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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. So he would fit right in then D11?
  2. No others were comparing them qualitatively AF so it was open slather from there and i was merely stating that seeing as you are going to, here are a few stats. Very few players can be compared like for like regardless and we all know they are playing diff roles on game day etc. We all get that. It's a very inexact science when comparing anyone nowadays
  3. There wasn't that much daylight between Big M & Clarry but agree on the second part DD.
  4. To a point but he isn't always limited....two critical involvements in the last 2 minutes helped in what was, for mine, our best win for the season...
  5. Fair enough but i don't see you doing the same with those that are comparing the two qualitatively AF
  6. I posted that comparison out of interest as others (not me) were comparing the two on this thread AF. All i was highlighting is statistically the two arent that dissimilar (especially turnovers and clangers where some were saying Tomlinson is a better version/upgrade on Frosty) I understand Tomlinson is more of a swing man and occasionaly plays in the ruck vs Frosty is purely in a defensive role. I also understand you don't rate Frosty at all. All good. There are always going to be diverse opinions. Calm down and carry on son. We aren't all as dopey as you would love to make out.
  7. “If I can help foster that and grow that, I think that’s the best thing I can do for the club.” “Really for me it’s about just getting back to just loving the game and loving the journey I’m on - experiencing the joy in footy again with my mates. All power to you on that part Mr Jones. A great clubman and probably a good call for all, in the best interests of club & team mates. Let's hope 2020 brings a year in complete contrast to this one for his & everyone's sake involved.
  8. "Levi Casboult does want an extension, he will be out of contract next year. He's had a career best season and is looking for more than a 1-year deal beyond 2020" - Mitch Cleary. #AFLTrade
  9. Even that requires the right technique and practice FE as does practice under fatigue and pressure 'after' learning the correct technique. From a mind POV i would imagine Dusty is more comfortable using this method (on an angle that allows him to) vs attempting to just kick straight. Whatever works for each individual but it also shows Dusty is learning from the greats as this was a ploy Stevie J ingrained into his own game and it worked a treat. I would be very surprised if Dusty didn't get the idea from him or another/others who he saw doing the same at some point. Some of our boys, Tracc comes to mind, might do well to change to this method from similar angles instead of trying to kick straight. That's where a coach also comes into effect. Offering alternative outside the box methods rather than trying to fix completely flawed 'traditional' ones that some players may never be capable of improving on significantly.
  10. Yes i am advocating that a kicking coach would help in all aspects of goal kicking OD. But the banana in particular as imv if you aren't taught the technique correctly you are way behind the eight ball vs others who have (and have practiced the correct technique insanely till it's a monty) vs those that either haven't been taught or might be practicing madly but using a flawed technique. Was highlighting the banana as many will say a coach is unecessary it's all in the head. It is....but it isn't! Like anything in sport there are nuances. Correct technique and method will hold you in good stead much of the time even under severe pressure provided you've practiced your butt off. Yze was a great example of a player who was ok around the goals in general early on but took his kicking skills to elite (i'm guessing with some guidance, technique adjustments) but i know for a fact he put in a ton of practice, often after all others had left the track for an extra hour or so under lights if needed.
  11. It's called 'catch up' OD. We have rarely if ever been a club that's stayed in touch with the latest trends, innovative or ahead of the curve. And goal kicking coaching surely isn't an innovation nor need a light bulb moment before waking to the fact it's an important factor and some tutoring from one of the greats helpful for most. Much of it is in the mind imv but part of bringing in a goal kicking great is being taught by someone who no one has any question marks over. Any player learning from that tutor, their mind set and confidence is surely going to go up significantly. Have been calling for this since the 2012 Neeld fiasco began. If anyone thinks we don't need one ... you couldn't be further from the truth. When executing more difficult kicks like bananas you aren't going split the middle too often, if at all, if you don't have your method and execution sorted with a stack of practice to implant it permanently. The same but to a lessor degree for various angles like around the corner Stevie J type goals (a great example at 2:39 in the attached vid from the 2011 GF). 1.14 for a great example of a tight banana technique that stands up under pressure from Bartel, again in the 2011 GF. And another from Stevie J at 2.56 I watched a beautiful banana from Fritschkreig at one stage this year from almost the same spot as Bartell's. Then there was T-Mac from the opposite pocket which didn't quite get near it... might need some tweaking. Every little advantage counts, especially in a tight game. Why would you not add this to your arsenal as a coach, team / club?
  12. All the better players will not be coming to us unless we win a premiership Uncle. Catch 22. We are the proverbial pig on a spit. We should rename ourselves the Melbourne Gyros...taking it from both ends!
