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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I usually disagree with everything you say, and it does seem a bit early to be attacking players, but I can't help agreeing. He ducked his head consistently, and his kicking is deplorable. We're all aware that he has struggled with a knee injury lately, but that is no excuse for not going when it is your turn. Nor is it a reason to handball to Brock McLean who is surrounded by 3 Hawthorn players because you don't want to take the hit. Infuriating. Sadly, he is not the only senior player who has been going downhill for a few seasons now. It's time to face facts. These senior players, with the exception of Neitz, will never give us what we want. So either we completely let go of all expectations, or we simply stop rewarding them with games.
  2. Always... 1. Garland, Morton and Weetra have (another) game under their belt. Thought Garland fought admirably given the circumstances. 2. Bell wasn't horribly bad. 3. Moloney played the best I have seen him play since before his injury. Moved freely at last. 4. We have Bate, Rivers, Bartram, Sylvia, Dunn and Whelan to come back and replace some of our pathetic senior players who don't deserve to wear red and blue 5. No injuries!!!! 6. It can't get much worse... please oh please tell me it can't get much worse!
  3. For the first time in my life, I am speechless. Also for the first time in my life I left the ground at 3/4 time. Really couldn't take it anymore. Every Hawthorn goal was like a knife to the heart. Will be interesting to see what Bailey does next. If I was coach I'd seriously contemplate throwing footballs at the players' head repetitively.
  4. I skipped all the negative [censored] and moved along to the articles that were actually interesting (laughed quite hard about the article on Dean Bailey). Like I said a few days ago, I am sick and tired of the moaning and bitching that goes on in the media, on here, wherever about this club. The same old stuff is brought up, we have no home, we have no money, we haven't won a premiership in over 40 years. Yawn! If we win today, all of a sudden we're a club going places. It's a media beat-up. At the end of the day any publicity is good publicity, and to open the paper and see 3 big articles about our club is fantastic. If all the negative words encourage some of our pathetic 'fans' to get on board and buy a membership, great. But for those of us who actually know what's going on at the club, and who support the organisation regardless of results, these articles are completely useless. In fact, if I hear one more 'journalist' harp on about us having no home, I will quite literally spew. We have a home, it is in the process of being built. Short of laying the foundation ourselves, there is nothing we can do to hurry the build along. Lets get a huge turnout to the match today, and get a win. Maybe tomorrow's headline will read "No money, no home, but one hell of a victory"
  5. Congratulations to both the boys. I get the feeling, reading the article, that Weetra has been brought in to cover for Davey up forward, as he will now be mainly used in the midfield. If Weetra can bring the same forward pressure Davey does, he'll have a long career.
  6. Edit: Just saw the article on the website. Here is a link for anyone who is interested. Surprised that both Frawley and Bode missed out. If Williams or Franklin run riot, we won't have many options to switch the backline around. Congratulations to both Morton and Weetra. Fantastic for both of them to be selected this early in the season.
  7. Was barracking hard for Richmond last night. Filthy arrogant cheats deserve to lose, and lets just say Judd didn't seem too bothered. I'm sure he'll sleep well on his piles of money.
  8. Well that's a letdown. No Bartram, Rivers or Whelan. Serves me right for taking note of the Footy Show! Bench should be: Frawley, PJ/Jamar, Moloney and Morton.
  9. I like the commercial, but there is no mention of Melbourne and that really pisses me off. It's OUR 150th birthday, not the AFL's. The competition was not created 150 years ago, rather the MFC came into existence. But as usual, the AFL just take and take. If we had the money, I would love the MFC to run a TV ad with the message 'if you love your footy, you have the Melbourne Football Club to thank'.
