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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. A bit harsh on Toump given his inexperience but i agree with the alternative in Blease. Toumpas's tempo just isn't up to AFL tempo at this point. Fully agree with the other 2 as well. Byrnes is a massive weak link and Pederson is, at best, a 5th string (off the bench) backman when all others are injured. I also don't think we will see Tom McDonald down back once Garland returns. Tom is a handy athlete but that's about it IMO. Our forward line is way to crowded. I would isolate Howe one on one by asking the HFs to push into the mid and have JHK up there to crumb off Howe and hopefully run amok. We are incapable of finding a target i30 to i40 where most goals are kicked from so run and carry through the middle and past the 50 meter arc is a must if we're to have any chance of winning.
  2. We must work harder to find that extra link up handball to a running player coming through the middle as watts did with Terlich for the goal in the 1st. No point kicking it to a player 55m out and waiting waiting to find no targets i50 or taking shots at goal from outside 50. Low percentage. The extra handball to a run through the line player as above will allow us to shoot on goal or stick the ball to the danger spot at the top of the square quickly, prior to the opposition getting numbers back, giving us a much greater chance of snap shot from front and square. Basic footy with no talls up forward. If we find this we win. If not, we could be in trouble.
  3. Wow.... Chanel 7 are sure doing a nice job at promoting the bumbers. You would think they were playing tonight, not the Saints or us. I know they've had a few segments on the playing sides but sheez.... the bumbers have already gotten off lightly and are now getting nice free agency trades, Friday night blockbuster exposure and now exposure and interviews of their new recruits prior to our match. The AFL has managed this one nicely. A good outcome for them and the bumbers so far.
  4. At the time i suggested you follow through with it Stuie if you recall. I prefer your version. And i prefer either to the current one which is just too busy with nothing that really makes it stand out or anything that's distinguishable or punchy.
  5. For OD's and all our sakes tomorrow is a MUST win at all costs. I don't believe we'll get too many opportunities like this during the year unless we see a miracle with all 3 talls fit and running around on the park and Viney/Garland up and running on all 6 cylinders. As a side note, it was 9 seasons ago that we last won an opening round. 2005 against the bumbers. Fingers, toes and other things crossed here.
  6. Come on guys, we all know there's only one worthy alternative logo....
  7. Haha... i'm almost certain he wont monoccular
  8. We really wont know until about round 6 how the mid field is shaping up. Although i agree, on paper it does look like a significant improvement on last years offering. Even after 6 weeks i wont be judging them too harshly though. It takes a season or 2 at least for a substantially new group to really gell together.
  9. Thanks Steve. I only hope i am severley wrong. As mentioned, i really hope that we see him much earlier in this half of the season. I have faith that we have the right team and that the FD/club is ensuring every avenue is addressed professionally for the best possible outcome. However, similar to OD, i have less faith in some of the injury reports and "return" predictions that we are hearing and i'll "believe" when i see the related player (be it Hogan, Dawes, Garland etc) physically running around "unimpeded" on the park week after week.
  10. You may well be correct Sassy. I still think Jones is a shoe in for a repeat though. I'm betting on Tyson as best recruit. This guy is going to be an absolute superstar in 2 to 3 seasons, assuming our mid field doesn't end up collapsing in a heap with injuries, like our key forwards.
  11. I was shot down on the Clark thread after the footy show interview when i stated... "And i hate to be a pessimist but after watching Hulk on the footy show with Gazza the other night, i wouldn't be holding my breath on his return this year either. He looked shattered IMO. Hopefully it was just over the thought of missing a few games and the start of the season and nothing more serious. Body language not good though." I still stand by that view. Yes like everyone, i'm hoping for a very early return, but i'm now prepared for the fact that we might not see him until some time in the 2nd half of the season (assuming the injury isn't career threatening). I await further arrows and barbs lol
  12. As long as we don't have passages of play where we are kicking/running/passing as if we're kicking toward's the opponents goals like we did against the Cats on at least 3 to 4 occasions (didn't see the Dawks match thank goodness) then yes we might sneak over the line. However, i have no optimisim at all about Sunday's game. I'm sitting completely on the fence on a "wait and see" policy. I've seen Reiwoldt tear us a new one pretty much every time we've played them with him in the team. And he has about 200 plus games more experience than any of our "part time" rooky forwards... probably combined lol. Given our usual injury fiasco and our amazing record at Shityhad... i am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.
