in the match) wont win you many matches of footy unless the opponent you are playing is in pretty poor form and not very good running the other way when they cough up possession during many of their chains of play (like us) The OPG method is a good ploy when you have a decent lead late into any quarter and you wish to defend the hard work already done on the scoreboad or to stop a run on by the opposition. Very useful and a must have team skill... but to be used for a smaller percentage of match time .... not the majority of it like we are doing atm....particularly early on when the match is only new and anyone's to win. Unless we can somehow manage a "Cats" style run and carry "overlap" game style for the "majority" of a match (particularly early in a game) injecting some super talent with genuine pace and silky dispoal/handling skills (including a few genuine goal kickers ... from mids or up forward) ... I believe we will continue to bounce along the bottom. Change the balance of the present style and make it the exception ie, OPG only when the match situation calls for it....and head towards the Geelong way both in training, recruiting and methods (in particular focussing on recruiting players who have great kicking skills)..and we will start to shine, win many more games by decent margins (rather tha sneaking over the line by the hair of our chin)...and maybe even threaten for a finals birth...
  18. Big trouble? And what could we possibly be risking this season if either or both players missed a few weeks? Half the side could start wacking their opponents every week in the next few rounds and it would have little if any impact on 2014. Might make a few feel better though
  19. I think he's valuable from an effort and 2nd effort point of view Jaded... but im not convinced he does 'alot' of great things. One of many NQR players on the MFC list. At best a decoy to a better forward as he was at the Pies. Unfortunately our better forward departed with depression and the new kid on the block hasn't put foot to leather in the red and blue yet.
  20. Provided he isn't delivered to us as another NQR (inherent but well disguised career debilitating/ending injury ) this is exactly the player we need down back to assist and educate the like of TMc, Garland,Jetta and Watts (assuming he eventually ends up playing most of his footy there...if he makes it). Allows us to move Howe up forward and would also deliver the ball with more accuracy to Hogan/Howe/JKH/Other? Most importantly he can break lines, switch more quickly/accurately by foot and occasionaly drifts forward for the odd mark and goal. Allows us to move Howe up forward and would also deliver the ball with more accuracy to Hogan/Howe etc. I would take him in a heart beat and trade Grimes/Terlich/Frawley out for him and one other classy/pacey half back who can hit a target and break lines. Although we might have one of our own in the making atm in Jetta (and possibly Kent down the track) so the 2nd might not be totally crucial but i'd still like to see it. Especially if we keep losing more of the center clearance work than we win in the next season or 2 as most of our forward 50 entries will need to come off rebounds from HB if we are to win more than a handfull of matches.
  21. Like many downtrodden MFC supporters.... too easily pleased with 2nd best.Should've beaten the Saints.... should've beaten the Dogs (twice), should've beaten Gold Coast, should've won today etc etc. I think what we are seeing is this list performing about or close to its potential albeit with some upside still to come with some of the younger boys like Jetta, JKH, Tyson, Vince and possibly a few others. Hopefully we recruit well in the pre season and don't let the careers of these young men go to waste by continuing to give games to some of the very average talent around them.
  22. We've won 4 matches out of 17. Thats 13 losses. Its still pathetic. No matter which way you try and dress it up we still suck. Not saying it isn't an improvement either but its many miles away from being AFL standard.The fact that we struggled to stay in touch with a badly out of form opponent in the first half tells the tale of where this club is at atm. Don't kid yourself...without another injection of serious talent at year's end, this club is going nowhere fast. Roosy is well aware of this... hence why he's taking a look at every possibility from here...both from a "retention" and a "moving on" list management point of view. The axe will fall and fall harshly for some once the season ends for us in 5 weeks. Many of these blokes are playing for their AFL carreer right now.
  23. Everyone's forgetting who we played. Port were in terrible form coming into this match having lost 3 of their last 3 matches (2 of them at Adelaide oval) to IMO 2 very poor teams in Adelaide and the Tiges...and an in form Essendrug. We have beaten all of those teams this year. This should have been a decent win for us.... yet we still managed to allow a terribly out of form team to find their mojo a little and kick 6 unanswered goals in the first half. The game was won and lost right there. Honorable comeback my ass. Any other half decent team would have won that by 3 to 4 goals and the better clubs in a canter.
  24. Guys Grimes is never going to learn how to kick or more importantly...Not to kick it so near the frickin boundary line so often. Its part of the way he rolls. Like many others in this list who are flawed/NQR footballers, they need to be traded/delisted at years end if we are ever going to turn this [censored] around. Same old week after week... year after year...for 7 years now. We scrap and fight a little in the first 5 or 15 minutes... only to see a harder running, faster, more clever team blow out a lead in the last 10 minutes of 1st quarter to see us behind by a good margin at quarter time. This lead is either extended or maintained in the 2nd. 3rd quarter we come out and either match the opponent on the scoreboard or catch up a little to appear as if we've made a decent fist of the game.... usually after the game is either lost or almost put to bed in the 1st half. If we get a sniff or a run on we get our noses in front now and then...only to be killed by our own poor execution around the ground or in front of goal allowing the opposition to sneak in a few quick ones against the run of play for the win. When, if ever, do we bust open a game from behind or even when in front.... and go on to cruise to a decent 4 to 6 win!!?????? As we are all too familiar, we rarely ever win matches and we mostly try to win them coming from behind. This is no way to play a "Winning Brand" of AFL football and is never going to get us very far at all. Port were in terrible form yet we still allowed them to kick 6 unanswered goals in the 1st half with some players racking up only 2 or 3 disposals for a whole half of footy. 15 to 20 minutes of playing ok footy in a first half is rarely going to win you a match at this level. As always, we leave too much to too few and we push the accelerator too late after the horse has bolted... crap footy all round... not going anywhere until we get some class some run and some decent kicking skills into this team.
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