  10. Hooray for Rivers (stupid me didn't pick that up on The Footy Show. Glad not every Demonland member is blind ). Very strange that Bell has been named on the bench. He is the perfect match-up for Williams, so not sure what the deal is there. Bench would probably be Petterd, Bell, Dunn and PJ/Jamar. Mind you, Buckley deserves to play, so perhaps Dunn will miss out, or perhaps a late change with one of Whelan or Bartram not playing. Miller and Carroll to take on Buddy? And I would love to see Bartram play a run-with-role on Mitchell. If we shut him down, we are half way there given no Hodge and no Crawf. Interesting that Green has been named in the forward line and Davey in the midfield. BRING IT ON! :D
  11. Yep just saw the other thread and apperantly he was. Please ignore everything I just said. Rivers was named on extended bench, and I must have missed it because I was jumping for joy when I saw Bartram's name up there.
  12. Whelan and Bartram both named in the starting 18 for Round 1 (just shown on The Footy Show). Maric, Dunn and Petterd named on a VERY extended bench, but no Morton or Rivers. A bit of a worry that Bartram and Wheels both came up but Rivers is still with Sandy. Hopefully that is not a sign that he pulled up sore or anything. However, absolutely brilliant news for Wheels and Bartram. After the depressing reports we've been getting about their progress, it's great to have both named in the side. Unfortunately, because of the number of players they had up on the team sheet, I didn't catch who our second ruckman is going to be, or whether Bruce was named. CHF was Robbo, and CHB Miller. Not that it means much.
  13. Don't care about the almanac much, but the stickers are awesome! Every year I complain about the crap quality and general ugliness of the stickers, but this year they are definitely worth the wait. 2 of the 4 stickers are now proudly displayed on my car :D H.B.K, as we don't pick up our gifts until Round 1 (you are obviously a country/ interstate member), can you tell me whether the club logo on the tie is embroidered or printed?
  14. Exactly. It's very rare that you hear Lyon promoting the club in a positive way. He mostly makes no comment, or discusses negative issues. I would love if, for once, he actually showed some bias towards us and really stood up for the club in the media. As a journalist, he chooses not to do that, and the same goes for Ox. Being overly bias is silly and annoying, but a good word here and there wouldn't hurt. We get attacked from every angle, and we get over it, but when the people who are meant to be on your side pick at your flaws, it really does hurt.
  15. If it was Neita, he wouldn't have a long list of previous incidents. Everyone deserves a second chance, but Sylvia has had more than enough chances, as has Fevola. Funny how Fev was suspended last year for a smaller incident, when the Blues weren't all that keen on winning. Double standards?
  16. The day we start following the CFC, is a bad day indeed. By the way, Sylvia never was, nor is he currently one of our best players.
  17. Me too! The stickers are not only nice and simplistic, but they also look like they are much better quality (thicker paper, deeper colours).
  18. Now people can stop going on and on about how we're a rabble being kept alive due only to the AFL's money. The AFL is just spinning the money distribution the way they want to. I hope our new CEO highlights these figures ASAP and ensures that ignorant supporters are not fooled into believing that Melbourne is one of the only club that gets AFL money. Every single club in the competition is being kept alive by the AFL.
  19. I'd rather Frawley at CHB and Dunn at CHF. Seeing Dutchy line up at CHB, is just going back instead of moving forward. Miller at CHB is an option, but he most definitely should not go anywhere near Buddy. I also don't mind the suggestion of Dunn on Franklin.
  20. Fantastic news. And may all the nay-sayers go and stick their damn criticism where the sun don't shine. GO DEES!
  21. It's as if I've died and gone to hell
  22. We need help from former players who can drive the elusive corporate support essential to the bottomline. How is writing negative articles about Melbourne going to do that Gary? If you think we're in trouble, come in and help, instead of publicly sinking the boot in. Yes he is a journalist, but I thought he was a Melbourne man first. And where were you last night when PG was staring you in the face? Why didn't you speak up then?
  23. Lightweight interview with nothing important said. The board chose a CEO tonight, and the club will announce it before Round 1. Apart from that, it was the same old shite. How 4 people could come up with such a boring interview, is beyond me. Bailey is next!
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