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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. So if I were to mention my residual dissapointment in Saty losing his grand daddy beard....would that count OD? ? VERY VERY Happy with the rest of his work!!!
  2. I now forgive Mr Vince for not looking to STAB pass the ball inside 50 in the last few seconds of the dockers match. The only option was the torp! All makes sense now ?
  3. Just let him get over his bloody toe injury first! All this bloody talk of marriage and trades I dunno. Rusty says close this thread!
  4. Any Mods keen on running a "self congratulator of the year" award similar to 1116 SEN's here? ?
  5. That sounds like hard work and no g'tee you wld find a strong correlation Skuit. I reckon the pros are getting paid pretty good coin. Let them go earn it ☺️
  6. Unfortunately we failed at the very next hurdle here LG. The coaches place so much emphasis on stoppage work/set plays, moving the ball inside and up through the corridor quickly, slow possession play around the back and switches to fat sides etc....they forgot one of the most important aspects or didn't drill it hard enough... how to protect a lead with only a minute or two left. The rest is great and needs emphasis but useless if you end up losing the close ones once your nose is in front. All that franatic effort, chasing, goal kicking, tackling etc etc for a big sack of nothing.
  7. He is not the greatest but as ruckman go he is no spud either. Nankervis is hardly worthy of a permanent hard tag. Just needs a solid ruckman to compete against him and neutralise (or win) as many contests as possible and compete with him in the air in marking contests. Although it would be helpful, you don't always need a superstar ruckman to win matches of footy as long as they can break even most of the time in the one on one contests. Anything more (goals, goal assists, tackles, hitting up leads etc) is a big bonus
  8. Needed to go man on man in their forward 50 especially to handle the bail out kick around the arc IMO DJ. We allowed the opposition to zone off and failed to put them under enough pressure and compete in the marking contests when the ball lucked out their way, which unfortunately was most of the time for a good 10 minutes or so. They took a number of uncontested marks from our bail outs, controlling this section of the game for too long. Compete one on one and either mark it ourselves or bring the ball to ground and get the stoppage going further out from goal rather than the opp getting the lucky receive by zoning off and getting it straight back in to targets or top of the square for even more pressure. When we did finally get it up our end at one point for a possible breather or maybe get one back ourselves to stop the rot, Trac made a huge error, deciding to flick the ball back in right on the boundary in the forward pocket punt road end instead of disguising it out or gathering the ball and taking the tackle for the stoppage or rolling over the boundary for the throw in. Freo ran it straight back out and up to their end and I think they may have even goaled again from it. A rookie error that hurt us badly at a really critical moment IMO.
  9. Spencil will pole ax Nank. Played a very solid game against arguably the best ruckman in the game on Sat. Could be the difference on Monday night if Dusty is out.
  10. No not at all Dappa. I'm just saying I think the MFC is far too lenient with under performers and has been for years although there has been times when Coaches have probably had little choice. The fact that Harmes seems to be on the improve and getting more matches under his belt is a good thing for everyone concerned, including Harmes. Let's hope he can keep up the good work and as he gains a bigger tank, we hopefully see him impacting for more than a few quarters here and there. He is on the cusp of becoming a very fine player if he can bring his best over 3 to 4 quarters and not drop away too much from that output within games very often.
  11. And some are favourites of the coaching crew or someone within the coaching crew Dappa and get continuous match time wile continuing to under perform in the seniors. The MFC is hardly in a position to risk this continual strategy at the expense of winning and need to just start playing whoever's showing the best form at Casey for the likely role required. This includes playing young inexperienced players who are showing very strong form at Casey and who deserve a decent go in the seniors for a few weeks vs a more experienced player who hasn't performed over a number of weeks to a required level or showing very inconsistent form. If we move away from continuing to just getting games into 'promising' youngsters and/or continuing to play more experienced players who are badly out of form, we will start stringing more consecutive wins together and more likely to make finals. And more often. Need to raise the bar as much as possible or we will just keep bouncing along the bottom as per the last decade.
