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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Woke up cranky and hungover as [censored] (Chinese wine is the worst!). Opened the blinds and it’s typhoon weather, full day of meetings and talking to airline trying to work out if I can fly tomorrow. Needed to put my big girl pants (shorts actually because it’s 190 degrees here) on and get on with life. But in the back of my mind I am furious still. And gutted. Got myself a very expensive handbag to compensate for the pain. So now Melbourne are costing me anger and money. Bloody hell!
  2. This was probably our second most winnable game in the run home. Still have not beaten a side that matters. Maybe we fall into the 8. Maybe we don’t. Either way, this is another year of wasted potential.
  3. Tell that to my team that just lost with a kick after the siren ???? Just hoping I’ll be able to get out of here on Monday.
  4. I’m stuck in a typhoon. The sky literally is falling. God dammit Melbourne, you have cursed my life!
  5. Agreed. Stood up well. He is gutted. We’ve been gutted for decades. He can join the line.
  6. No, I’m merely suggesting that you’re on the wrong forum if you think anyone agrees with you that winning isn’t everything. In life it may not be, but in football, it is. If you’re not playing to win, then what the hell are you doing?
  7. This times 100 Sadly will never happen. Club wouldn’t have the balls.
  8. No because his teammates do not leave him out to dry. When they do, he takes dives and hits players while they’re down.
  9. How have we had a good run? Last year we played almost an entire season without Gawn and Hogan and half a season without Viney. This season it was TMac early. Then Lever, Hunt, Viney and now Stretch and Hibbo. We have had a shocking run. But we are not alone. We just happen to be excellent at finding ways to lose games.
  10. Wrong game. Wrong forum. Wrong. Winning IS everything. It’s because it is everything, that we have been nothing for 5 decades.
  11. Oh please, it would have made no difference to his match. He was nowhere to be seen when the pressure was on. Had Hogan stood up, it would have allowed us to clear more numbers out and load up the backline. Just as Geelong with Hawkins. But sadly he isn’t a big game player. Not yet anyway.
  12. We are also deeply unlucky (what’s new), that we need losing players that we desperately can’t replace. If Hunt was fit and playing, if Hibbo and Lever didn’t go down. If Viney could cut that [censored] toe off. This club has walked under a lot of ladders and killed a broken a lot of mirrors I think.
  13. I am still waiting for Hogan to stand up in a big pressure game. I like what I saw from Trac today, but Hogan goes to water when the heat really turns on, which is a massive worry.
  14. Nobody ever deserves a 0. Omac was hung out to dry and still had the composure to take a good mark and kick the ball nicely to Trac with a minute left. He had no help on Hawkins. They should have put Frost or TMac on him one minute into the last quarter. I am disappointed that I am yet to see Hogan ever stand up in big games. He is not a pressure player.
  15. Too gutted to watch the press conference. Did anyone ask him why he didn’t make a move on Hawkins earlier? Just once I want him to take some accountability. I’m sick of him never admitting that he’s [censored] up. It’s either blind stupidity or arrogance.
  16. I appreciate your positivity at a time when I want to go on a murderous rampage through Geelong, but after failing to take every chance we have had this year in close contests, what makes you think anything will change between now and the end of the season? We are definitely not getting key players back anytime soon. We are definitely not getting a new coach. What is going to change?
  17. I think you nailed it with your last line. The players worked bloody hard while the coaches had a nap. Not for the first time, a lot of questions need to be asked about matchups and game day moves. I thought the players all did their best, but nothing is more glaring in a close game than poor coaching and poor leadership. Sadly we suffer from both.
  18. They are so good at literally destroying our club. 186 wasn’t enough.
  19. Just ignore him. He is the most deluded apologist going around. Anyone who comes in here and tell anyone to stop being angry or upset, is a [censored]. This is a devastating, infuriating and potentially season ending loss. We can be as mad as we want.
  20. You can just put me on ignore if you don’t wanna read what I have to say, or F off.
  21. Hawkins kicked 7! They kicked 8 in that quarter. We had a big lead going into the last. We needed to defend more than attack. It was a BAD move to leave Omac on Hawkins. Even Frost was better, but it was too late.
  22. I’m not gonna talk about it either. I am too angry. Frost was a better option that our dumb coach tried far too late. How long can we keep being losers?
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