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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Another step closer to doing a Richmondy?
  2. I agree... another reason to have kept Tomo in and pushed Petty forward
  3. Im not doubting your reasoning or seeing such things Kev... all im saying is if this happens tomorrow night then i will have turned and will forever be a believer in the multiverse afterwards!
  4. Not saying he won't come in but with Tomo back in couldn't they roll Ellison forward to replace Weid? Played a number of decent games in this posi before. Love to see more of him here. Very solid defender also but talent a bit wasted down back IMV
  5. Any parking options handy nearby gents?
  6. If he gets high off his own supply i'll be following suit...
  7. Yes would much rather see this. The Doggies have one of the shortest forward line ups. No need for Petty down back this week if they bring Tomo as a late in (subject to Petty / team spending time training with him as a forward?).
  8. I was always sceptical of the multiverse theory Kev... until now!
  9. Yes i'll try and & get bro down. When do we get back to training there is the question?
  10. Sounds like hell (aka heaven) uncle ...good stuff
  11. Should've rolled the JVR die against Port! Never die wondering!
  12. Bit of deja vu there uncle! Wish i had $100 for everytime i've read this about the Weid
  13. Thanks Wheelo. Yes my weekly season averages table (vs prior season) is weighted and if a player doesn't play a full game (ie; subbed out / on) i adjust for that round to cater accordingly and ensure their averages are not skewed for comparative purposes.
  14. Might be none Mr Old. What's happened to BB's foot anyway? Didnt see anything during last week's game.
  15. Stilton or Pecorino with that Shiraz Mr Fence?
  16. Agree on Bedford DW. Work in progress but would like to see him retained. Showed some very promising signs in patches and just needs a good block of games to find his feet at the higher level.
  17. SPARGOAT pls Mono! Would you trust Daddoriaoso to give us anything but their flotsam & jetsam!?
  18. Has shown signs of brilliance in some of his games and hasn't had a real run at it given he's later in the pecking order behind Spargo & Kozzie. Some of his ground ball gets under pressure are as clean as i've seen. Same goes for the finish. This bloke knows where the goals are and is pretty accurate on conversion. Bit of a rarity nowadays. A good back up for Kozzie in my view and an up and coming option if we need to go with three smalls depending on match ups. BUGGER OFF BOMBERS...NO TRADE!!
  19. Sparrow's previous week against the Cats produced a lowly rating of 1.175 DW. Last week vs the Power 1.575 Both weeks way off his season average 2.822 If we do a very brainless / simple extrapolation and say he should in theory have a rating that's 20% higher vs the Cats (assuming the same game time of 80% vs Port). That would result in a rating of 1.410 vs the Cats. Still behind his match against the Power. But as stated who knows the reasoning behind some of these numbers. Without knowing the role being asked, loading issues, niggles, quality of opponent, being soft tagged, applying some sort of tag etc, many of these numbers/exercises are pure speculation and in some ways a bit meaningless as we are flying blind! With regard to the last part do you have/use Excel? I'm happy to send a copy of the season averages for all players to date on all stats i collect including TOG% if you want to have a look through. From there you can add your own list filters by stats to see highest/lowest in order to check rankings etc if interested. Alternatively just go to Wheelo's site up there which looks interesting and appears to offer good drill down options.
