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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Another small piece of luck is that we did not need to travel this week, and Lever had his baby. I heard him on the Gus and Gawny podcast saying he will need to manage being at home for the birth if it happened while we were interstate. So lucky break there! Same with Tmac's newborn spending time in the hospital this week. If we were in a hub right now you would imagine he would fly home, and nobody would begrudge him that. No more babies due during the season, all safely out of the womb during byes and Victorian games. Well done everyone!
  2. Ridiculous. Who says if we played them next week they wouldn’t lose a different key player to injury in the game prior? It makes 0 difference if we play each other this week or next. It’s just a crying shame that both of these top of the ladder games have gone ahead with no crowds this year.
  3. Williams has said time and time again he doesn’t want to be a senior coach anymore. He is also not the right personality for a senior coach these days. He’s not people manager which is exactly what a senior coach is in modern footy. Yze is another story but I think Pies and Blues have too much pressure from members to go down an unknown path. I’m still backing Clarkson and Lyon for these two jobs.
  4. No matter how hard, the AFL will and should keep pushing on. Save the bye for when we can’t find venues or get teams to grounds or field sides due to isolation orders or a Covid out break. If we could do it last year we can do it this year. Just keep going.
  5. If we don't take advantage of this blessed and magical run of injuries in 2021, we are idiots. This sort of run is extremely unusual, and we will regret it if we don't capitalise on it. *Goes to knock on all available lockdown wood*
  6. I’m not sure how you can compare playing in Darwin at short notice versus playing at the MCG, a ground where Geelong will be playing finals in a few short weeks, and a ground that is literally an hour drive away! It’s actually not a disadvantage to play at the G! It might seem like a simple thing to move venues, but it’s not. Even with no crowds ground staff would be booked, broadcasting would be planned, security etc. just because it’s happening all the time now doesn’t make it easy. It’s happening out of absolute necessity. Moving Geelong’s game is not a necessity. It’s just another headache the AFL has rightly chosen to ignore. Edit: it was apparently denied due to commercial signage and the MCC agreement the AFL has in place. As I said, it’s not that simple to move games. It’s only happening out of sheer necessity.
  7. I am all for incentivising people to get vaccinated, but while our supply is so critically low, you simply can't punish people for the mistakes of the federal government. I am under 40. I don't think I should be punished because it is very hard for me to get access to any vaccine, even AZ, and I also shouldn't be punished for following the overwhelming health advice re: age, and I also shouldn't be punished for wanting to leave the AZ stocks we do have to people who are at higher risk than I am who are currently eligible for it and should rightly get it before I do.
  8. It’s a joke that all Victorian clubs don’t have to play there like us. But that aside, you can’t just move venues at the drop of a hat. The AFL is dealing with so much trying to keep the season going. Geelong’s minor inconvenience is literally the last of anyone’s concerns. That they even bring it up right now shows what a complete bunch of arrogant self centered [censored] they are.
  9. Why don’t they have timed tickets for entry? You buy your ticket and you have a 10-15 min window given to you to enter the ground. If you miss that time slot you need to wait until everyone else has been let in. It’s also a lot safer from a security point of view. Lots of big events overseas do it for safety measures. Not to mention they must enforce mask wearing at all times unless seated. Most people don’t bother with masks outside of the ground when in fact it’s the most crowded. And FFS open up the entire ground. Then you can skip every second bay or every second row and reduce transmission.
  10. I really hope that our players are being told to limit their movements. Even once lockdown is lifted, and I know it’s hard because they deserve a life, but finals are so close. That sacrifice could make a massive difference. If we lose players to isolation or Covid it could cost us a flag.
  11. It does seem unlikely. However a week is a long long time in this pandemic.
  12. Our lockdown won’t end tomorrow which is no surprise. Good luck getting to the G before September.
  13. They have a seriously enviable culture and attitude. They are a very scary finals proposition. They haven't uttered a single boo about their last month which has been riddled with changes and hubs and being separated from their families. What a contrast to the constant moaning from Richmond and Geelong. If they win the flag this year, I would not be surprised.
  14. I will eat my hat if we are allowed crowds at games in Victoria in the next 2-3 weeks. Given the spread at the MCG the argument to allow crowds becomes ever harder to make while we still have cases and while NSW is still a clusterfudge.
  15. I believe there was a practice game with a few Victorian clubs and we were involved as well. Not sure who played.
  16. Sydney can absolutely go all the way. They are a scary proposition when they’re on and the team most like us in terms of game plan and contested footy.
  17. I don’t understand this thinking. So if we played them in two weeks we could beat them but playing them next week means we lose? We aren’t carrying significant injuries. Nothing will be different next week to the week after, except for perhaps a small-ish crowd.
  18. GWS should change their name to WTF!
  19. Unless they play an interstate side it won’t happen. Firstly Marvel will be considered a greater Covid risk due to the roof and the narrow entrances. Secondly the AFL is a lot more likely to push for bigger crowds at the G come finals because of the space and the ability to social distance.
  20. GWS helping the cause of keeping Sydney out of the top 4. Let’s hope they keep it up. We need a few more things to go right after last night’s debacle
  21. Thank god, a game against a top 8 side. Can’t possibly lose now.
  22. Probably because the AFL has bigger issues to deal with than Geelong’s sooking. Even with no crowd moving games and venues is a big job. AFL doesn’t need to waste their precious little time on this bull crap.
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