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Winners at last

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Everything posted by Winners at last

  1. I think that wearing gloves is clear evidence of tanking.
  2. Not an actual quote? Really? I could imagine Mitch using the word "smite".
  3. I've been watching Real Humans on SBS, Saturday nights. Really good.
  4. The Club's record over the past 5 years speaks for itself. There is only one way to change perceptions, and that is (sustained) success.
  5. For some reason, Gilies reminds me of Clint Bizzell. Hopefully he performs as well. It could be hard to break into the backline, but if so Garland looks to be the player under the most threat.
  6. Jordie McKenzie = great trier and probably a great bloke. But I'm not convinced he'll be in the 22 every week.
  7. I was at that match. Yes, he got a lot of touches, but Saints didn't bother manning up on him at all. Presumably because he did no damage when he got the ball. I certainly hope he succeeds, but I don't think you could read much into his performance that day.
  8. I am a grammar Nazi. "Its" as you have used it is a pronoun. Pronouns do not have apostrophes. Or to put it another way pron'oun's do no't have apo'strophe's.
  9. Does anyone else think that Grimes could be our version of Luke Hodge?
  10. I was thinking of asking for this week's Tattslotto numbers.
  11. Thunderbird 2 was my favourite. I find sniffing people really annoying. Blow your noses morons. If I'm sitting near a sniffer on the train, I move. Accordingly if I was sitting near Parker on a train, I'd move.
  12. Thanks guys. The accident was entirely my own fault. No other party involved. I went round a bend on the bike path near Collingwood Childrens Farm too fast. There was gravel all over the path. (Never been gravel there before.) I had nowhere else to go other than AOT. The rest is history. I have recovered from the broken ribs reasonably. It only hurts when I laugh. I had to stop watching Ricky Gervais on TV last week for this reason!! I'm recovering from a shoulder operation, but it is very slow going. I have to have a second operation in a few months to remove the metalwork. It will be a fair while before I'm back on the bike. And I will certainly be riding a lot slower and more conservatively. Shame really cos I'm not particularly into exercise and my fitness had certainly improved over the past couple of years. My neighbour (60+) was knocked off his bike about 6 months earlier and suffered a a compound fracture of his elbow. And when I was in hospital (RMH - dont start me on the treatment I received there!!!!!!), the woman in the same room had suffered a shockingly broken leg after being knocked off her bike. So, fellow bike riders, take care!!!!
  13. There is a sequel to my story. Not a happy one. I bought an Avanti Blade 4. A lovely bike. Relatively light and fast. Unfortunately on 28 November 2012 I came off the bike at relatively high speed. 7 broken ribs, 4 fractured vertebrae, broken shoulder + bruised lung. Oh, the bike is basically ok, but I haven't ridden it since. I'm still recovering. Expressions of sympathy gratefully accepted.
  14. I want a bike that is relatively light, and reasonably fast. I have back problems, so a drop bar racer wont work for me. I've virtually narrowed down my search to Scott Metrix 20 and Avanti Blade 4. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
  15. Perhaps you should also try "to" avoid such cliches??
  16. Can't say I'm overly keen on him, but he'll get the job.
  17. I thought you were the egg man!!!
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