  20. Breaking this down into two sections DW. Firstly re TOG... it's a little like how long is a piece of string, bar injury or being subbed in. Also not knowing anything from the inside about loading / de-loading / niggles / mild illness / recovery from injury etc, it's a little hard to gauge how to utilise this into an overall rating DW. In some ways you could argue that a player coming on less, might be coming on in smaller spurts than say a player who is on 95% - 100% of the time and just may be hitting the turf with more energy in each of those stints. Maybe, and it's a big maybe, racking up a higher number of possessions per minutes played vs say a stayer, like Langdon etc, who might be fatiguing a fair bit in the latter part of quarters/matches, therefore getting a lower ratio of possessions per minute played in the last 5 minutes (or whatever) and possibly during patches in the middle or other stages of quarters later in games? There's also the role being asked. Heavy tag might involve more game time but less likely to be racking up the numbers. Or alternatively tagger's opponent might be playing heavy minutes up forward vs through the middle. Tagger only asked to cover mid-field minutes for short stints. Gets freed up to rack up some decent stats after oppo player goes forward (and someone else picks him up) and is still able to play a fair amount of game time due to not as much fatigue factor. Or the reverse might be true and tagged player is playing heavy mid field minutes. Tagger asked to cover for much longer through the middle, still gets reasonable game time, but doesn't rack up the numbers so much due to the heavy tag. There's a squillion other scenarios i'm sure. Having said that lets look at Harmes pre/post injury this season vs this season's average. Also Harmes this season vs last H&A average. Pre / Post injury vs last season's H&A average. Plus lets look at overall season so far vs his FInals average from 2021 including the GF. We can also look at last week's game as you mentioned although we should be pretty wary of looking at one off results IMHO (bar injury and being subbed or an injury that causes a player to miss the following week ie., carrying an injury through part of a match). Harmes 2022 H&A Pre Injury Ave TOG% = 71.75% Post Injury Ave TOG% = 75.00% Looking at his first two games back from injury he had a 69% & 71%. That's roughly about his pre injury average at 70%. His next three matches against the Lions, Crows & Cats 82%, 80% & 79% respectively (loading in game?). Followed by another 69% against the power (de-loading or other factor/s? Although this is actually still higher than pre-injury averages so go figure!). Harmes 2021 H&A Ave TOG% = 75.80% Harmes 2021 Finals Series Ave TOG% = 77.33% Looking at these averages, Harmes is playing more TOG% post his injury so in theory should be racking up a few more stats. But actually his rating is slowly dropping away vs his 2021 H&A season average rating and may well be dropping away vs his pre-injury rating. This has been a gradual drop off since his return it would seem. Could be something to do with fitness levels post the injury and ability to retain pre-injury levels of fitness? Is it purely a form issue? Really hard to tell unless inside the four walls and chatting to Harmes. All we can do is speculate. Having said that, 12% off his 2021 average rating is still gettable form for Harmes (assuming all is going right off the field) in time for a serious step up in output in time for a finals campaign.
  21. Makes sense. The impact (upside/downside) of playing Tomo (as long as it's in form Tomo) vs Petty as the 3rd tall defender will probably be marginal IMV. However, the potential upside of playing Petty forward (if he slots into that role quicky enough)? Reckon many will be coming out after a few matches and all saying "why did we/SG not try this earlier!" My gut feel is both Petty and Smith are both better forwards (natural playing instincts/ability) than they are defenders. More so Petty. That's not to say Petty is an ordinary defender... pretty solid.
