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Winners at last

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Everything posted by Winners at last

  1. Tapscott has some currency? I suspect his value could be measured in Zimbabwian dollars.
  2. Spot on Tony. I've always found it amusing that posters from time to time suggest trading Sylvia/Watts/[insert any other player's name] for Ablett/Pendlebury or some other absolute gun!!! Or the suggestion that Dunn/Davey/[again, insert any other dispensable player's name, it used to be Bate] be thrown in to sweeten the deal. Reality check!! Throw in a packet of Clinkers. Now you're talking!!!
  3. Does anyone else remember the video of Voss' "bravery" outside the venue where he had an "altercation" with another "gentleman"? Voss has always been a media darling, so it didn't get any real publicity at the time.
  4. He is a sad shadow of his former self. Come to think of it, his former self wasn't even much chop.
  5. Lenny Hayes is clearly a terrific bloke and role model. But that doesn't necessarily mean he would make a good assistant coach. I don't think the Club can afford to employ any more first timers.
  6. I think the tendency of posters to use apostrophes in pronouns is far worse than the situation regarding Jack Watts.
  7. Best player I've seen = Carey. Best Demons player = Flower.
  8. Hey, LW, are you my ex wife? If not, it's the sorta stuff she'd quote!!!
  9. How many times have players stood back rather than move to the ball with hands out? Answer - quite a few.
  10. skills pitiful. How often are passes too high/excessive hangtime? And person getting the pass not moving towards the ball.
  11. Jetta. Dropped a sitter 10 metres out. Turnover. Richmond goal.
  12. No hope. However the pathetic efforts this season certainly present the team with plenty of "improvement opportunities" (to use corporate speak).
  13. You've got to be kidding!! Don't you remember who perpetrated that vicious assault on Daniel Bell?
  14. Cant stand how McAvaney kept referring to "LRT". Even after he went off injured. So jerky. He seems to have a man crush.
  15. I'm very confident that MFC will win this one. (Famous last words?) If not, the Club should change its theme song to The End. (For all the youngies, it's a song by The Doors.)
  16. Perhaps signs of lack of awareness/footy smarts/confidence/options upfield to kick to? Garry Lyon had great awareness. So did Hird. Those guys never got caught or had kicks smothered.
  17. Why is Trengove in the photo of the team supposed walking off after the Port Power loss? That aside, can't disagree with him.
  18. I just put $100 on Essendon. Hope i lose my money.
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