  13. No just a wise head calling it as he's seen it over many decades. I don't think anything we say on here has any impact on MFC disasters
  14. So you're saying you know something that we don't. And yes, if it is a serious illness, of course that's how you would deal with it. We might be passionate on here but most of us aren't heartless or stupid.
  15. If it is a "personal issue" ie., relationship matters, then sure, give Mitch a few weeks off to sort it but after that he is contracted and getting paid handsomely to boot (pardon the pun). After that IMO he has to start performing or ship out. However, if it's a rehab issue that's obviously what the experts at the club are paid to manage and make calls on. I would rather they give him every chance to recoup than allow him to hang up his boots without giving it the best shot possible.
  16. It is but you still need class and grunt throughout most lines in any team at this level. Losing our only potent forward (outside of Howe's part time worthy efforts) in the last few years (when he was on and fit) is a massive loss to a lowly team. In a middle rung or top team this position is more easily covered over by a senior group of core players, some of them proven A graders who can lead and lift the team and contribute to the scoreboard when needed. I haven't seen a Melbourne "team" anywhere near that mental and physical capability since 2006. Another example is Carlton and Judd. You take Judd out of an average team like the Blues and they struggle big time to cover his class/engine/finish both around the ground and particularly through the middle. I'm not saying Mitch is a Judd, but he was a potent option when we managed to get him on the park and his absence is a massive blow in the short to medium term for "this" team. We better pray that Dawes gets fully match fit soon and he has a stellar year up forward. Howe and Hulk (assuming he recovers nicely soon) will both benefit from Dawes's prescence and "effort" examples when he's on the park.
  17. Potent? All i'm hoping for is to see those two running around "together" for most games later in the year. If that happens we might at least be competitive with teams from around 9th to 18th at some stage. Anything more than that would be a bonus. Had we been able to field a fit Clark, Dawes and Hogan from the get go we might have been a potent opponent.
  18. On a lighter side note.... The D'land banner is looking decidedly dodgy as each day passes. Is it cursed lol? From left to right... > Frawley - Speculation that he may well move on at year's end (pic fading a little?). > Clark - Unlikely to pull on a Demon jumper again (pic fading big time) > Viney - Injury prone debut last year although seems to be progressing through pre season ok so far. But surely too early to be a banner boy at this point (see Trengove)? > Grimes - Major injury setback half way through 2013. Good comeback so far in 2014. Has earned his place on banner. > Roos - Fingers crossed for an additional year's contract (at least) This might also secure Frawley on a short term deal as well. Obviously needs to be front and square on the banner. > Jones - The one shining constant on the field and a seriously worthy banner boy. > Trengove - Finally some common sense allowing him to just learn develop and play. Has he earned a banner guernsey at this point? IMO definitely not. > Garland - Significant ankle issue over summer but appears to be progressing well. Should make an appearance in the near term. Looks like a safe and reasonably worthy banner boy at this point...touch wood. > McKenzie - The epitome of "battler" and "tryer". Not sure he's worthy of a banner posting at this point though. Howe is about the only worthy "additional" inclusion from other possibles.
  19. Yes that's also a possibility that i was hoping was the case Demon, however given our run of luck over many decades i'll believe it isn't something ugly when i see him in full flight on game day
  20. As far as KPFs are concerned i reckon you're spot on Red. Other than Neitz, who played about half his career at HB (roughly), i can't recall us being capable of fielding a regular KPF throughout the years i've watched. Not for more than 3 to 4 years before breaking down anyway. Always a career ending injury here...another there. And i hate to be a pessimist but after watching Hulk on the footy show with Gazza the other night, i wouldn't be holding my breath on his return this year either. He looked shattered IMO. Hopefully it was just over the thought of missing a few games and the start of the season and nothing more serious. Body language not good though. Then there's Dawesy. To think we might be taking a "no key forward" forward line into this season, no Garland and a FB who potentially doesn't even want to be here at season's end ... Roosy will have to be a serious magician to make something from that.
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