  13. That's been happening for decades ADC not just with this example. The entire FDs of the bottom dwellers & their CEOs, including ours, just happy to take their big salaries and not rock the boat. Care factor? Could you see Eddie, Kennett, Cook or even Gale sitting back and copping this sort of GIL/AFL cattle prod up the ar $e? The Aints, Norf, the Doggies and us really know how to bend over and part the seas. Happy to take their coin, many players included, and do not much other than the bare minimum to keep things rolling. An ongoing 'say nothing don't rock the boat' culture that stands for nothing... you have to wonder whether many of the players look at these results and think/act in a similar vein when the going gets a little rough. Nothing changes from decade to decade. No home, no champs to turn matches and we keep allowing ourselves to get rolled as part of the circle of AFL life and accepting it as the norm. That elusive cup is looking more and more distant with every year that this wankfest of a comp continues and we continue to say and do nothing with every set of 50 lashes. It's not this pick that you let go and say nothing, potentially getting a result regardless. If so this one might work out regardless. In isolation i get that.....it's the culture of not standing up off the field for any principle...ever and just accepting our lot.
  14. Both players are very similar based on this season which is a good comparison given the amount of games played. Tomlinson takes a few more marks but Frosty takes more contested and spoils significantly more (closing speed), double the intercepts and double intercept marks. The same number of clangers this season and, believe it or not, Tomlinson turns the ball over more often than Frosty. Pressure acts and tackles Tomlinson has the edge. He gets a bit more uncontested and marginaly more contested (on average) but need to keep that (and the rest) in context with the gap between the level both teams were playing at throughout the year. Keeping in mind Tomlinson played in a team surrounded by No.1 / top draft picks and one that made a GF while Frosty played in a [censored] storm of a season. https://m.afl.com.au/stats/stats-pro#/Compare?playerIds=CD_I293738,CD_I291819&comparisonTab=h2h
  15. Was it merely coincidence he was let go (along with 2 other line coaches) at the end of 2016 and they went on to win a premiership the following year? Too many voices syndrome from those who "know better" maybe? He was apparently credited somewhat with developing Dusty & Rance in a hands on type role. Macca comes to mind although i'm not sure Macca had the same effect with any players particularly, do we need another in that vein when we've just offloaded someone somewhat similar?
  16. A terrible result LH but the way our non-existent forward line up performed this season (ie: it didn't) even the best (Zorko), probably would have produced a 50% lower rating or worse! We were shocking in the air and on the ground and too crowded far too often i50 (no cohesion/craft)! Even with our bog ordinary entry skills, a quality forward line up would have converted a fair stack more with the amount of entries (sometimes off the charts from our mids eg vs Geelong early) and produced a decent W/L outcome vs MFC's this season.
  17. I am slowly turning towards that option LH. Save the cap space and make a huge play for a potential game changer in 2020 with the likes of say a Whitfield or a Cameron. I don't usually agree with Garry but on this occasion he might have made a reasonable call. Tomlinson just doesn't do it for me as much as i would like to hope he will and hope that i'm proven wrong. We need manic closing speed (spoiling / pressure acts) and finishing skills to close the gap on the Tigers and other top liners and i don't see him bringing either. So many non-impact players.... the more we sign the further we fall behind. Already coming from a massive distance back in the marathon pack with the leader about a kilometer ahead.
  18. SK if this is some sort of Gosch's coup d'etat you realise you are going to have to get past one cranky bearded adversary down there ...and upon reading the above you would be in for a bit of a bake me thinks. Not that it would take much! Don't say i didn't warn you.
  19. My concern is that in four finals he didn't really show much at all and isn't that the stage/place you are expecting any player to stand up a little? Also the Tigers get creative and go after Pickett. We pick up the usual medium non speedy type in Dunkley who, yes needs more time and i still think he will be ok, but out of the two we need outside run, bit of class and finish (Pickett) yet choose the slower more inside / gruntier type (again) ?? How are we ever going to bridge the gap on clubs that are already 10 goals ahead (roughly) every time we play them when we keep choosing more grunty meat & potatoe types that have no excitement on the outside, can't break lines and relatively sluggish movers? Don't we have enough already? Surely we can get a little more creative / daring for a change and try to pick up a mature Pickett / Jurrah type from somewhere who has X factor and can make a difference in big matches???
  20. That's him gone DZ unfortunately and possibly with that the Storm as well ?
  21. There are head clashes every 10th play or so. Oh the law suits! Brutal game
  22. Solamona No.10 ...he's a giant. How was the hit on kriten just now (excuse spelling!)
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