  22. Weighted Average Scores up to & including Rnd 18, 2022 vs H&A Season 2021 Team score still indicating we are tracking just above 2021 season average. Player watch: Salem & Lever struggling after their returns and still a fair way off last season's average. Harmes slipping slightly away over the last few weeks as well. Viney, Gus, Jackson, ANB & Sparrow still significantly above their season 2021 averages. Kozzie making a late run on season 2021. Petracca starting to get some traction and now up 8% on 2021. Really stepped up in certain areas last week with Clarry out. Some of his season averages prior to Port Power... > Contested 12.5, Clearances 4.6 & Intercepts 2.5 Vs Power > Contested 17 (+4.5) Clearances 10 (+5.4) & Intercepts 7 (+4.5) Player 2022 Score 2022 Rank 2021 Score % Change vs 2021 2021 Rank Change in Rank vs 2021 C Oliver 5.536 1 5.258 5.29 1 0 C Petracca 4.376 2 4.041 8.29 2 0 Jack Viney 4.035 3 3.171 27.25 8 5 Steven May 3.977 4 3.926 1.30 3 -1 A Brayshaw 3.821 5 2.836 34.73 12 7 Ed Langdon 3.385 6 3.092 9.48 9 3 Max Gawn # 3.205 7 3.439 -6.80 7 0 C Salem 3.192 8 3.879 -17.71 4 -4 L Jackson # 3.127 9 2.355 32.78 21 12 J Harmes 3.081 10 3.520 -12.47 6 -4 J Jordon 3.031 11 2.908 4.23 10 -1 L Dunstan 3.025 12 - - - - Jake Lever 2.915 13 3.661 -20.38 5 -8 Jake Bowey 2.894 14 2.881 0.45 11 -3 Alex N-Bullen 2.831 15 2.388 18.55 19 4 T Sparrow 2.822 16 2.023 39.50 28 12 T Rivers 2.395 17 2.658 -9.89 13 -4 A Tomlinson 2.188 18 2.475 -11.60 16 -2 H Petty 2.168 19 2.086 3.93 26 7 C Spargo 2.087 20 2.068 0.92 27 7 K Pickett 2.061 21 2.378 -13.33 20 -1 T Bedford 2.009 22 - - - - Joel Smith 1.957 23 1.375 42.33 32 9 T McDonald # 1.939 24 2.516 -22.93 15 -9 J Hunt 1.927 25 2.597 -25.80 14 -11 Bayley Fritsch 1.887 26 2.155 -12.44 25 -1 S Weideman # 1.747 27 1.055 65.59 27 0 Ben Brown # 1.654 28 1.855 -10.84 30 2 J Melksham 1.575 29 1.853 -15.00 31 2 Mitch Brown 1.550 30 2.475 -37.37 16 -14 Daniel Turner>*TOG 49% 1.200 31 - - - - 68.16 67.23 1.38 # Hit outs to advantage not captured * Only played one match...not an average score > Subbed out
  23. Round 18, 2022 TIO Traegar Park - Demons vs Power Oi Oi Oi !!! We all knew Kozzie was capable of great feats. Being a rookie he was going to have his ups and downs in the first few years. But....i'm sure many of us were also waiting. Waiting to see something very special. We knew he had more in him, above and beyond even the best games witnessed so far. Well yesterday we got to see the 'A' game of one Mr K Pickett. And what a performance it was. How clean was that folks! When i first saw some of Kozzy's work in the 2019 national carnival & SANFL i thought "hello" what have we got here! Thank goodness we traded up. What a get. Let's look at how he scored his second highest result since joining the club. His best result (statistically) was a 4.275 vs the Hawks in Rnd 5, 2021... 12 effectives @ 86%, 2 marks inside 50, one 1 percenter, 3 inside 50s, 8 score involvements, 4 intercepts, 326 Meters gained (that's pretty special for a HF i would think), 6 goals and only 1 turnover. Tracc lays down another impressive result. His second best for the season with his best result in round 1 vs the Dogs with a massive 7.350 In what might be a good sign, that was also Big Benny's second best result for the season. His best was coincidentally against the Doggies in round one as well with a 3.150 He racked up 11 effectives @ 79%, 3 contested marks inside 50, 3 one percenters, 1 clearance, 1 inside 50, 2 tackles (one inside 50), 7 score involvements, 225 meters gaines, 1 hit out, 2 goals and 2 turnovers. Now that's more like it eh. Tomo also posting a very good result finishing in the top 5. Top 5 meters gained (MFC): Petracca 586, May 546, Langdon 499, Viney 473 & Gus with 416 Team score still a little off last season's average, missing by 7%. Player Score Rank C Petracca 6.950 1 K Pickett 4.000 2 A Brayshaw 3.775 3 Steven May 3.575 4 A Tomlinson 3.500 5 Ed Langdon 3.375 6 B Fritsch 3.225 7 L Jackson # 3.150 8 Ben Brown # 3.125 9 M Hibberd 2.800 10 Jack Viney 2.750 11 J Jordon 2.650 12 C Spargo 2.475 13 A N-Bullen 2.450 14 J Harmes 2.400 15 C Salem 2.000 16 J Melksham 2.000 16 Trent Rivers 1.975 18 Max Gawn # 1.900 19 T Sparrow 1.575 20 Jake Lever 1.400 21 T Bedford 1.325 22 Team Score 62.38 Top 6 25.18 Bottom 6 10.18 # Hit outs to advantage not captured Stats courtesy of footywire.com
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