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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Hec i live borderline inner east and it's a long way for me OD. Reminds me of driving to a holiday house retreat down Mornington way it takea that long. The wind not blowing at either ground is a bit unusual but yes, Willy is a very exposed ground for sure so to be expected i guess. I agree re getting closer to the action but last time i was at Casey i spent most of the time watching (chasing...as best an old fart can chase) my hat as it sailed off behind me every 10 min or so. Seriously though, i also prefer the local (VFL) footy as well now. Just seems more real and relatable. And no massive lines to grab a burger, get out of car park etc.
  2. Petrol is quite expensive at the moment Mr Old ?
  3. I'm with you Sue. Need to master the basics first before you're able to fine tune and finess, especially under various windy conditions as well as doing so shooting from different angles and / or directly in front.
  4. Well if he makes the cut into a perfect start team without even having to prove his form in the Mcgoos i would say he is a VERY Goody Essendon mate CBD
  5. Pretty sure that"s a Fitzroy official DA. I'd be surprised if he was still on the board at 85 as well!
  6. Rnd 1, April 5th 1970 Richmond v Fitrroy was the last time the Royals, including the late Prince Philip, attended/watched the footy live i believe. It was the first ever Sunday match, scheduled to accomodate the visit, which included an extra long 40 minute half time break to allow for a calvalcade and on ground player introductions. Swooper Northey was in the Tiger's squad that day and stated the players were more interested in meeting the Royals than the game itself!
  7. Big no to Jake "zero tackles" Snake for mine. Today's forward game revolves so much around pressure and we can't afford to bring someone in who brings the complete opposite and allows the opp to waltz out of the back line under little or no pressure. Hopefully Dazzle's sauce is a bit off on this one as it would send a terrible message through the entire team. About the only change for this week for mine, which probably won't happen anyway, is Hibb for Jetta.
  8. Number 76....any relation to this ex Demon? https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fdemonwiki.org%2Fimage3062&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fdemonwiki.org%2FBrad%2BSparks&tbnid=VASWhCorOD3RlM&vet=12ahUKEwi-zIv6nvHvAhX3k0sFHXohBesQMygAegQIARA2..i&docid=58rxEOEhbvOYCM&w=187&h=266&q=Brad Sparks Melbourne&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwi-zIv6nvHvAhX3k0sFHXohBesQMygAegQIARA2
  9. I can't recall the last time i saw a player named as Rover Werridee, but it was a bloody long time ago now
  10. May the best Key Forward win! TMac would want to be kicking some goals in the next few weeks...
  11. You mean there's another secondary competition starting soon?
  12. Wasn't me Watts. I observed many bands back in the day from the bleaches, some good, some great, some bog ordinary and usually i was not fully aware of my surrounds but that's about it.
  13. Can't decide who helped get Port over the line more....Broad or the Umps. Actually probably Broad
  14. In my defence i was only 6 yo at the time Mr Old. My body grew but the brain, not so much it would seem!
  15. Noice PF. When is the next training sesh anyone know yet?
  16. I'm certainly not sticking my hand up for that experiment SW
  17. Talking about dodgy ads lol. Why would any finance co. want to add that voice into the mix ?
  18. Im wondering if that's some sort of veiled oxymoron LDC
  19. Yes i recall now. I've wondered that myself but the old adage "never judge a book by its cover" also applies to voice "appearance" i reckon SW. He certainly sounds like he's a little off center from a business advice POV though i agree. However, you have to be careful. One of the smartest humans in a business sense i've had the privilege of working with you would never think of as such if you simply judged by speech and grasp of English (Aussie version of English!). But there you have it. This view could also be skewed by the fact that i'm not that clever myself though! ?
  20. If you are referring to Roo SW i would have to agree. I'd be very selective with his recommendations!
  21. I reckon that started as soon as Hutchy took over DZ. KB was easily the best at what he did in the morning time slot. For a new owner/manager to not respect / recognise that on taking over and, instead dishing him for a new fella in GW straight up, smacks of someone who just isn't tuned in with the listeners. He also went for an 'on AFL message' presenter vs KB, who often questioned the entire direction the AFL hierachy were taking footy, which makes me wonder if Hutchy was/is in bed with the AFL to some degeee (close connections pulling the strings?) or just a big brown noser.
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