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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I wouldn't bet my house on it just yet... He's been named on the extended bench according to Ch.10
  2. Exactly. If we don't take a chance on him, someone else will. He might be a failure, but so might anyone else we appoint (Connolly?! <_< ). However, if the risk comes off, it will come off in a huge way and we'll reap the rewards for having the balls to make the move early. He won't be available at the end of 2007... in fact, this might be our one and only chance to get him.
  3. How many 22 year olds with less than 100 games experience get asked to lend a hand in the box? I certainly don't remember any. The Judd, if he was injured, might get a gig. Who else? You usually see senior players in there, and even that doesn't happen often. Personally I think it's great. He'll learn much more than if he just walked laps for the rest of the year.
  4. He'd love Byron Pickett, they can have eating contests together... And why oh why is Chris 'Marshmallow' Connolly still at such short odds? :angry:
  5. Fantastic news, especially in regards to Rivers. It's important that we keep these players involved, even if their season is over on the field. It will keep them motivated and interested. I'm liking Riley a lot so far, especially since he doesn't spin any [censored]. Just tells you how it is and gets on with it. Interesting that he said the club will try to get Bryon to 200 games. He is a real goner come the end of the season, but I do hope he gets his 200 games. P.S.- How highly does the club rate Rivers?! Getting a 22 year old to assist with the coaching... what a vote of confidence!
  6. Has a year left on his contract. Can't see him pulling the plug early, although it could free up a spot on the veterans list (Whitey can take it), leaving extra room in our salary cap, which would be handy.
  7. Actually I saw it, threw up a little, and chucked the paper in the bin... Of course, if the same unfortunate misprint happened to the guy on the left, I probably would have framed it
  8. I'm so sorry to hear that Ash. I couldn't begin to imagine what it would be like to lose a child. Rant away, you're not the only one who comes on here to vent their anger/frustration
  9. It's all one big positive imo, especially Wheels, Bartram and Rivers having the rest of the year off to get themselves right. They are three key players and they need to be fit for next season. Buckley sounds like a good chance to debut as well, which is exciting.
  10. Given this week is based on the 70's and 80's, what else are we meant to wear? Besides, for once, losing might not be such a bad thing.... it'll sure [censored] Carlton off!
  11. Honestly, I'm a bit over this season and the sooner it ends, the quicker we can start the new chapter of MFC's history. 2008 is going to be a big year off the field for the club, as it is our 150th year. Hopefully the on-field action will match the celebrations. And trust bloody Melbourne to be dominating and participating in finals next year when I'm away at the end of September! <_<
  12. Disagree. You were enlarging Didak's groin area... it's disturbing regardless of gender *Vomit*
  13. Thanks everyone. That Brock picture is absolute gold. What a legend!
  14. Cheers for the info. Why don't they just pull the plug on him and let him have the rest of the season off? I'm not liking this 1-2 week injury of his. It must be one hell of a stubborn hamstring!
  15. Memberships are not about value for money (which often they actually are), their value lies in the fact that they help our club to compete with the rich, successful clubs... so that we don't have to have team meetings in a tin shed (which we currently do). I drive past Junction Oval nearly everyday on my way to uni, and that place is falling apart. It would be a huge lift for the club to move to some decent facilities, which will be happening shortly, and then of course there is the issue of how much we can afford to pay our staff and football department. We can't afford to send our players to ice rehabilitation in L.A., hell we can't afford those fancy ice- helmets either, but we need to be able to compete on the most basic level, by having as many trainers, development staff, equipment and so on.
  16. Now now children. As amusing as I find this argument, and god knows I find it VERY amusing, lets just end it by saying that not everyone here knows what they are talking about, but everyone is still allowed to talk. This entire thread has turned into a circus, it started out reasonably well, but now we're trading kids to get better kids and Ferguson is a youngster. My head hurts just trying to make sense of it all. So let's move on. Plenty other threads to bicker in.
  17. Yep, read it this morning. As I said all along, he had nothing to do with the story. But hey, in the future, we shouldn't let facts get in our way of pointing the finger at our own players! We should defend them to the death when they stuff up on the field, but if they go out and have a beer at a strip joint, we should hang them.
  18. No, not on TV. I was at the game and saw the scuffle and I don't remember thinking "gees, he'll get done for that". There was very little in the whole thing, just Carroll getting bored and wanting to start a punch-up for fun (a weekly event which has most FF's sucked in). He'll probably get off Ash... in the tribunal we trust! <_<
  19. Ha... Ha... Ha Look at that list, what a joke! Neita has a hamstring injury now as well, does he? Yze, Bartram and 122 (that's Rivers for those who haven't figured it out) are done for this season. I've had enough of 2007. Send everyone into surgery, wrap them in cotton wool, and start again in October. And without knowing anything about physiology or sports science, I dare suggest that we need to look at the fact that in Bodan's first season at the club, we've had more injuries than I can remember. Probably not his fault, but we can't rule it out. Especially given we'll review the entire football department in the next few months.
  20. 6- Junior 5- Sylvia 4- Neita (bravery points!) 3- Godfrey 2- Bate 1- Would it be lame if I gave Newton a vote? (otherwise Davey)
  21. My comment was clearly tongue in cheek. However, as far as I'm concerned, losing from now on is as much a positive as winning. If we win, great, if we lose, we're one game closer to getting a good draft pick. I don't want us to do what Carlton is doing, and tank in the most obvious of ways, but I won't be happy if we waste the rest of the season playing ordinary senior players, playing unfit players, and not playing the kids in order to win a few extra games. We need to use this season to our advantage, and a huge advantage would be to finish bottom 3 and gain some good draft picks. Nothing would be worse than finishing 10th. Whether you agree with it or not, the AFL rewards clubs who have bad seasons. We should cash in on that.
  22. Hmmm, I'm still not sure exactly what he's done to deserve the suspension. This has 'tank' written all over it. They want our draft picks and I'll be damned if I let those scum have it. Come on Melbourne, get beaten (you've been so good at it all year)!
  23. Bell, as much as I've been obsessed with getting him into the midfield in the past, is very much needed in the backline. Our need in defence is greater right now. Bartram will play a tagging role, so he'll find himself all over I would suggest. At least for the next few years. Am keen to look at Warnock for the rest of the season. The club obviously saw something in him to promote him, and he wasn't too bad earlier in the season but got dropped. He needs to play out the year.
  24. Have they got odds regarding what Melbourne supporters will do if the club appoints Connolly as head coach? You know.... - Not renew membership $2.50 - Relocate to Mt. Buller $1.50 - Burn down Junction Oval $1.20
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