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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. That's probably the thing I love most about Garland. He really is very determined, and I often see him punching the ground in anger when he loses a contest. I love players who hate losing even one single contest, it shows how much they care about the jumper.
  2. Fair enough, but again his output last season stands at a grand total of 2 games. IMO that's not enough to classify someone as 'most improved'. He has been fantastic this year, without a doubt, and he has exceeded most people's expectations, but IMO it is a lot harder to improve when you've been in the system for a number of years, then it is when you are growing in experience. That's why guys like Miller, Wheatley etc... are real improvers, because after many years in the system they are finally showing us what they are capable of. Whereas with Garland, there is almost nothing to compare his current form to. This really does sound like I don't rate Garland or his development
  3. Can I just make it clear that I am by no means trying to belittle the development or form of Garland. He has been an absolute revelation at FB and has impressed me beyond expectations. IMO those who think he is 'most improved' are probably those who thought he won't make it after 4 senior games. And Garland may not be a first year player, but he has spent a lot less time playing football than both Morton and Aussie, so he is pretty much on a level playing field.
  4. I think you misunderstood what I was saying. Garland played 2 AFL games in 2007. How many players establish themselves in their club's best 22 after two senior games? He then went on to play 2 average games this year, and has since really established himself and grown in confidence. That is just the natural progression that most young players take. If we're going to award Garland the tag of 'most improved', we might as well mention Aussie and Morton as well. When I think of a player who has really improved this year, I think of players who have been in the system for a while and are now showing real signs of maturity. For example Miller, Wheatley and even CJ has started showing glimpses of real improvement. Garland was always going to improve with age and experience... I just can't believe it took him a whole 13 games to do it!
  5. How does one win the award for most improved, when one has only played 4 games prior to 'improving'?
  6. Way overdue. Should have got it the week he beat Franklin. Well done Col, and may you continue to serve humble pie to all those who put a line through your career after a grand total of 4 matches
  7. If he wants to stay in Victoria he has to nominate for the draft this year, or he's going to the Gold Coast next year. This has "stay away W.A." written all over it. Excellent!
  8. I think I read somewhere that Watts is committed to finishing year 12 next year, and will stay in Melbourne to do so even if he gets picked up by a W.A. team.
  9. I like what they are doing with Maric, making him understand the need for accountability by playing him in the backline.
  10. Winning is probably not our number one priority, list development is, as evident by the continuous changes made to the team each week, and the fact that Bruce is our oldest player at the moment. However, the longer these kids play together, the more comfortable they become with the dynamics of the group and with the game plan, and if they win along the way because they are finally playing tough, accountable football, well you can't deny them that. We are obviously not risking anyone who is less than 100% fit, and we're playing the kids, you can't try and lose any harder than that... not if you want to develop a long-term winning culture, which is equally if not more important than having first pick (which I desperately want!)
  11. *Falls off chair* I could think of far worse things than Brad Miller being appointed captain of the MFC.
  12. You just know they'll give the award to Kruezer because "OMG he was like the number one pick" Aussie deserves to finish top 3, he is our leading goal kicker ffs! Oh and Garland most certainly deserves a nomination, but I won't hold my breath.
  13. Yeah totally. Our facilities are so bad, he got an infectious disease while there... you know lazyitous. This sounds like a completely false rumour (for a change ), but even if it's true, he can keep on dreaming.
  14. Jared Rivers, so that when one is injured, the other one can play... or Brock for the same reason
  15. From members' email: Sunday’s win was not the weekend’s only positive news, with our membership tally breaking 29,000 for the first time. Our final membership number for 2008 will be announced later this week.
  16. Argh!!!!! Can't believe he played out the match with a broken ankle, the man is insane! Does this blow his chances to be captain next year?
  17. To his credit Minson did apologise, but you have to wonder what sort of a brain fart would lead to someone having a dig at a sick 2 year old. I really don't buy the whole "heat of the moment" argument. You're playing football for god's sake, your brain cannot possibly be so pre-occupied that it leads to verbal diarrhea of such epic proportions. I'm just waiting for the first genius player to have a crack at his Richmond opponent about Graham Polak
  18. I want Garland on Johnson, and Dunn on Cooney.
  19. http://bigpondvideo.com/afl/62956 Funny stuff. Took about 7 minutes for everyone to get themselves organised. You can hear the players yelling out for 'Bails', 'Cuddles' and 'Stynesy'. :D
  20. Apperantly has is doing well now, and has even managed to get up from his bed. I wish him a speedy and full recovery!
  21. He couldn't walk after the game. If you watch the replay of the last quarter you can see him after the siren limping very badly. I thought it was fantastic that he willed himself to get back on the ground, and even though he was in obvious pain he still put himself in the contest and threw his body around the packs. A sign of someone who desperately wants to help out his teammates. Since I sit near the bench, I could see him talking to the physio as he was testing his ankle on the boundary line and he was desperate to come back on the ground even before half time. :wub:
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