  12. Hopefully we aren't counted as another of those crap teams after Monday evening green
  13. He does show glimpses of outstanding play Dappa. Like all developing players things can occasionally go haywire though but seems to be producing at a pretty high level so far. I like the idea of Bugg working him on the inside a little then Harmes taking say about 50% of the duties and working him on the outside going the other way. As for the match committee they would probably laugh at the suggestion and do nothing of the sort! Harmes is tracking top 10 statistically this year, with a weighted average score of 3.43, sitting 9th just behind ANB. Early days but a big improvement on last year's weighted average score of 2.92, where he finished 15th overall. A 17% improvement so far.
  14. Yeh standing room Punt Rd behind the goals DeeZee. You will def avoid a nose bleed. Then again... might need a helmet!
  15. Bugg & Harmes sharing the role.... might keep him to 2 or 3 goals
  16. I'm not so sure Gus is ready yet AF. His early entre' games looked like he could be anything but has only ever shown glimpses of that since. I don't think continuous VFL appearances will necessarily help him here either. Seems to me it's more of a mental issue probably related to some of the concussion related outcomes and having the confidence physically to attack the contest the way he did early in his career. He should be tracking ahead of or along the lines of the likes of Trac, Kent and Harmes but it seems he has plateaud behind those types right now. Hannan has shown something but maybe not quite AFL ready. Do we risk more games hoping for gradual improvement? Love his attack in the marking contests and his work rate generally. Would love to see more of him in patches if we are performing well later In the season and have the luxury for a return visit if showing good form at Casey or injuries force another look. Any team that includes both Melks and Weids sitting at either end (as they stand right now) will win very few matches, with the exception of maybe the bottom 4 to 6 clubs on occasions. Weids might come on and perform in a year or two but is a long way off regular 22 at this point. You can't carry or hide players who aren't up to AFL level against the better teams if you want to be a serious genuine contender for the finals and a shot at the flag. I'm not convinced on Hibberd yet either but after his performance on the weekend it's worth rolling the die. Hopefully a better competitive/attacking option than his ex bomber partner, but we won't know till we try. For me if we want our best chance of winning the next 3 matches and a chance at our first finals appearance in a decade then it's... In: Hibberd, Pedders and Hogan Out: Weids, Hannan and Melk. I would also put Tyson on notice and if Trenners puts in another performance at Casey or a better one than the weekend I would bring in Trenners for the Hawks IF Dom puts in another ordinary one. Brayshaw the preferred option of these three if he ever gets back to his best.
  17. If that is the case then he is not worthy of wearing the red & blue..... Deesgraceful I tell ye!! ? ?
  18. By far an unViney like start to the season but i still think the best is ahead of Jack and much room for improvement. I reckon Jack needs a chop out from others around him though to see some clear air and start playing at the level we know he's capable of. The return of Lewis should help a little, although he tends to play a more mid/back role and Tyson who is a fair way off it and has had a pretty ordinary start. Brayshaw being out and off his game at present hasn't helped either and the Jones Boy had a rare off match against the Dockers. Doubt we'll see 2 in a row from the Co-Captain. For the record the weighted averages of select stats i look at each week still has JV in our top 5 players as follows after week 4..... 1. Clarry 5.55 (weighted average score) 2. The Jones Boy 5.28 3. Salem 4.01 4. Stretch 3.95 5. Viney 3.89 Petracca is nipping at JV's heals with 3.63 in 6th place which is great to see. A budding star slowly on the rise
  19. I can't recall him ever dominating at VFL level. He has played some very solid outstanding games though.
  20. Not a great start so far im afraid. Injuries/Supensions haven't helped but still. Could have should have on Saturday. Massive fail at home that could have seen us in the top 4 going in to this weeks match against the Toiges with decent momentum in a blockbuster. There will hardly be a mention of this match now in the media in the lead up.
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